Sunday, November 22, 2009


Does your mojo go out the window when you get frogs? Mine does. It's usually very temporary and comes right back after a short break. Sometimes, not very often, but sometimes I never pick up that project again. Has that ever happened to you? Of course, I wouldn't let that happen with Crabby All Year! I'm too close to finishing!

Here is where I'm at with Crabby November after the frogged coat episode. I didn't stitch again until yesterday but I made some progress.

I am dreading the coming work-week. As most of you know I work in a grocery store. It is a very scary place to work the couple of days before a major holiday, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will be crazy busy and have to deal with cranky customers who put off every bit of their holiday shopping until the very last second. If you all could do me a favor? Please be kind to the people that serve you. I know you are tired and stressed but don't take it out on your cashier. Thanks!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. It's a good reminder for us to be kind to the checkers at the stores. A simple smile and a little more patience than usual will keep us all a little happier when we shop and prepare for the holidays.

    Hope it's a better than expected week for you!

  2. I've been known to put a project away forever that had a major frogging, although usually I'll pull it out again in a month or so and then just deal with it.

    I just came from doing a major shopping at the grocery store that was packed, packed, packed. And yet, surprisingly, everyone was very nice and low-key and there were lots of pleases and excuse me's for a change. I imagine that will disappear over the next few days, sadly. Good luck. As I get older, I get less tolerant of rudeness, and I'd be tempted to tell some customers off.

  3. I've only had one project I ditched because of frogs. TW's Peacock Tapestry. I did the outline for the border most of the motifs, then switched over to the peacock and about 75% done realized that I'd miscounted the border and left out a few motifs. Which meant that I had to frog the entire border and redo it. I hated that border, and no way was I redoing it. So PT is lost to me.
    Someday I may restart since the peacock is beautiful, but I'll probably leave out the border.

    Your November is coming well.

  4. Mine goes running as fast as it can away when I have to frog.

    Thank you for your comments about being kind to retail workers. People can be EVIL at the holidays. That is why I always try to tell the cashiers to have a great day when I'm done with our transaction.

  5. I feel for you! I'm the kind of person that avoids crowds at all costs so if the grocery store is open at 6am I'm there.

    My daughter somehow talked me into going to the mall today! On a the afternoon. The HORROR!!!

    Wishing you a stress free work week.

  6. kindness seems to be the theme today on the blogs I am reading! I will certainly try my best not to be cranky at the help this year.

  7. Hi Sharon,

    Yes, Ma'am. I'll be good!

    Actually DH just called me as I'm home waiting for him to come home from the grocery store so we can go out for dinner. He's been in line 45 minutes as they are having major problems with the checkout process. Yes, he's being kind the cashiers but he said the turkey has already started thawing! :-)

    Windy Meadow

  8. Hi,
    I hope you finish your crabby soon and have a wonderful week at work.

  9. Crabby November is coming along nicely. I work a service job too and I always try to be nice to others in service. Take a deep breath and take one day at a time. (That's what I tell myself)

  10. Ok, I will try to be nice. Actually, I was nice. The checker at the Wal-Mart last night was the rudest checker I have ever had in my entire life. I resisted the urge to ask for the manager even though he told me 4 times he was ready to leave and I was his last customer. He even asked my husband if he was almost through unloading the basket because he wanted to go home. But I WAS NICE. Happy freakin' holiday!. Seriously, have a happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Please don't let some darn frogs bug you!!!! Crabby is such an interesting piece, and watching it coming together is so much fun~~
    Good luck with your work!!!! It does become quite crazy during holiday seasons!!!

  12. Definitely know what you mean. Spent about an hour frogging a small portion stitched over one on 25 ct...thought I was going to pull my hair out. Had known it would be that difficult I think I would have left it!

    Did my shopping today so I won't be crowding the stores anytime this week or weekend! Hope you have peaceful and calm week!

  13. Oh, I've been known to put a project aside for a month or so because of frogs. Last major frog was Snapper Year. I didn't pick it up again for another couple of months.

    Good luck at work this week. I don't like the grocery store on a regular day. I try to avoid it all together during Thanksgiving week...good thing my bf stocked me up with soup and stew. Should get me to Thursday! lol Hang in there...

  14. Where are the olives?
    No not that kind-- the onter ones. You know the little green ones with the red bits.

    How come you don't have any more pumpkin pies. I'm supposed to bring them to dinner ad I'm due there in an hour. How dare you be out!

    Just thought I'd start boosting your immunity to stupid holiday shoppers.

    Good luck this week. I bet you get to Thanksgiving dinner and just want a nap.

  15. i will smile and think of you at the check out
    yes i will

    have a good start of the week

    frog be gone.....vooba vooba
    like a magic incantation

  16. It's amazing how some people can be, isn't it?? They talk about holiday spirit, but some are inclined to only save that for family and don't care about any one else... Wishing you a stress-free week!!

    Oh, and Crabby looks great!! :)

  17. I used to be a cashier in a grocery store. The good thing about the hoidays is that we always had plenty of help - unlike the other times of the year. My years in a front line customer service job taught me a lot.

  18. Frogs are BAD mojo stealers..mine left for the night. I hope it (mojo) will be back for ornament making in the morning!

  19. looking forward to see your finished crabby.

    wishing you nice time at the work...

  20. Your stitching is coming along nicely. I know what you mean by being put off by frogging - I lose all interest in the piece.

    Good luck with your work this week and also with Christmas coming up in 3 weeks time.

  21. Oh, I hope your mojo isn't gone for too long, I love watching Crabby. That pot roast back a ways looked pretty darned good too (LOL) but maybe not quite as good as your Totally Useless Containers, he he he he he he.

  22. Crabby is going to be stunning, the frogs are only jealous ;)
    I'll think of you at work, its not a holiday here so the supermarkets are quite normal, but the week before Christmas is manic even with 24hour opening. Thank goodness for Tesco online is all I can say

  23. I'm always nice to the cashier, but they aren't always nice to me.....

    Your progress is great on Crabby November....

  24. I hope your hours at the grocery store go by quickly this week, Sharon. Working with the public takes a lot of tact and a good sense of humor (which I know you possess!!), doesn't it?

    Crabby is coming along great--hope you don't get too many "crabby" customers...

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  25. Deep breaths and a smile, thats what i tell my DD, she works in customer service.

    Hope you have a good week and its not as bad as you think it might be.

    Crabby looks great!

  26. Well I am with you, amen to all the store workers over the festive holidays.

  27. I promise to spread as much love and cheer (like Jesus would want me to!) as possible when I shop around. Thanks for the reminder!
    Love your Crabby - glad the froggies have leaped away. :)

  28. I am one of those that try to avoid the grocery store so close to a major holiday! Too busy and crazy for me so I feel for you :) Trust me I work in the library and we get the same panicked rush to get those books out! LOL.

  29. PS I am at :-)

  30. Amicable purrs! Oh, I like that!

    Hi - I am an Elizabethan/Goldwork/Stumpwork embroiderer that was enjoying peeing at the Peacock Stitchalong group occasionally (I do love the main piece).
    However, it won't let me in now unless "I have an invitation from the author".
    Could we organize this please?
    best regards,

  31. Crabby Year is looking great! Don't let that little green amphibian push you around. Kick him to the curb ;o)

    Good luck over the next few days. I'll be thinking of you working hard :oS

  32. I was in retail once upon a time ago...
    Customers are always right, lol
    and they are down right rude.
    I try to be extra sweet to them.
    Although one of my co-workers treated the customers terrible.
    Crabby is looking great.
    No more frogging!!!

  33. Crabby is coming along so nicely
    Good luck with your job!

  34. Whenever I have to frog more than let's say 20 stitches I want to put the stitching aside and then I promise myself that I can put it away when the stitches are taken out. But then I get ambitious and want to go on with my stitching in order to see that the mistake doesn't happen again. And then I just continue stitching ... lol.

  35. I still haven't done much with Sea Stars since a major frog attack. :0( Crabby is looking good. :0)
    My DSis works in a store too - some of the things customers say & do leave me speechless. I wouldn't have the patience, so lots of (((((hugs))))).


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