Monday, November 30, 2009

November is over...

...and, thank God, it only has 30 days! Today is the last day of National Blog Posting Month and I have made a post every day in November. Some days were tough and it was difficult to come up with something post-worthy. More thanks for Wordless Wednesdays, lol! It isn't hard to make a post every day but it IS hard to make a good post every day! I didn't want to just post crap, I wanted the posts to be relevant to my blog. And I did it! I bet you thought I'd never shut up? Honestly, thank you all for putting up with me the past 30 days. Your frequent comments and support really meant a lot to me. *hugs*

Yesterday, when I was gathering the stuff for photos, I found these two bundled sets of floss. What did I buy them for? Was there a project in mind? I am confused. I'm now thinking the one on the right might be for the When Barnabee met Bella Biscornu but I have no clue what the other group is for. I'll keep them separate for now and hope the project comes to mind!

For those of you that liked my Jinglebell Reindeer sure to go see Aubree's version of my...sweet...little...deer. OMG I about wet myself laughing! Thanks Aubree, you are a HOOT! For those of you not familiar with my freebies click the kitty in the sidebar.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Hopefully, you'll figure out what the floss is for. LOL

  2. Yipee for you! I enjoyed reading your posts each and every day. Now, get to stitching! LOL

  3. Haha, I love her version!

    Great job posting every day... that's a challenge for sure!

  4. I thought I was the only one lol I'm sure you'll remember when you least expect it to happen (that's how it works for me).

    The colors are lovely, sure they will make a nice finish.

  5. Sometimes I look at my stash too and I wonder, "what did I buy this for?"

    Aubree's version of your design is hilarious!

  6. Great job on keeping up with the posting!!!!
    Aubree's reindeer made me laugh so hard!!!!! LOL~~~~~

  7. Good for you posting each day. Love the reindeer - made me laugh.

  8. Congratulations...we rock! lol I hope you figure out what the floss is for!

  9. Well done on posting every day, I know it can't have been easy because I struggle to find something interesting every week. There's a lot of blue in the mystery floss bundle, maybe something with the sea?
    By the way LMAO at Aubree's version of your deer

  10. Aubree's version of the reindeer is hilarious! :)
    I have a freebie advent calendar on my blog and showed your "Holly Reindeer" on the day 1. I linked it to your post and wrote under the pic that it's from you blog. I hope that's ok.

  11. I hope you remember what your mystery floss is for!

    Thanks for the mention of my SWEET reindeer! I'm so glad you like it!!!

  12. Judging from the number of comments you get, I'd say your posts are way interesting so now worries on that score.

    Aubrey's rendition of your reindeer is a riot. I love a good sense of humor.

    You'll probably remember what the floss is for just after you decide to use it for something else!

  13. Great job on the NaBlPoMO.... It was very enjoyable to read every day...

  14. I've enjoyed your month of blog posts! And that Reindeer....well, I almost fell off my chair laughing :) Way toooo cute!!

  15. I also have a bag of floss waiting for me but for what? LOL

  16. Great job on posting throughout November! Good luck figuring out what the floss is for. I have more than a few of those baggies! ;)

  17. I hope you don't mind - I posted this over on Twitter. To see the post search mochachick8 (you know I love coffee by now) :)

  18. I'm so glad that someone else does this too. I have groups of threads in store bags but I don't remember what project they are for. LOL Congrats on blogging everday for a month. I'm challenged to post once a month.
    OMGoodness Jinglebell Reindeer is so great!! Love Aubree's sense of humor.
    Merry Stitching

  19. So glad to see I'm not the only one who pulls floss and somehow separates it from the chart it matches and then have no clue what it's for! Love the reindeer - LOL!

  20. I hate when I do that! This may be why I leave the floss in shopping bags with the chart.

  21. Don't you hate it when you find something and forget what you got it for? I wonder about myself sometimes. ;o) A nice bonus though.

    ROFLMAO! Oh, that is TOOOOO funny! Love her humor :oD

  22. Congratulations for making NaBloPoMo, and doing it with style! :D

  23. That is so funny!

    Fingers crossed you rememer what the floss is for

  24. I was in the same situation once, till this day, I still can't recalled what or why or which project mine was called for and its still in its bundle today...LOL

  25. Good for you for making it through NaBoPoMo! I've always wanted to do it but then I forget about it and its too late! Remind me next year!

  26. i enjoy your post !, always are interesting,specials.
    about the floss,,i have some bag with floss,in this condition,i can't remeber for what project i buy it.....

    OH MY!! :lol: ,i see the post with the new version of your freebie (reinder), :lol: is really funny.

  27. Oh, so you have those little mystery bundles too,eh. It's good to know that mine are not alone. :)

  28. Aubree's version is hilarious!!!! Love those freebies. Hope you figure out what your floss is for. :) Congrats on your blogging accomplishment. Have a good rest of the week!

  29. What an accomplishment to post every day! Congrats!

  30. That deer is out of control!

  31. hahahahahahaha........wait, what?
    (my secret password below is "forks"...either it's time to eat or I need to go hunt down Edward.....or maybe it's time for Edward to eat?)

  32. I do hope that you are able to figure out the floss thing! Aubree's version of the Reindeer is to cute!

  33. I never tire of seeing threads all together like this, its like taking a happy pill and always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside - yeah i know i'm a very weird person!!

    Great pics in the post below, thanks for sharing the way you store them

  34. Thanks for the dark iron-on interfacing tip. I have to put that to my finishing trick archive. :) I think I'll use it if the felt is too thick, like in smaller things like scissor keeps or if I don't want to add so much padding.

  35. Aubree is quite clever and what a riot!
    I must congratulate you on your many post for put me to shame! Posting takes me forever, I do not know how you found the time...good for you!

  36. A post a day for a month--wow--we can barely stay focused three times a week!

  37. Pretty mixes of threads - hope it comes back to you which projects they were for. :0)
    I laughed so hard at Aubree's reindeer I nearly burst my stitches! Love it! ROFL


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