Friday, February 19, 2010

In the Funhouse

I am terribly, awfully, incapacitatingly nearsighted. Nearsighted ~ I can see up close but not far away. Without glasses or contacts I would be unable to function. I haven't had a new pair of glasses in five or six years but today I went to pick up my new pair! Aren't they nifty? Can you see they have no nose pieces? The bridge just rests on the nose. You'd think they'd slip around but they don't. Best of all, they are quiet. The old pairs' nose pieces clicked and rattled and jiggled. I like these so much! Unfortunately, I also have a new prescription and it's tricking my eyes into seeing a funhouse mirror image of everything! Things look wavy and distorted. Thank goodness the effect should go away very soon.

Another happy event today...I received this beauty from Susan of Afford Your Passions. Susan had a blog giveaway drawing and I won, I won, I won! Brown is one of my favorite colors and isn't this pincushion a lovely shade of brown? Thank you so much Susan ~ I love it!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Cute, cute glasses. I'll be interested in how you make out without the nose pieces.
    Lovely little pincushion.

  2. Very nice specs. I'm planning to get a new pair this year too. It's always so hard to get a good fit. And since I don't wear contacts, it's really hard to see how they look on my face when I have to make a selection.

    Very pretty little pillow.

  3. Nice new glasses, and your gift from Susan is gorgeous!

  4. I hope your eyes adjust soon! I think it would make me feel a bit nauseous.

    Lovely prize!

  5. Great looking glasses. You should have modeled them for us!! Love the pillow too.

  6. Congratulations on winning - what a lovely little pillow!

    Hope your eyes adjust quickly to your new prescription. I am very nearsighted as well. I wear contacts 90% of the time and just wear my glasses when my eyes are exhausted (like now). I would love to have surgery and wake up every morning with perfect vision but the procedure scares me.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. I'm far sighted also. I hate when you get a new prescription it does make you see things funny. I still get it every time I switch my contacts and glasses. It never seems to go away for me. Hope it wont last much longer for you!

  8. Congratulations on your win. The pincushion is very pretty. Nice glasses - I need a new pair myself. I am nearsighted too and don't really need glasses for close work. It drives me nuts sometimes when I am stitching and watching TV at the same time, I have to look under my glasses to stitch.

  9. I'm do to go to the eye dr. myself. If I have to get new glasses I'm looking for that type. Cool!

    What a great little pincushion.

  10. That ornament is cute! Great prize. No nose guards or whatever they are called? Wish my hubby had these since his bother him. Interesting.

  11. Like the new specs! From one near-sighted (and astigmatic) soul to another; I'm with you on the glasses. Can't function without them, unless I'm stitching, of course! Love the cute little pillow for a giveaway!

  12. Those are nice glasses. Never seen them with no nose pieces on it. I'm wearing glasses too. It's been 6 years as well since I've been to the eye doctor, think I'll have to go too, because even with my glasses now I start seeing bad.

    You sure did get a nice giveaway!!

  13. What a lovely pincushion you won Sharon. Hope your eyes settle into your new glasses soon.

  14. Love the Eiffel Tower pincushion!
    Great new glasses too, new prescriptions do take some getting used to. I now find I need two pairs, one for stitching and one for everything else. I feel OLD ;D

  15. When I got my readers, every time I looked up over them to look at distance I thought I was going to throw up! I'm used to them now, but whew!

  16. Now you can really see what you won, congrats!

  17. I'm am SO lucky I don't need glasses yet. I don't know how people stand them. Very nice pair though. They look nice and light.

    Congrats on your win! It's lovely :o)

  18. It took me awhile to get used to my new pair too. They don't weigh ANYTHING and I kept trying to adjust them so I would feel them on my nose! Silly me.

    Now I love them --- hope you'll be loving yours soon too.

  19. Love your new glasses. They look very smart.

  20. You sound just like me, Sharon! I'm as blind as a bat unless wearing my glasses or contacts. I just ordered a new pair/new prescription, too, but they haven't arrived yet. Now I'm worried that I won't like them when they do! But, I love how I can take my glasses off and see so clearly up close to my stitching, don't you?

    Good luck getting used to your new pair--they look very sharp! (Actually, now that I look at them even closer--they look A LOT like mine!!)

  21. Congrats on your new glasses. I had to check my eyes this week because *ahem* I scratched mine. Good news is I still have 0.25 and 0.5, but the astigmatism really bugs me... Will pick them next week.

    Lovely prize! You're a lucky girl.

  22. I have never seen glasses like that. I'm due for some new readers soon, and I might have to look into them - I had the marks those pads leave on your nose! And congratulations on winning the giveaway. That's such a cute piece.

  23. What a lovely gift.... I think I have that chart somewhere. Hope your eyes settle down soon

  24. I love your glasses, they are fabulous!

    Congratulations on your win! The pin cushion is gorgeous, enjoy it :)


  25. Cool specs, and what a lovely prize to win

  26. Wow...I've not seen glasses w/o nose pieces...COOL!
    And you won a fabulous thing from Susan! Congrats you!

  27. Gotta love new glasses. What a lovely prize to win.

  28. New glasses always boost my stitching a lot. It's nice to see more and better than before.
    Enjoy your win.

  29. Enjoy your new glasses! I am horribly near sighted, too. My family hates when I put my glasses down because I can never find them again.

    Love the giveaway from Susan!

  30. Congrats on your new glasses, and the blog win. Both are wonderful.

  31. Congrads on your win. Nice specs too :D

  32. Nice glasses! I know precisely what you mean - I am also nearsighted and would not be able to function without my contacts or glasses!

    What a pretty gift you received!

    Oh my, this is funny (and weird) the "word verification" is SIGHT! Did you rig this?

  33. Lovely new glasses. I hate those nose pieces & will only wear this type of glasses - they don't mark your nose like the others do. :0)
    What a fab win. :0)


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