Saturday, March 20, 2010

Swap received and a Spring blizzard

Remember all the lovely Christmas ornaments I received in January? This month it was my turn to send to Lisa. I really enjoyed stitching for her! I'm so happy you liked it, Lisa! I've stitched this ornament once before but in green...and Glenna is now the owner of that one. I like this design so much, I'll probably stitch it again!

Thank you all for the sweet comments on my stashy post. I'm still giddy over all that floss! Yes, my friends, feel free to steal that picture for your desktop background, I'm happy to share. For those of you asking about how I store my floss click here to see my previous posts on that subject. You will need to scroll down a bit on that page. I seem to talk about stash a lot!

Yesterday (the last day of Winter) the weather was 70 degrees and gorgeous. Today (the first day of Spring) it is 30 with blizzard snow. UGH! I am SO SICK of snow.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. I love that little design. Yep, we're socked with snow again.

  2. That ornament is adorable!!!
    I hope you are enjoying the first day of spring!

  3. very cute! I have yet to stitch this beauty....some day!!!!
    Great job!

  4. Adorable ornament! We're having very similar weather, lol ;)

  5. Oh gosh .... we had a beautiful spring day and now I'm sportin' my first sunburn of the season.

  6. I love that ornament too! I have yet to stitch it myself though.
    Our temps have dropped here too and they're forecasting snow but none in sight so far. Are you sending it our way?

  7. That is such a lovely ornament. That stash in the previous post is amazing - enjoy it!

    Please visit my blog to accept an award!

  8. Thanks Sharon, I love my little ornie!
    LISA V

  9. That is a really cute design and as usual your finishing is great.

  10. I love the Fa La La ornament you stitched! You did a beautiful job.

    My goodness what a drastic change in the weather in only one day! Mother Nature seems very confused.

  11. Love the ornament and sorry, but I think you have the storm we got Thur/Fri. Warm and sunny Thur then SNOW and cold Friday! Good news is today it was sunny and lower 40s, so I hope that comes your way for tomorrow!

  12. OOPS! I forgot to add that the snowman fabric the ornament is on (and I guess used for the backing?) is really neat too. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Such a lovely ornie, this is one of my favorite Snowmen too :) Our weather is almost identical as it's been a very lovely 18 degrees celcius all week and today it's 4 degrees celcius! I was enjoying Spring! LOL.

  14. Awesome finish!!!!!! This one is totally adorable!!!!

  15. What a charming finish! :D

    I love how you've done the cording; and I like that linen, too!

  16. I love snowmen and that is a cute ornament. Can you believe this weather. Church is cancelled tomorrow.

  17. Loved your floss pictures!!! And the Fa La La ornament is too cute, your finishing is perfect! Sorry about the snow, hope it's the last time this year for you!!

  18. What a lovely ornament you have made....Goodluck with the snow, stitch something sunny..maybe it will be sunny soon

  19. What a cute ornament and your finishing is wonderful Sharon. As for your recent stash haul... **drool**. :) Love it!

  20. That ornament is gorgeous! Guess I'd better not mention what a lovely day it is here ;)

  21. Love that ornament. We didn't get your snow, but got the cold here in Central Texas.

  22. SNOW!!i'll send you some of the wonderful sunshine we have today LOL

    I love this design, you stitched and finished it so beautifully

  23. It was like the middle of summer here yesterday with high temps and glorious sun, but today it's chilly and very overcast. Oh well, at least one day of it was great to have!

  24. Gorgeous! Is the fabric in the photo what you backed it with? The tea dyed linen is wonderful!

  25. Your ornament came out beautiful! I need to get my act together and get mine finished and in the mail.

  26. Cute ornament!

    At least the snow shouldn't stick around this time of year. It's got to start getting nice soon. It's just got to!

  27. What an adorable snowman ornament!Love your floss and fabric stash.
    Have a lovely spring day!

  28. That is so sweet. It's time for the snow to go! Hope it all melts quickly!

  29. So sorry about the snow!! Surely that will be the end of it!

    You do know how to spend a day off work, I don't think I've ever seen a Michael's receipt that long!

  30. Just adorable Karen! I'm sure Lisa is very pleased with it :o)

    Sorry to hear that! We've been having one fabulous week here :o)

  31. Great ornament! No wonder why you've stitched it twice!

  32. I have nominated you for an award!
    See my blog!

    Thank you for being a big supporter of mine.

  33. What a great ornament! It's adorable.

    I'm slack jawed at the stash post. YGG!! Don't you just want to jump into all that floss and roll around?!? ;)

  34. Another adorable finish Sharon!
    I'm sending a little sunshine your way, please pop over to my blog and collect.

  35. I can only imagine how sick of snow you are. It's really been an awful year in some parts of the country. Hopefully it will warm up soon and that will be the last of it.

    I just love your Fa La La piece. I'll bet that Lisa just loved it!!!

  36. What an adorable ornament. I'm sure she will love it.

  37. Very sweet design & another lucky recipient. :0) Hope the snow didn't stay around for long.


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