Monday, June 28, 2010

Bad Hair Day Giveaway

Ever have a bad hair day? We all do, don't we? Ever have a REALLY BAD DAY? Imagine accidentally deleting your blog and with it all your stitchy records? Sounds scary huh? That is exactly what happened to our friend, Mary! Poor Mary...I am heartbroken for her. So, here's the thing ~ I stitched up a little Bad Hair Day floss tag to giveaway, along with a small collection of DMC threads.

All you need to have a chance to win the tag & floss is visit Mary's new blog Colorado Stitcher, become a follower there and leave me a comment on this post. Easy enough, right? Good luck ~ and thanks for playing along! The giveaway ends next Monday, July 5th, 2010.
The giveaway is now closed for entries and
the winner will be announced shortly!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Aw, man, that just stinks! I'm so sorry for her! I'm going to visit and follow. I hope she gets things back in order and reaches all her readers.

  2. This problem won't last for too long - Followers can add up quickly
    I am following again and will try to spread the word :)

  3. Ugh, that stinks!
    More than happy to help out. :)

  4. OMG the world would come to a stop if that happened to me!

    That tag is adorable!

  5. That is real cute.

    I feel sorry that she is going through that whole ordeal.

    I have started following her and will put her on my blog roll as well.

    I am going through my own bad hair kind of days lately....

  6. Poor Mary, to imagine to lost all the records of one's stitching! I am a follower of her blog now! :o)

    Best regards

  7. What alovely tag you made... I visit her blog, and am a follower... can wait to see what she all makes..
    Love to enter you give away..
    PS... ever had a bad hair day!!!! almost every day you mean...My hair sits like I want it!!

  8. UGGHHHH!!! As a new blogger I feel so bad for Mary but it looks like she's up and running again! I have become a follower and would love a chance at your giveaway!
    How nice of you!!
    Would you mind giving my blog a look too? I have just begun and have found the support of fellow stitchers amazing! Stitchers are a special breed.
    Thanks so much!!
    ~~Peggy Lee

  9. Mary was on my bloglist before and I have become a follower of her new blog. I was so sorry and hoped that maybe my saved link in my bloglist to her previous blog might work but alas it didn't. Please enter me in your giveaway I just love that little tag.
    Lots of Love
    Patti xxx

  10. What a cute floss tag! I'd love a chance to enter - please add me - went to visit and am following :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  11. That's way more than a bad hair day. Talk about heart sinking into stomach!

    Cute patootie tag!

  12. Oh that is just terrible. I would be devestated. Off to visit Mary and make her welcome again.

  13. added marys new blog too

    Hugs Cornelia

  14. I'd be totally lost if that happened to my blog! Glad she managed to sort a new one out.

  15. Oh poor Mary! I hope she finds all of 'lost' items.

  16. That's so bad,I would hate for it to happen. Hopefully she will get her new blog running smoothly soon.

  17. I visited and became a follower. I hate Mary lost her other blog. Loved the stitched bad hair day you did. I have Baddd Hair right now. Called Bed Head. LOL

  18. The floss tag is SO sweet and that is SO sweet of you to do this for Mary :o) I have become a follower of her Blog now.

  19. What a wonderful group us stitchers are. You are all so kind to help spread the word. I can't thank you all enough. Makes the loss so much easier.

  20. I hope she gets at least her stitchy information back. That totally sucks, losing that kind of work! :(

    (PS: The comment moderation thing wants me to type in kitti. Quite appropriate for this blog! :D)

  21. What a bummer to loose your blog! I'm sure she will regain all of her followers & then some, I know I hadn't been following her old blog, but I am now! :)

  22. You are so sweet. Jayne also had the news about the deleted blog too, so I visited Colorado Stitcher and became a follower this morning :) Lots of wonderful support for us all out there in the needlework stitching community.
    Please enter my name in the drawing as I am always having a bad hair day as I am trying to grow it out.

  23. Oooohhhh the poor woman - I'd be absolutely gutted. Great tag & a lovely idea. :0)

  24. You are just the best friend in the world to be helping out a friend like this. So creative yet clearly by Mary's Followers increasing by the second, effective!!

    I too am now a follower of Mary's and look forward to getting to know her through her blog...her new blog.


  25. I can feel her pain. This happened to my friend with her blog. So nice you can help Mary. As for bad hair days. I went camping a week ago and boy did I have some bad hair days. LOL

  26. Great design. I will be heading over to Mary's blog any minute now so please enter me into the draw.

  27. What a wonderful, incredible sweet thing to do! I'm going to pop over there now to show her my support. We all need friends like you m'dear. x

  28. Oh, I can't imagine losing all that work! I have re-followed!

  29. I hate when you have a bad day and it feels like a week of Mondays!! ... I wish your friend lots of luck .. I joined her blog as a new follower!!

  30. luv your tag!

    visited Colorado Stitcher & became a follower

    Enjoy the day - stitch well

  31. Losing my blog would be my biggest nightmare.I am going to the Colorado Stitcher and become a follower.

    Love your floss tag and would love to be the winner.

  32. Awww, I will gladly help hun, and would love to have this cute tag. Your a sweet friend.

  33. Awwwwww! That's a sweet idea for a giveaway! I was lucky enough to have Mary comment on my blog yesterday so I found her again and became a follower.

    And BTW holy cow, 399 followers!!! Woo hoo!

  34. This is great of you to let people know about Mary's problem. I've gone over and "followed" her. I'm looking forward to reading her blog.

  35. Poor Mary, hopefully it wont take long for her to recuperate.
    I have become a follower on her new blog.
    The drawing for your cute floss tag is on my hubby's birthday, so who knows, it might be a lucky day for me too.
    LISA V

  36. Oh poor Mary! I couldn't imagine that happening. Cute floss tag - love the design.

  37. Wow not sure what I would do if I deleted my blog. I have made myself a follower of Mary's blog :)

  38. What an awful thing to have happen! I'm not sure I'd have the energy to start over.
    In any case I've popped over to Mary's to show my support.
    This is a lovely idea Sharon that you've had and I love that tag!

  39. You are so sweet. I have become a follower of Mary's.
    You can let her know she is in good company. I once deleted the entire Microsoft Office from my computer. Still not sure how I did that. And a friend deleted Spell Check from her computer. Yep, in good company indeed.

  40. Guess what'll be my nightmare for the next week?

    Thanks for the heads up about Mary's blog moving.

    The tag is very cute!

  41. Oh goodness, I can't even imagine! I've just been over to Mary's blog, I don't think I'd ever been to her other blog before. Thank you for "introducing" us!

  42. Poor Mary, that must have been awful for her

  43. Oh my! What a nightmare! I'm following the new blog :-)
    Love your little tag, count me in x

  44. That is such a generous thing to do.

  45. cute floss tag, i will go to visit the Mary´s blog.

  46. Hello,

    I would love a chance to win the Bad Hair Day floss tag, it is adorable.

    Your giveaway has given me the opportunity to discover Marys' blog...I've become a follower to hers and yours...and I've added your blog and Marys' blog to my "blogs I read list" on my blog, Contented Stitcher.

    Thank you,


  47. OMG, that is so bad. Isnt there any way Mary could get it all back?? At least she can try reaching blogspot support or sumthn??

  48. I am following her now. Sorry to hear what happened!


  49. Hi,
    I have follow her blog and how sad is to loose it.

  50. Poor Mary - bless her heart. I use my blog as a "journal" of sorts - I'd be so sad to lose so many of those "moments". I'm following her (and you're just too sweet to help re-build her following). Any blog entry that says "bad hair day" fits me to a tee lately - got my attention and made me laugh! :) Have a great holiday week-end!

  51. What an awful thing to have your blog evaporate off into web land. That is almost as bad as losing your bag with all you ID and credit cards. As for bad hair days, I have them too often. I am now a follower Sarah,

  52. I gladly became a follower on Mary's blog, how sad for her to lose her blog.

  53. How terrible for Mary to lose so much, I am happy to become a follower on her blog.

  54. I'd love to enter your giveaway , and have become a follower on Marys' blog . X

  55. I can't imagine going through what Mary has!! Just paid her a visit and became a new follower... Always happy to discover a new-to-me stitching blog...I'm sure she really appreciates your help, Sharon :)

  56. I'm following...and thank goodness I'm not leading! :) I would have to scream really loudly if that happened to me. I mean really loud.

  57. Oh no, how awful, thats the exact reason i dont mess with my blog too often, i am not a techno person.

    Lovely little giftie you made for her


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