Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures

It's time for Tuesday's Treasures! My treasured item this first TT is this big ugly lamp (as Jessie calls it!) This purple lamp was a wedding gift to my Grandmother and I took it from her estate when she passed. No one else wanted it. (I can hear Jessie snickering as she reads this.) My grandmother & I were not particularly close but I have fond memories of her. We shared a passion for the color purple and I love Lily of the Valley because they grew in her garden. The treasured lamp hangs in my bedroom. It casts spotted light and shadows at night when lit. Big. And purple. I love it.

To participate in Tuesday's Treasures visit our host at Clare's Craftroom.

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  1. Ha! You think that's ugly?! You should see one my mom has thats similar in texture and shape, but it is the color of....well, brownish/yellowish/orange...hideous!!! LOL! I love this!!! I think it is beautiful, I think those old pieces should be cherished as they remind us of special people. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like it too! I'm sure your grandmother would be happy that someone was enjoying it.

  3. I love it! I think it's very pretty. :)

  4. I actually think it's kind of cool!

  5. The lamp is gorgeous. I should show some of the things that I have kept just because they belonged to my Mum.

  6. It is a gorgeous treasure ! Thanks so much for playing along !

  7. I like it and it's purple! It's nice to have something from your grandmother.

  8. It's charming in it's own way. You know that everything comes around full circle, so I think that the lamp is having it's second wind. It's very pretty.

  9. Beauty is in the eye....I really love that lamp. It is indeed a treasure.

  10. As a fellow purple lover I think it's gorgeous!

  11. Ugh; my grandmother had one of those in her house (it was there when she moved in circa 1975, only it was "gold"). I'm gonna have to go with your DD--It is ugly; or rather "they" are. Dear Grandmother had no love for hers, either! I don't like "colored" light, either. :P

    It is a nice keepsake of her, though, and awesome that it's also your favorite color! Thanks for sharing your treasure!

  12. Well I have to be honest and say that purple isn't my favorite color but the lamp isn't so bad! I'll bet it's really pretty when lit.

  13. One of my gramma's had a horrid olive green version and the other had a brownish-gold one! I think purple is MUCH better... *GRIN*

  14. Oh I LOVE it! I think it is awesome :-) and so nice to have your memories of your grandmother attatched to it too

  15. I don't think its ugly, its kind of funky

  16. I like it. Has a certain 60's charm and I go for that.

  17. Just too cool. And I love this idea. I have some wonderful and not so wonderful treasures of my family too.

  18. Makes me think Moroccan Kasbah - seriously cool & a great keepsake! :0)

  19. Awesome treasure from your Grandmother!

  20. I LIKE it :o) We have something similar but it's clear glass and new.

    Holy cow woman...you have 400 followers????

  21. From one purple diva to another Sharon - I love it!

  22. How cool you have this treasure from your grandmother!

  23. Well - I love it.... what a great treasure from your grandma and even more wonderful that you are using it today... you can think of her every day! lovely.

  24. I think its kinda groovy, makes me think sheikh and tents in a dessert

  25. This is the coolest lamp in the world it comes from a family member and comes I am sure of many good memories, you are so lucky I did not get a thing when my grandmother passed away I only have great memories, of her and my grandfather.
    Happy Holidays


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