Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Thanks to everyone for the well-wishes yesterday!

Since I get up well before the crack of dawn, I usually go to bed around eight at night. But, as I was kitten hunting I decided I'd stay up until nightfall when I would have to put the trap away. You can't leave the trap up at night or you might catch a raccoon or, God forbid, a skunk! I kept peeking outside all evening hoping we had trapped the wee cheetie. Extra-sleepy about 9:15 I finally decided I was too tired to wait any longer and went out to put it in the garage. One tiny white & grey kitten was in the trap! Woo hoo! I moved him into the garage, covered the trap with a towel so he could "hide" and texted Jessie the good news.

Animal Control came and collected him this morning. Jessie was worried they would put the cat down after the quarantine period and I figured, since he was feral, they possibly might but the officer assured Jessie that they would try to tame him first and adopt him out. As it stands, they will watch him closely for ten days for signs of rabies and then Jessie is in the clear. If he shows symptoms of the disease, Jess will be notified that she needs to begin treatment.

The treatment for rabies exposure is not as bad as years ago, but you still get six injections over 28 days. For someone as needle-phobic as Jessie this is not a happy prospect! However, she is having fun telling her friends the story and changing her facebook status to "rabid."

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. I must have missed a couple of your posts and didn't know about the cat. I'm glad that you managed to catch it! Love the package you received from Kathy and the fob and just love your ornament.

    Gosh, where have I been to miss all this fun stuff?

  2. So thankful kitty is caught! Now...for peace of mind 10 days....

  3. Whew! Glad you caught the kitten.

  4. I'm glad you caught the kitty and I hope all is well with your daughter. Hopefully the kitten will be adopted.

  5. I'm glad you caught the wee kitty ... **crosses fingers** that he's just a stray and not rabid ..

    I hate needles too .. so I'm with Jessie on not wanting a bunch of shots ..

  6. You'll be very glad you caught the kitten! I hope he has no rabies, so Jessie doesn't have to get those six injections.

  7. glad you catched the little one, hope he's alright !!! good luck with it..

  8. Oh I am glad for Jessie's sake the kitten is caught. Let's hope they can tame him and re home him.

  9. That must be a relief. The thought of all those injections makes me so glad we have such tough animal quarantine rules here in the UK and are a rabies free. Like your duaghter I'm needle phobic.

    Love the fact your daughter is now trying to use her new 'status' to enhance her image lol

  10. I am very glad to hear you were able to catch the kitten. I hope all goes well and Jessica has nothing to worry about.

  11. Glad you caught the kitten.

    My oldest daughter is needle-phobic also that came from past events.

  12. So so glad you caught the kitty. Still praying that there are no rabies involved. I love the facebook status! Too funny!

  13. Keeping her and the kitten in my thoughts. Glad you caught him--one less kitty wandering the streets.

  14. I got bitten by a wild kitten once and only got a tetanus shot. I was lucky I didn't get sick! I was told that the cat would have to be caught and killed and tested for rabies. I couldn't bear the thought so I took my chances. I think I learned my lesson about approaching feral animals!

  15. Glad you were successful in your hunt ;-) WOuld you like to adopt a kitty? LOL

  16. Whew! Good job on catching him. :) I'm glad they also do their best for the caught animals in the way of getting them settled with a good home.

  17. What a relief for your whole family, Sharon! I'll keep my fingers crossed that he is free from rabies so Jessie won't have to endure six shots--ugh...

  18. You are quite the little kitty-catcher. Good work. Now let's hope the 'rabid' status remains a joke (it's hilarious as is, but not if it comes true).

  19. My brother was bitten in the face by our dog (don't mess with the dog when she's eating...). Just a snap. We knew she wasn't rabid, but because it was in the face, they started the series of 21 shots...Luckily for him, he didn't have to have them all, but yuck!! Hope your DD doesn't have any problems!

  20. Glad things are looking better for Jessie. Hopefully the kitty is rabies free.

  21. Great! Now to wait... Fingers crossed that the cat is rabies free because I know "I" wouldn't want SIX NEEDLES!

  22. Hi,
    that is good need news and hope jessie is doing good!!!

  23. Hope everything works out and so glad that the cat was caught!

  24. Glad you caught the kitty! Hope all is well.

  25. I'm amazed (and relieved) to hear that you caught the kitty. I hope the next news is just as good: that Jessie's in the clear and the kitty can be rehabilitated and given a loving home. :D

  26. glad you caught the kitty, i hope everything be clear, and ok.

  27. Great news that you have caught the little fluffball. hope the news is good and Jessie doesn't have to have the needles

  28. Glad you caught the wee thing, and I hope he can be tamed and given to a good home!

  29. Thank goodness the kitty has been caught. I read the earlier post where you talked about Jessie being bitten and my heart sank. I hope that the ten days end with good news for all concerned. Have a wonderful evening!


  30. I am glad that you caught the kitty, and I hope that all goes well for your daughter,

  31. I'm so behind on blog commenting, sorry! I'm glad to hear that you caught the cat. I hope he/she can be tamed & given to a good home! And I hope that Jessie doesn't start foaming at the mouth, too. ;) LOL I hope the treatment isn't too painful!

  32. wow so glad you caught the kitten and I am hoping for the kittens sake and Jessie's that it doesn't have rabies.

  33. I'm aware of feral kittens being so beautiful but so dangerous, Terri. You did the right thing by this little thingie. It's so sad when kittens are dumped and the result is that they have little feral babies. We have to put a stop to this happening!!!

  34. So happy you caught the kitty. When my now 45 year old son was 5, he had to undergo 4 rabies shots & they were very painful for him. A non- immunized neighbor dog scratched his cheek with his teeth, so the doctor ordered 4 shots to be safe since the scratches were so close to his brain.
    Barb in TX

  35. You're right, thank goodness it wasn't a skunk!

    Funny about the facebook thing. LOL

  36. I guess she's looking on the bright side! LOL Glad you caught it & hope all goes well. :0)


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