Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ouch! Oh no!

It was just a teeny kitten. White and grey. I could hear him calling and calling outside the garage. I caught a glimpse of him as he dashed into the bushes when I stepped outside. No amount of calling could coax him out nor could we even see him under the bushes. But when Rick went past with the lawnmower out he ran! And (not thinking) Jessie grabbed him. And he bit her. Of course, she promptly let him go and he disappeared under the bushes again. Ummmm, now...we need that cat! Jessie has ten days to find and capture a very tiny white and grey kitten before she has to undergo treatment for rabies exposure. Our Animal Control department brought us a live trap and it is set and baited with a can of cat food. We actually spotted the kitten again earlier this evening near the trap so our hopes are high for success! Wish us luck?

Happier news: I received a package from Kathy today. Inside, I found this gorgeous beaded froggie scissor fob and a little frog fabric pouch. Kathy said, "If I must have frogs at least they can be useful ones!" A precious gift and one I will treasure. Thank you so much Kathy!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Oh dear! I do hope you capture the kitten. Most likely it's just wild and not rabid but for peace of mind, you need to catch her.

  2. Oh dear...not good. I hope you catch him soon. When I was little, I caught a mouse and it bit me. My mom had to take it in to see if it had rabies. She backed the car into a tree because the mouse was trying to get out of the bucket it was in ;o)

    How sweet!

  3. Oh no...poor Jessie! And the poor kitty...must be so scared. I hope that you catch it and that it's free of rabies and can then find a safe home! Nice package from Kathy!

  4. EEk! I don't know much about Rabies, though it seems to me can't they just treat her without testing the kitty? Or, do they have to find out if he's sick/what strain he has?

    Poor things, both kitty and human! Happy Hunting!

    What a fun gift; love the green zipper!

  5. Ok, you must find the kitty. You will find the kitty. Thoughts and prayers are going up.
    That little pouch and that froggie scissor fob is just about the cutest thing I have seen!

  6. Oh, Daffycat. I'm so sorry that you have that worry! I'm hoping you get the little critter soon. The froggie pouch and fob are adorable.

  7. Here kitty kitty major OUCH! It must have been scared, no? Poor thing...and poor Jessie! Hopefully all will come out ok! I simply l-o-v-e the froggie duo. So cool!

  8. I caught some stray kittens with a cage and a can of tuna - I ran a string from the cage into the car window and tied the string to the cage door - When the kittens entered the cage for the tuna - I pulled the string. It took about three hours -sitting in the car in the middle of the night (trying to keep the kittens from drowning in a ditch) but it worked. We saved them and the kids all cheered - Good Luck with you attempt - I wish you all the best

  9. What a great gift from Kathy! Now those are the sort of frogs we can use. Good luck in catching the kitten, bad luck that there was a bite involved. I'll be praying everything turns out well.

  10. OH my gosh!!! I hope you catch that kitty soon!
    Gorgeous fabric on that bag! Love the fob too. LUCKY!!!

  11. Oh...I hope you find the kitty! What a cute and funny surprise.

    Happy stitching with those frogs.

  12. Wonderful froggie gifts!

    I hope you find the kitten, and I hope it's a negative on the rabies!

  13. Love the froggy stuff and sure hope that you find the kitten!

  14. WOW, that is scaring! I hope you catch the kitten soon so it can be tested on rabies. I'll keep my fingers crossed (in my mind, because it is hard to stitch that way ;o)
    The pouch is lovely with the useful frogs!

  15. Good luck on the kitten hunt. We don't have rabies here, so that never crossed my mind until you said, it must be worrying.
    The frog pouch and fob are brilliant, hopefully they will keep the other ones away!

  16. Hope you get the kitten very soon! :o)


  17. I hope the kitten isn't rabid, and Jessie is ok and the kitten of course, What will happen to it when it's caught?

  18. Ouch indeed! Probably a feral. Gorgous pouch and fob - very kind of Kathy. x

  19. Oh Sharon I hope that you can find that kitten in time! I'm sure that the trap will work. After all, it's got to be hungry, right?

    Isn't Kathy a sweetheart? Her froggy pouch and fob are just adorable!

  20. Oh dear,hope you catch the kitty and Jess is okay.
    Cute froggie stash!

  21. Ooh.. hope you find the kitty. Are rabies shots still as painful as ever? Or do they have a kinder, gentler treatment these days?

    Love your froggy gifties. Just perfect for a stitcher.

  22. Hello Daffycat!

    Oh, how I wish you could find that sweet little kitten! :)

    We get one week ago two homeless
    kittens,they are a mix of the Finish -Farm cat and
    a Norwegian Forest Cat.

    Both are girls,thy are called Melissa and Namine.

    I like your stitchings very much,
    I have read your blog quite a long time1
    Please excuse me my funny english and bad grammar.. I trye allways write some lines in english in my blog too.

  23. Oh my gosh, I don't envy your decision. When I was about 20, I was bitten by a cat that I tried to rescue after the car in front of me drove over it and left it. The cat died and I was in a quandry as to what to do for my own health. No insurance, no money - just a poor student. I decided to hope for the best and other than a case of blood poisoning, I was okay. Ugh. You want to know the worst bit - I'd do it again (though thankfully now I have the resources to take care of my own health!)

  24. Hope by now you've caught that kitten. Ouch is right!

    Cute pouch --- Maybe those pretty frogs will keep the stitchy frogs away.

  25. Oh, I hope you catch that kitten right away. That is kinda scary.

    And you are welcome!!!!

  26. what a thoughtful gift from Kathy! Every stitcher needs a froggie bag...just happen to have some fabric...hmmm.
    Hope you get the kitty.

  27. Hi,
    I hope jessie gets better soon!!! I really like the pocket of the frogs its so prety. I said that beacuse I collect frogs.

  28. What a cute scissor fob and pouch, so bright and colorful - great frogs to have in your home.

    Wishing you all the luck in the world catching the kitten so Jessie doesn't have to go through the shots.


  29. Lovely gift! Hope you're able to capture the little kitten soon!

  30. Gorgeous fabric puch and fob, a fabulous gift.

    Hope the kitty dives into the cage and you capture it.

  31. Any update yet on the kitty? I do hope Jessie won't have to have rabies shots.

    Very cute fob and pouch!

  32. Oh, dear. I hope you find him quick!

  33. Ooooh, I hope you catch the little kitty.

  34. Hope you catch the kitty!
    Cute little pouch and fob.

  35. Oh no! So sorry to hear that! I sure do hope you will be able to catch the kitty. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and be hopeful for a good outcome.

    The frog pouch is too cute!

  36. Good luck with finding th elittle kitten....
    What a beautifull bag...Love the frogs... it can help you with the frogging..hihi

  37. What acute bag and fob...hope those are the only frogs to visit your household for many years :)

  38. Ouch - not good at all. Got fingers crossed you caught the little blighter.
    Very nice gifts. Hope those are the only froggies that come a-visiting from now on. :0)


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