Friday, August 6, 2010

Clutter and Mess

You see, I am a pack rat. That is all there is to it. I once saw a sign that says, "I'm creative...don't expect me to be neat too!" That's me to a T. Fortunately, I am also obsessive/compulsive. So, while I may gather clutter, eventually my OCD will kick in and I will have a "neatness fest" and get rid of the piles of junk! Um...I'm still waiting for it to kick in this time 'round...

Apparently, I won Wanda's blog drawing last month or June, was it? This pretty pin arrived sometime during that week my mom was in the hospital. It got lost in my junk. I'm so sorry for not acknowledging this Wanda! That was one crazy time for me. Isn't this an unusual creation? And so pretty! Thank you Wanda!

There are piles behind me on the floor.

There are piles above those piles.

There are piles to the left of my laptop.

And there are piles to the right.

How can one be creative with all this clutter? It's amazing how fast this stuff grows...

My Autumn RAK has arrived in Canada at last! The little blackbird pin pillow went to dear Lynn of Kearnel's Korner. I'm so happy she liked what I made. It was great fun stitching for her! Now, we just wait for the next one to arrive!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Love the pin.

    That looks quite organised clutter to me.

  2. You should see what happens to my house when I need to find something...

  3. We all have the same issues. Your space doesn't look that bad to me. I do love the large filing type cabinet. Now that would really help me organize my charts. The pin is beautiful!

  4. I just consider clutter to be an occupational hazard for crafters. I decided to stop worrying about it and I just embrace it!

    Very pretty pin and I'm glad your RAK made it safely over the border.

  5. I too am a pack rat and when I've finally had ENOUGH, I go through the area like a whirlwind and end up throwing/giving away things I later regret terribly. So keep on packing fellow rat! It's all good!

    Congratulations on the win of the very beautiful pin. I wish I was that creative.

  6. Ahh Sharon your scottish twin I've got piles and piles of clutter like that too. I leave it for so long then have a mad tidy up but a few weeks later its all come back again.

  7. Thank you for sharing your clutter! Amazing how fast it grows is right! AMEN.

  8. That looks perfectly normal to me...........just the way things should look.

  9. Oh I feel so much better now, we have the same kind of piles!! And they do multiply at night while we are sleeping lol

  10. Oh my stars! Shall I lend you my magic wand ~ lol!


  11. Hey, your clutter resembles my clutter! We could be twins!

    What a pretty pin! Congrats on the win!

  12. Congrats on winning the pin drawing.
    Oh I have those moments when I just can't stand to see anything piled up everywhere as well!!

  13. Aw, that's not that bad. At least yours seems to be in one room. Mine is spread all over the house. I love your library cabinet. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I have the same creativity problem as you.

  15. You must be my long lost described me to a tee also! :) I like to think that clutter is a sign of a very blessed person, one who is able to have the things that make the clutter :)

    Hugs Daff :)
    PS: I am always enchanted by your cat mug.
    Ma TK

  16. Your "piles" look neat and organized to me! You just need to watch an episode of "Hoarding-Buried Alive" and you will realize that you are no where near being a pack rat!

  17. Looks like a few of my piles are just a collector of fine things, worries!!

    That is a lovely and very unusual pin!!

  18. Aww, it's not bad.

    My new motto: "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or Throw it out."

  19. No matter how hard I fight it, clutter creeps up so easily! I love the card catalog looking storage you have.

  20. Hi,
    That what's I decided to do today to clean my room it was total mess.

  21. The pin is very cute!

    I think a lot of crafter's have a hard time parting with stuff because they might NEED it some day. Those little bits and pieces can be quite useful.

    I'm lucky --- my pack-ratness only extends to my closet. LOL

  22. The pin is lovely. Your piles look fine to me. Your RAK was gorgeous.

  23. If its any consolation, that is WAY neater than my craft/computer area.
    Lovely pin from Wanda

  24. You don't want to see my chaos. when times comes it will look lovely on till then.........
    What a beautifull card you got love it.
    Thanks you so much for my love love it...

  25. Did you know that collecting is another form of OCD? Trust me, I know, I've got it too, lol!
    Love the little pin from Wanda!

    Clutter seems to have a way of creeping up at our house too. Besides my stash, there are piles of my DH's sheet music everywhere.

  26. Very nice RAK for Lynn--I can tell that she loves it from reading her blog.

    Wish I was there to help you organize, Sharon--I love having things in order (but since I'm a librarian you would expect that, right?!!)...

  27. Hey there, compared to my "mess" it looks quite neat to me.

  28. Oh wow! Someone just like me! A lot of someone's just like me after reading all the comments. I love your mess!

  29. Looks a lot like my clutter. The OCD bug will kick in. Sometimes it just takes a little longer.

    The pin in beautiful.

  30. Hey don't get me started on clutter!!! lol

    You know I've been teaching for quite a while and apparently the thing we call "mess" is something the brain reads as a problem to solve, that triggers creative thinking :o)

    Now that I'm downsizing (remember my craft room? It'll be a craft wall now), seems I'll have to keep it under control...

  31. Lovely pin from Wanda.
    Your 'clutter' looks very neat to me!

  32. Is not so bad, mi chaos is terrible.

  33. ROFL! I have one pile left to put away in my room so don't feel too badly ;o)

  34. Dear..clutter equals creativity for some. It's organized clutter though, right?

  35. You are welcome for the pin! As for your clutter, I would trade you. LOL You wouldn't believe the big pile I have on my cutting table! I am dealing with some plumbing issues, so there will be a mess here for awhile. Everything from the laundry room is in my studio as well as everything from the bathroom. We had just finished painting and now we need to replace two walls and the flooring! BUMMER! I will look forward to it being back together again.

  36. LOL, I had piles like that too and I finally took care of them this weekend!

    Have a great week!

  37. Wow, your "clutter" looks amazingly organized to me!!

  38. I have the same problem! I want to be organized - it just never seems to work for me.

  39. "A clean house is the sign of an empty mind" Enjoy the chaos!

  40. Hmmm, not that I think that your clutter is very bad but it reminds me of the fact that I have to clear out some rooms of this house during my summer vacation. Not the nicest thing to do but the only time of the year when I have time to do it. Sigh.

  41. I just finished cleaning off my computer desk as all I could see was the mouse pad and mouse. Now it looks much better.

  42. Same as my tabletop! I consider it "working clutter," because everything else is organized.

  43. A lovely pin you won - I agree, it is unusual..... haha - your room looks familiar! Hugz

  44. I hope your Mom is doing MUCH better, sorry to hear she was in hospital.

    Yeah my place gets that piles to the left of me, piles to the right of me, piles ahead of me! Then you just have to give in and clean it all up. Just the other nigth I spent over an hour putting away threads, sparklies, and beads from my last few finished projects... took awhile!

    I saw the RAK for Lynn and it looks great and such a nice person to get one. I know her in real life and she's a great, hardworking lady!

  45. Beautiful pin you won. Love that card catalog, it must hold lots and lots of goodies. I am finally getting my space organized and now to get everything into it. Lots of fun.
    Have a great weekend.


  46. Ah, make me feel slightly better about my own piles. Yours just look so organized. If only there weren't so many other more fun things to do besides organize and clean. I need a little bit of Mary Poppins' magic when it comes to clean-up time. LOL.


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