Sunday, August 1, 2010

A ladybug RAK

Do you know what? I have discovered that if I stay off the computer I get more stitching done! Can you imagine? It's true...this little ladybug fob is actually my second finish this week but I'm not showing the other one until it is finished-finished as it's an RAK too. Yup, this ladybug fob & scissors is on it's way to someone who reads this blog.
Edit: This RAK went to Annette!

Design ~ June Flip-it (portion)
Designer ~ Lizzie*Kate
Fabric ~ 32 count tea-dyed Belfast
Fiber ~ DMC

Do you like seeing the RAKs before they are received? Or would you rather me wait to post? I kinda liked the idea of showing the photo of what's coming and then having it show up in surprise at someones house. My last RAK has still not been received but it had a ways to go so I'm not worried yet!

Thank you all for the well-wishes last weekend. We had a blast in Tulsa! We saw Inception (awesome movie) at the IMAX, went stash shopping, cheered the Talons at Arena Football (they lost,) and ate out a lot. I would have showed pictures but as this was our 25th anniversary it was kinda private. (There, that sounds much better than saying, "Sharon forgot the freakin' camera again and even if she had remembered to take it she would have forgotten to take photos anyway," doesn't it???) Yeah, I'm scatterbrained that way. We went to a "new to Tulsa" place called Baker's Street Pub...which I saw as we were coming out of Joann's. "Beer!" I gasped, "Let's get a beer!" It was pretty hot outside so the beer went down easy. The pub was fun, decorated up English style and I really, really liked their faux bookshelf doors to the bathrooms!

Sorry to disappoint but there can be no stash report. Everything I bought was for exchanges and RAKs! I did get loads of drool-worthy stuffs though, I promise!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. Sounds absolutely amazing! I'm glad you had such a great time =)
    I love that you show the RAKS before they have been received. It's even more fun to see where they pop up to!

  2. How cute! I love seeing the pics first and then seeing the surprise for someone else.

    The Pub sounded great...always a great time to have a beer.

  3. OMG!! That's so adorable!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!

  4. Glad you had fun! It is nice to get away. I personally like seeing the RAK's and then wondering who will get them. I can just imagine opening one I had seen and saying "WOW that is from Sharon!".

  5. Congrats on 25 yrs. of marriage! I know what you mean about forgetting the camera. I do it all the time! LOL

    Darling ladybug fob! How cute!

    Have a great week.

  6. Ladybug fob is way cute. It looks absolutely adorable on those red scissors. What joy it will bring to the lucky recipient.

  7. That is the cutest fob with scissors I ever did see. They are red too! :o) Someone is going to be very pleased to receive this beauty. It is so sweet of you to do this for someone.

    Sounds like the anniversary was fun. Go ahead and admit it - you were too busy smoochin on the man to take pictues. :o)))

  8. Congrats on your milestone, glad to hear you had a great time:) I prefer RAK's land first, but that's cause I try to customize each piece and my followers would prolly know it's for them...

  9. That's such a cute finish! It sure will make someone's day when it arrives. :)

  10. Love the fob and scissors!! So sweet!!

    Sounds like a fun time in Tulsa!

  11. Cute fob, congrats on the finish! Lots of cold frosty beverages being consumed this HOT HOT summer. I am sure your raks will be treasured.

  12. We just saw Inception today. Fantastic movie. Glad I saw it in a theater.

  13. That is the cutest fob!!

    Glad you had fun last weekend, and congratulations on 25 years!

  14. You have given me a smile today with your blog!! I agree - more gets done if I spend less time on the computer..... but then I do like to read the blogs!! Can't win! Hugz

  15. A lovely RAK. I am sure whoever receives it will be thrilled. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

  16. Cute fob.

    Don't blame you for keeping your anniversary celebrations private. Hope they were everything, and more, that you were expecting.

  17. I agree with you, I'm on here far too much, but there are so many wonderful blogs out there....

  18. I hear you on the no computer front. I get more done too. It can be a real distraction. Love the fob. Very cute. I like seeing the raks before you send them out. I think when I get round to doing some of mine, I'll do the same thing. x

  19. What a beautifull RAK fob you made.. Love the little ladybugs

  20. So if I stay off the computer I'll actually stitch, hmm...
    The ladybird fob is gorgeous.
    Sounds like a fun weekend, specially the pub part!

  21. Sounds like one great anniversary celebration. Glad you had so much fun.

    The fob is so cute. You are very sweet to do these RAKs.

  22. Hi Sharon! Just got back from our beach vacation and am attempting to catch up on all of my favorite blogs :)

    I like seeing the RAKs ahead of time--the little ladybug fob is so sweet. Love the colors in it with those red scissors.

    Glad your anniversary weekend was such fun... HAPPY 25th--that is quite an accomplishment in this day and age :)

  23. Your ladybird fob is sooo sweet and love the matching colour of the scissors. A happy belated 25th wedding anniversary, sounds like you had a lovely time celebrating and who needs a camera when memories are just as good!

  24. The ladybugs are so cute! They look great with the red scissors too. How was Inception at IMAX? I took my teenaged daughter to see it Friday, but it was just at the "regular" theater. Awesome move!

  25. The Ladybug fob is adorable! Sounds like your weekend was fun. Happy 25th anniversary!
    Take care!

  26. Such a sweet little fob! I also loved to see both your WIPs in your last post (I'm catching up on blog reading a bit).
    What a pity that there's no stash report. I would have liked to drool a bit over your stash picture, lol.

  27. That ladybug fob is just too cute!
    Someone is going to be a lucky lady. I'm with you, I like the idea of showing the RAK first and then having it show up and surprise you.
    Happy Anniversary to both of you!!
    Twenty-five years of marriage is a big accomplishment in these days. I know I didn't make it the first time and I'll be 70 by the time I make it this time around!
    I'm so glad you had such a fun time in Tulsa.

  28. Hi,
    It looks like you enjoy your weekend at Tulsa and the rak looks pretty!!!

  29. Someone is going to be happy dancing when they get that gorgeous RAK Sharon.
    Sounds like a great trip to Tulsa.

  30. What a cute little fob.
    It is sure to make someone very happy.


  31. I say post so we can see and dream :)
    Cute ladybugs !!

  32. That is a really cute fob and is going to make someone very happy!!!

  33. Love the ladybug fob! Sounds like your anniversary vacation was a blast. No worries about forgetting the camera as a lot of us do it. I'm going to admit to you my worst forgot the camera moment. I packed my bag for the hospital for my last child and completely forgot the camera. I went into the hospital at 8:00 (had to drive myself while DH drove the others to school) and didn't think about the camera or bag for that matter until after he was born. DH said, where's the camera I want to get a shot of our little guy. Oops!!! Thankfully, he didn't say anything but still. lol

  34. I love seeing your finishes; this lady bug is too cute. Happy late Anniversary; sounds like you and hubby had a great time. I think you should show your RAK first then surprise the lucky person who gets it.

    Hugs, Shar

  35. Aww, no stash report. :( We we will all just have to await some finishes. :D

    Lovely ladybug finish, btw. ;)

  36. Hey Sharon, sounds like a great time in Tulsa (one of my fav cities).
    My mantra this summer has been "for every minute I'm on this computer it's one lost minute of stitching". Blog posts are getting farther apart 'cause I love keeping up with e1 else's blogs.

  37. Your RAK's are adorable. I love seeing them. Great job!

  38. Congrats on 25 years of marriage! I love your little Ladybug fob it's too cute. I like to see the pictures of the RAK's before you send them out and that's what I had been doing too except for a couple that were top secret!

  39. Love the ladybug. I always like seeing the RAKs first, but I'm impatient. Too funny about the beer, the private, no-camera celebration (hah! forgot it!), but really, to go stash shopping and not show us? Not fair!

  40. Sounds like a fun time out. Love the ladybug - adorable!

  41. Too adorable! I wonder who the lucky person is? I like seeing what you've done before it goes out :o)

    ROFL! You are too funny ;o) Glad to hear you had a nice vacation/anniversary.

  42. Glad you had such a great time. LOL @ the camera. Another great finish. :0)

  43. Thats a cutie, lucky person who receves that one - i like to see them as and when you finish them

    Sounds like a lovely anniversary weekend for you both

  44. Too cute! I love that you show the RAKs before the get where they are going!
    Glad you had a fun anniversary weekend. (I'm the same way with the camera)

  45. Very very cute scissor fob! The idea of showing it before it is received sounds good to me. If it's truly a RAK then the recipient doesn't know it's coming. And the squee factor will be there still, and especially more if the view on your blog generated a lot of I-want-that feelings.

    Totally off topic, but I just had to pass on that the marching kitty gif below "Daffycat Designs" made me laugh out loud because it was perfectly in time with Thank God I'm a Country Boy which was playing on the tv.

    Enjoyed visiting your blog! Thanks for sharing. 8D

  46. I hope you had a wonderful trip and that scissor fob is so lovely. Happy stitching.

  47. the ladybuf scissor fob,look so cute and pretty!

  48. Sharon those ladybugs are adorable! I like the idea of seeing the RAK first! Its nice to suddenly see it pop up on someone else's blog! Saw the RAK you made for Lynn and I love it! She is so deserving of a RAK!

    Glad you had a great Anniversary Trip! Happy Anniversary!

  49. How Cute! I just love ladybugs too. You finish put a big smile on my face. Thanks. :)


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