Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Full Moon Madness

Those of you visiting here because it's the Full Moon and you have just updated your blog with a TUSAL post...I hate to tell you but you're doin' it wrong. You are 'bout two weeks late, girl! The TUSAL goes on the NEW MOON. It's WIPocalypse time on the FULL MOON! Whoops!

I have been chugging right along, working on that overflowing basket of want-to-stitch projects. My Finery of Nature was my focus in January, it was posted about here. I won't bore you with a repeat photo since that was my very last post. In February my focus is also my Theme-a-licious project, Bent Creek's Bad Hare Day:

This is the progress after only six days. Can you tell how much I LOVE stitching Bent Creek designs? Holey Moses, this is a fast stitch! I'm sure once I get to the hare and those big blocks of one color I might not be quite as enthused. The border is full of fiddly gaps and skips, which I thought would be really bitchy but it fooled me ~ easy and frog-free as the come. Those funny gaps get filled in with another color of green so this isn't quite as far along as it appears.

This fun project is from that big basket I showed you once before. There are so many designs left in that basket that I really-really want to stitch...how fun to have blog games to join in on and get some of them stitched! Thank you, Measi!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. LOL Appreciate the pointed finger at my whoops! O.o I just happened to look at the link for the TUSAL while posting my WIP...and one thing led to another...but it's fixed (for the most part)...I'm not gonna go and re-post the dang thing! ...happens

  2. LOL! I thought my feed reader was acting up when I saw some TUSAL posts. =)

    That looks like it's going to be a cute design. Yeah, I could go look for what it's going to look like finished, but it's more fun to have the gradual surprise of watching you stitch it (I AM NOT LAZY). =)

  3. That's a lot of progress and the stitching looks great. Wish I could make more progress lately! I just can't seem to stitch for long periods like I used to. This getting older thing is just not fun!

  4. Great stitching, Progress . I really need to get more done from my basket to, they keep growing in there I have to stitch faster or will never get them all stitched in my life time, ha. Have a great stitching week.

  5. Nice to hear about a stitching project that is going better than anticipated ... especially after my tortuous Word Play fiasco! Bad Hare Day is on my to-do list : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  6. LOL....thought I was late for the TUSAL check-in this month.
    Nice progress on your stitching.

  7. lol about the New Moon versus the Full Moon. :D I'm glad I got it right. Love your stitching progress.

  8. Wow, you've done heaps on Bad Hare Day!

  9. Great progress. That looks like a really fun stitch, looking forward to seeing your progress.

  10. Isn't it odd how some charts stitch up so fast and those that look so simple give you the biggest problems? Well that's the way it is for me anyway.
    I have stitched a few Bent Creek designs and a few of them are hiding in my basket.

  11. Looking Good, and wasn't that moon wonderful.
    Nice piece.

  12. Gee, it didn't take you long to tackle this one! Looking great Sharon :o)

  13. Great job hun; I can't wait to see this when it's done..


  14. Your Bent Creek sure is working up fast! Great progress.

  15. Great progress. Look forward to seeing more. Thank you for clearing up my mystery I wondered why the dates were different. I now know Full Moon - New Moon.

  16. Great progress on the Bent Creek. I always think alphabets and text seem to stitch up very quickly

  17. It's so gratifying when the border meets first time, looks beautiful.

  18. O.K., I'm not so savvy about the terms, but what's a TUSAL? I think
    the SAL is stitch along but I can't
    find where someone says what the
    T U stands for.

  19. Oh, geesh, does it mean Tuesday Stitch Along? I just got it! Duh.

  20. heheheh it wasn't me for a change ..lol
    that's a very quick stitch isn't it well done on the frog free as well :) love mouse xxxxxx

  21. very sweet progress on your stitching xxx

  22. I just went and looked at the finished product and you did get a good start on this one. Very nice.

  23. Excellent progress on Bad Hare Day! I love this one and can't wait until we see some of the bunny. Would you believe that I've yet to stitch a Bent Creek? Maybe it's about time I did!
    BTW, there's a Clarisse update on my blog to ease your withdrawal symptoms, lol!

  24. Great start! LOL at the full moon vs new moon.

  25. Funny that I was looking at the full moon last night and thought about all the Full moon posts I would be reading and thinking about the TUSAL posts to come on the new moon!! Whew! You stitch fast!! This looks great so far! Can't wait to see that bunny!!

  26. Looks great, you must be a fast stitcher!

  27. It's looking great. Bet you'll have it finished by the end of the month!

  28. I admit I had to stop and think for a minute which SAL to post before I started taking pictures the other night:) Nice progress!

  29. I like Bent Creek, too, and Bad Hare Day is adorable! Your finery of Nature BAP is stunning!

  30. giggle too funny. I'm sure we'll have it figured out by next month.

    Great progress on Bad Hare Day!

  31. You stitched a lot. I have a calendar for stitching so I know when to post what lol.

  32. lol I thought the month had gone faster than I realised when I began reading your opening sentence! Great progress on your design. Bent Creek have some lovely designs.

  33. You have made quick progress. And it looks SO good. I can't wait to see more! I hope you are able to stitch this weekend. I know I am looking forward to it.

  34. Looks great so far and hopefully the frog stays away..... far away! :) LOL Happy Stitching!!

  35. That's a lot of stitching in 6 days! Just wanted to let you know that I listed you on my Versatile Blogger Award. Here is a link to the post:


  36. Love that fabbie.... and that's a LOT done in 6 days.

    ROFL... I know!!! I have all the full and new moons marked on my calendar or I'd never keep them straight. Maybe we should do a half moon something next year... wouldn't that just mess everyone up more, Heheheheheh.

  37. i used the calendar that you give some month ago ...i suposse is a new moon calendar ..(i hope).. beautiful stitching.


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