Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Theme-a-licious Time


I can't believe it is already mid-February. The past couple of weeks have been filled with our Fangirl February stitching! My project is Bad Hare Day by Bent Creek. Wow ~ almost done! (Hey, Heather I figured out that banner. You noticed that...riiiight?)

I have no idea how this picture "really" looks...I'm using Dash's computer because mine is acting up. I had to snap a quickie photo and use it since my computer was in serious jeopardy of being smashed into bits & pieces.

If you'd like to join in on the Theme-a-licious stitch a long visit Heather's blog for details.

Entropy. Forget all that BS about thermodynamics...this is when you are busy getting one part of your life straightened out and the rest of it falls apart. Between work, home and my own body it will be a wonder if I survive. I no sooner get one area cleaned up and a mess appears in another. Thanks to those that have noticed and questioned my whereabouts these past few weeks. I'm just trying to keep this chaos in order, that's all. I stitch like mad every second I can. Stitching is such an awesome stress reliever.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. It looks great! I agree whole-heartedly...stitching is a great stress reliever!


  2. It looks great! I agree whole-heartedly...stitching is a great stress reliever!


  3. Glad you have the stress reliever, sad you have the stress. Hope it gets better soon! Your Hare is looking good!

  4. ohh so cute! Love bunnies.

    Glad stitching is a stress reliever for you. I'll be stitching with my friends tomorrow.

  5. I'm glad I am not alone! And yes, stitching is the best stress reliever!

  6. I think "Bad Hare Day" is coming along, it's going to be beautiful and I can't wait to see the finish.
    Don't you wish sometimes that you could be Samantha from 'Bewitched' and just twitch your nose and make things happen?

  7. Great progress. I think stitching is a great stress reliever too. I hope things pick up for you soon.

  8. Your stitching is coming along fab - I love the design xx

  9. Great work on dab hare day. Sorry to hear things have been chaotic, hope they calm down soon

  10. Bad Hare Day is looking great :-)
    Sending good thoughts your way, hope things even out really quickly x

  11. I wondered what became of you but didn't ask figuring you were just stitching your heart out. Hope all the twists & turns of life soon settle for you. Bad Hare is looking good! Will add you to my prayer list : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  12. Your stitching is beautiful. You have my complete empathy re. the computer. Keep stitching, getting enough rest, eating healthily and drink lots of ANY order! I'm sending lots of healing hugs your way.

  13. You are zooming along on that one! Great stitching.

  14. That's why I started stitching. It was a major stress buster for me during a particularly difficult time and I've stuck with it ever since. I sure hope things calm down soon for you!
    Bad Hare Day looks great!

  15. Great progress and I love the piece you've chosen. Stitching is such a great stress reliever isn't it.

  16. LOL! Good job...the world can always use more Nathan. ;)

    Hmm, perhaps I should actually put one of those nifty text boxes with the code in it on my Theme-a-licious page??

    Love the bunny! Entropy...I know EXACTLY what you mean right now. =(

  17. Bad Hare Day is looking great :) Maybe I need to stitch that as most days here are bad HAIR ones :-p

  18. Hope things get better for you! Lovely stitching.

  19. I'm glad I am not alone! I agree stitching is the best stress reliever!

  20. Bad hare looks super.
    Hope life quietness down for you and you can relax.

  21. I know just how you feel. Stress relief for sure but only if you can get your act together enough to START stitching. I've been in a funk and had some hard times starting. But now that I'm back at it, I feel better.

  22. Looking great Sharon! I have this one on my to-do list ;o)

  23. Holy smoly!!!!! I just saw your WIP from the last post and now look at it!!

    I hear ya.... life is getting crazy here too. Now I understand why my mom used to say she wished she had double the hours in a day..... Hope things settle down soon.

  24. Adorable! And the picture looks great. I'm with you, I stitch to relieve the stress.

  25. Lovely hare you have my dear!! Tee hee!! Sorry to hear things have been falling apart! I hear ya on the cleaning one mess up and another reappearing :( Keep stitching and the stress at bay!!


  26. Moving along with this, maybe a finish soon even with everything going on.

  27. adorable! I have this somewhere in my to do pile..but have not started it yet..can't wait to see yours finished!


  28. hi Sharon!
    I posted my leftover lines this month


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