Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Try, Try Again

I meant to post again last week but I kept getting sidetracked. Then, I meant to post on Sunday for WIPocalypse full moon but sat my butt on the back porch and stitched instead. This really wouldn't be a problem but circumstances prevented me from WIPocalypse last month so it's about time I make a WIPocalypse post!

Now that my traveling patterns are all finished I've been concentrating on my Prairie Schooler 12 Days of Christmas ornaments. I finished 10 Lords-a-leaping! Isn't he handsome?

Wait! He looks kinda funny. Oh no...I forgot his eye and golden buttons!

There, that's better! Hmmmmm, still looks odd. Is something missing?

Holly berries! GEE ~ Is this one done yet? How long have I been at this hobby? I think I'd better check all the other ones I've already "finished" too...

I made a really good start on number 11 as well:

Traveling Pattern? You mean the Shepherd's Bush one? Oh, heck...I nearly forgot that as well! Sorry, sorry, sorry! That is heading out to Kathy of Kathy's Sit and Stitch. Congratulations Kathy! Those of you really, really wanting to stitch this please bookmark Kathy's blog and be watching for her finish!

I'm trying to arrange a treat for you. Yes, that was cryptic, wasn't it?

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. are you going to make individual ornaments from these? I can't decide whether to stitch on one piece or separate....

  2. I thought '10' looked done in the first picture. Then I saw the second and thought, oh yes that looks great. Oops, then I saw pic. # 3 and could see the berries were needed. Proves the details are important!

  3. well, i'm guessing you'll finish 12 by Christmas time! :)

  4. Lovely 12 days! lol about leaving parts of Mr. 10 off. I could definitely see myself doing that!

  5. LOL Well now that your leaping lord has eyes and berries...he certainly looks limber! I love these 12 days... I'm so glad that you turned me on to these :)

  6. You have my Canada address right?????

  7. What a handsome chap. . . I love how you had to finish him three times, so easy to do!

  8. Looks great! I didn't even notice the lack of eyeballs and buttons. Just shows how much I pay attention sometimes! Great start on the next ornie too!

  9. Haha! He was worth the wait. :)

  10. At least you caught it before it was "finished" finished! Looks like you are on the homestretch for your PS ornaments.

    happy stitching...

  11. Love your 12 days! Your Lord is sure handsome with eyes n buttons!

    Great progress with the 11th Day!


  12. Oh they're so cute! Congrats Kathy!

  13. Congrats on the finish Sharon. I love it. Need to dig mine out.


  14. LOL! You crack me up!! I love how you forgot his eyes, buttons AND berries!!! And nearly forgot about the TP draw too!! Great WIP\s and I'm glad you got to stitch on your porch and stitch!!



  15. Your Lord looks great...now that he is complete :)

    Congrats on the finish.

  16. Congratulations on finding all the missing pieces in the puzzle. That was the game wasn't it?? LOL I do really like this whole series and you are doing a terrific job of them!

  17. Too funny. At least you go it though. You're leaving stuff out and I added an extra pearl to my ferret piece.

  18. Great post. Your Lord looks very handsome. Nice new start. Congrats to Kathy.

  19. Your PS ornaments are gorgeous, but the lord definitely looks better with eyes :)

  20. Hello

    Congrats on your finish, love these designs they are lovely!

  21. Great stitching , I do that all the time forget some small item , just hope I see it before I sew it together, ha
    But i can get away with it now at my age, HUGS.

  22. I like the 12 days stuff, its cool looking!

  23. I've also "finished" things and then realized something was missing. One project, I even forgot to bs it, lol. Luckily, it looks okay without it. Grats on the progress. You got quite a bit done on eleven.

  24. Enjoyed reading your post. 10 Lord looks adorable. Great start on 11

  25. He is a handsome fellow! I too have discovered that I wasn't quite as finished as I thought at times. :)

  26. Good report and way too funny Daffy!

    Congrats to Kathy she deserves some travelling patterns!

  27. It looks great and you just had the other photos to see if we were astute enough to spot the differences! LOL

    The entire set is going to look grand!

  28. Yay for finishes! I really like this set and cannot wait to see them all together :)

  29. It's funny how a picture makes things a bit more visible. I once took a picture and immediately noticed a single stitch that was missing.

  30. I can't count the number of times I've found something not really finished when looking at the photo! I guess our eyes see what we want to be there IRL.

  31. It's so funny how our mistakes/ommissions pop out at us after we photograph our stitching, isn't it! Your lord definitely looks better with eyeballs :)

  32. Looking good! I just love it when I take a pic only to realize something is missing.

  33. Looking good!
    Better to discover something left out after photographing than after finish-finishing! (been there, done that!)

  34. He is absolutely lovely! I think sometimes because we spend the amount of time we do looking at the project we stop seeing things we are missing! Number 11 is looking good too!

  35. Great, these PS Twelve Days. He's definitely handsome, lol.

  36. I would never ave noticed the missing 'bits' on your stitching if you hadn't pointed them out. He does look so much better all completed!!!

  37. Congrats to my friend Kathy on her win! A wonderful welcome home gift to her.
    Your Lord looks far less like a zombie now. Besides, no zombie would be caught dead (I couldn't help myself, lol!) leaping!!
    Great stitching!

  38. I LOVE these!! How did I miss these little cuties??? I was cracking up laughing because the only thing I heard in my head while looking at the pictures was 'one of these things, is not like the other...' bwaa!


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