Saturday, April 28, 2018

An Unexpected Visitor

We had a visitor the other night a 3:54 am. He triggered our Ring Doorbell. We didn't open the door because we don't answer the door that early in the morning, even if you are a cute cat. 

The cat is staring at a birdhouse that is hanging on the wall next to the door. Currently, the birdhouse is full of sparrows and they must have been rustling around...

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  1. LOL!! That must have jolted you at that hour, until you saw the culprit. Shame on him being out that late!

  2. Curious kitty--glad all (kitty, birds and you) are okay

  3. Goodness.... I bet the birds were not expecting a visitor either!

  4. I know you were glad it was only a kitty but not too happy about the early awakening.

  5. Glad it was just a cat! That must've been a bit spooky!

  6. Oh my, that's definitely a rude awakening! So nice you have the video doorbell so you knew who came calling.

  7. Haha! Not as creepy when you say there is a birdhouse he was looking at. :)

  8. How cute! Do you think he was hoping for breakfast?


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