Sunday, June 17, 2018

Shop Hop Complete!

Dash and I finished the Road to Oklahoma Shop Hop! Our third day out we managed to hit 8 of the 10 shops we needed to visit! Dash is an excellent shop hop planner!

I almost couldn't fit all the 3rd-day goodies in one picture! We traveled about 475 miles that day, made it to the first shop just after it opened and that eighth shop a half hour before they closed. Whew!

Our fourth day we only need to visit two shops and both of those fairly close to home. Still, we traveled 168 miles but we did take a detour to stop for fried chicken at a popular bar, Eichen's. Seriously good fried chicken and okra.

Here is my passport before we turned it in. The shop told us we were the first to turn in completed passports! All totaled, we traveled 1,595 miles over the four days. Great fun and I told Dash I hoped he wins one of the prizes instead of me, 'cause then they will take his photo and not mine!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. I am so impressed by your determination to do this - it must have been so much fun for you both. I'm sure the shop owners were happy to see you no matter what time you arrived. Congratulations on completing it.

  2. Wow...that is a lot of travelling. Sounds tiring but at the same time fun. Hope you do win a prize!

  3. Congratulations on getting all the shops on the shop hop tour in! Your stash acquisitions look super.

  4. Well done to you both, what a great achievement to be first.
    Nice stash you managed to haul home on the bike too.

  5. Wow! That's quite a hop. Congrats on making it to all of them and good luck on winning the prize.

  6. Wow! Congrats on making it to all of the shops and being first to do so!

  7. This is a fabulous idea. I wish we had something like this in England, I could tell my husband that fabric shopping was now to be treated like an olympic sport. x

  8. Wow what a lot of shopping and what fun.
    That would be my dream .

  9. That's a lot of shops!
    Looks like fun though.
    Enjoy your goodies.
    Hope you win something!

  10. Pretty cool! There's gotta be something for finishing first! :-)

  11. Good for you guys!! Can't wait to see you put some of those goodies to good use :)

  12. Wow you were first to complete! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and delicious foods. My favorite is that cute fireworks fat quarter; what fun fabric that is!

  13. I have done a beading shop hop and found it fun.
    You have some great stash.


  14. What an impressive haul. What a joy to be able to go on a shop hop.

  15. What an impressive haul. The shop hop sounded interesting and what a feat to accomplished it.

  16. Oh, my! This sounds like such fun, Sharon! Unfortunately, my husband would never go along with all that shopping :)

    Lots of goodies you got and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you win something!!

  17. WOW you really used that passport to travel all over! Congrats on completing your passport and I hope you, err... I mean Dash wins!

  18. Whew...that's some miles, but sounds fun. And look at all your goodies. Did you limit how long you could stay at each shop in order to keep moving?
    Sandy's Space

  19. Holey moley, what an accomplishment! And great stash! :)


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