Saturday, October 27, 2018

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program

The Big (swoon) Purple Dress is nearly finished! I think I got too swept up in sewing machine restoration and dawdled on my stitching. I've only stitched on Monday's for a while now. Since stitching is my stress relief, I find myself keyed up a little.

Monday's are spent at my parent's house. My Mom has Lewy Body dementia and Dad is her full-time caretaker. I help watch my Mom and visit with my Dad. He runs errands or messes about outside. The nurse aid comes to give Mom her shower. Dad and I often sit and chat while I stitch. 

We usually have lunch and it's usually Thai. I make Dad pick our lunch 'cause he's the one stuck at home 24/7. We both love Thai, extra spicy. I look forward to Monday's but I wish we lived closer so I could visit more often. 

Probably 90% of Merry Sunshine has been stitched at Dad's kitchen table! I should lay off my Kindle and stitch more at home. 

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


  1. What is Lewy Body dementia, never heard of it. My dad had dementia and the big A word too, but he died of surgery compliations.Can you email me to tell me what that is please. hugs Lynda Ruth Love your stitching.

  2. Dad looks like a super gentleman, I bet he is very proud of the lovely lady you are. X

  3. Both my parents had dementia. It is very hard on the caregiver. Your mother is lucky to have your dad.My mom survived three years after we lost dad and we had to eventually put her into a memory care center due to her health. It's great that you can give him a break every once and awhile.

  4. That must be so tough on your dad. I'm sure he loves your visit each week and looks forward to it hugely.

  5. That is so wonderful that your mom can be at home with your dad. And that you are able to go spend time with them each week :) And your purple dress looks like it is almost finished! Hurrah!!

  6. The purple dress is looking great!
    Glad you get to spend some time with your dad and give him a break in caregiving.

  7. I am so sorry that your Mom suffers with Lewy body dementia. Another blogging friend's hubby is in a long-term care facility as they deal with what life has handed them. Let me know if you want her contact info.

    I am so glad that you and your dad have a few moments to bond and that he can stay connected to the outside world. When you are a caretaker your world shrinks considerably.

    Have a blessed Sunday- xo Diana

  8. What a treasure those visits must be! Merry Sunshine looks great, I wonder if your dad is singing that song in his head when he sees his darling daughter walk in the door.

  9. How special your Mondays are. I know it must be hard for your Dad, but how wonderful that you're able to come. I wish I lived closer to my parents to help them out weekly.
    Miss Merry is looking great!

  10. Oh, I well know what your family is going through, Sharon. My dad had Lewy Body Dementia and mom was his caregiver for many years until he got to be too bad for her to watch over. They were both in their 80s and he eventually died at age 87. Such a horrible disease and I know how your dad must value your help and company. I lived 5 hours away from my parents so I only got up to help for a few days at a time each month. My mom is now 91 and having heart problems... so sad to watch them age :(

  11. So sorry to hear about your Mom....Your Dad looks really good in the Photo. I am so glad that you got to spend some time with your Parents.

    Your Stitching is so pretty. I really admire you for all of the crafty things that you have made and making.

    Have A Lovely Day

    Happy Stitching
    Linda K, Buttercup

  12. My mom has dementia too and my dad is her caregiver. That is going so-so as my mom spent her entire life taking care of him. He worked. So it's a huge adjustment. We go see them 2x a month to set up medications for both of them and to check in to see that everything is ok. My sister goes the other weekends. It's hard but there have been blessings too.

  13. Dementia is such a sad and scary process. I bet your father loves your visits and it's so important that the caregivers get care too.

    Extra spicy is the only way to have it! :)

  14. You're doing a great job both on that dress (that dress!) and as a daughter.


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