First thing, let me introduce everyone to a new
stitchy blogger! Meet
Lisa! Please go visit her new blog and wish her well in her new adventure!
BTW, She's got cute cows...Today I plan to do little more than stitch. It was a very busy day on Saturday so I'm going to be selfish today. I finished most of my household chores yesterday morning so I wouldn't have all of it to do today! Just some laundry left to do...yay!
I made it to the
Silver Needle for my needed stash. ~That answers Lisa's question!~ I picked up the threads I needed~not shown in the photo since they are for an exchange. I also got a few things that caught my eye...oh dear! The blue quarter of fabric is for the backing on the
pinkeep in my last you think it suits? I didn't think to bring my piece with yesterday... I couldn't resist the
LHN charts after seeing them stitched up on others' blogs. The Trilogy charts are simply darling and I wants-ed
thems. *grin*
I had to get the Knotted Tree's Star of David Topiary for my sister even though it's charted to stitch in silks~and I can't use silk. I am substituting the Silk 'n Color's thread Midnight Cobalt for Weeks Dye Works Father's Day. I hope that works! By the way, I am not Jewish but my sister is and I cannot resist charts that suit her!

After stash shopping Rick took me to the Olive Garden. Yum, we both ordered the Tour of Italy plate with lasagna, chicken Parmesan and fettucini alfredo. Best of all (well, not better than stash but...) OUR TALONS WON last nights game~woohoo! That puts our record at 6-0 as yet UNDEFEATED!!! ***happy dances around*** We finally received our Arena Cup Champions 2007 t-shirts last night. I'm washing them up right now.
Bye for now***I'm off to stitch. A big thanks to everyone leaving comments. You really, really make my day!