See? Yesterday I forgot the mail until 8pm and look what appeared! I am positive if I'd ran to pick it up at 4, right after it arrived, there would have been nothing but the credit card statement. I was positively giddy as I went back to the house with two puffy envelopes!
These are the last two of the Ornament Swaps I was waiting for. First up is a beautiful sewing tree from
Lisa. Isn't this awesome? It's stitched on light lavender fabric and it's so sparkly! The neat shape is really cool too. Thank you Lisa, I love it!

The next package contained the sweetest kitty-cat pinkeep from
Conny. The front side, with the hand-made card:

Then the back side. I just love the cute little touches, like the jinglebell and the star shaped pins. And look! My initials! I am not sure you can tell but it is stitched on a very pale green linen. So pretty! Conny, it is wonderful, thank you!
This has been a really fun exchange. Now, I must stitch an ornament for each of these sweet ladies in return. It is a lot of fun picking out that perfect design for each person. Hummm, maybe I'll go look through my Christmas patterns again...
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