Rick was off to Oklahoma City on a
Patriot Guard ride early this morning. So I had most of the day to myself. Now, if I'm not careful, I'll waste an entire day doing nothing. I hurried through the morning chores of laundry, dishes, dog-brushing, vacuuming and such. Once I had enough housework finished that it
wouldn't look like I spent the whole day playing I got out some fabric, dye and started water boiling on the stove.
The first fabric I dyed was the bright orange on the left. This was RIT dye called Sunshine Orange. I wanted a really intense color so I used very little water and the entire packet of dye. The fabric, 28 count Jobelan, soaked for about 30 minutes. I was very pleased with the resulting orange because I wanted something suitable for a bit of Halloween stitching.
The middle fabric wasn't quite as pleasing. I added some liquid RIT Scarlet to that same orange dye bath and put in a cut of 25 count Lugana. This too soaked for about half an hour. I was trying for a darker orange color but what I got was a light salmon??? It's a pretty color though. I think the type of fabric made the difference in color.

Then, I drained the orange dye and mixed up some straight RIT Scarlet. This fabric is 32 count Belfast. I soaked this one for 30 minutes as well. Be aware when you dye with red dye...you will spend forever rinsing! I think I rinsed this for 40 minutes before I got all of the excess dye out! I'm really happy with this fabric, it has lots of variation and it should be perfect for some Christmassy stuff.
I think I like the liquid dyes the best. The granulated packet ones never seem to completely dissolve. However, the Sunshine Orange dye was really nice and I've never seen that one in a liquid form.
Blog Stuff
Have you seen the new widget in my sidebar:
The Blog Frog? Isn't that fun? I like seeing who's been visiting and it gives
your blog some advertising when you visit mine. I just wish more of you would add the widget to your blogs! I also love the FROG part of the name ~ fun for a stitchy blog ROFLOL!
Would you do me a big favor? I now have around 450 blogs in my Blog Roll. These all should be in my reader as well. If every one updated their blog on the same day I'd be in big trouble! Anyway, (I'll get to the point) 450 blogs is a lot to keep track of! Would you please check to see if your blog is in my Blog Roll? If it isn't or if you've changed the name of your blog and it's still listed as the old name, leave me a comment and I'll fix it. Also, if you display the Followers gadget on your blog and I'm not following you let me know! If you don't use the Followers gadget, why the heck not? Put it on! Again, just leave me a comment so I can fix it!
A new start?
I'm itching for a new Halloween start and I have a couple of designs in mind. Some deciding to do this evening and I'll settle to one of them and get to stitching! I'll let you know what comes about.
Thank you for visiting my blog today!