Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Saturday, April 2, 2011

and a Three and a Four

Two more ornies arrived from my Ornament Swap group. This first one from Lori of Stitchin Times Five. Lori stitched me one of Bent Creek's hilarious Photobooth Snowmen. And look ~ jinglebells! I really like the non-traditional colors and the sparkly fabric. Thank you so much, Lori!

Then came this sweetie from Lisa of Hockey Mom Stitchin' Hobby. Oh dear, a darling sheepie from Country Cottage Needleworks! Isn't this lovely? Lisa sewed this into a soft pillow ornament and it is only edged with that dark blue ~ the backing fabric is a light blue...very pretty! I love this ornament, Lisa!

I am getting excited for Christmas and there is still nine months to wait! Only one more Swap left for me to receive. Though, I still have the pleasure of stitching for the rest of members this year. Such plans!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!



Linda said...

What sweet ornaments....both are very nice. hugs, Linda

Babs in Alabama said...

I love them both, and aren't you something for getting them? lucky you.
I think I must do the LHN one now but can't remember it being blue...I wonder if Lisa changed the colors and I'm wondering if I have it. Hmmmmm. very pretty,

Teresa said...

That photo booth snowmen have made my day, toooooooo cute. Both are very nice.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Sue said...

Those are both absolutely lovely. I like the non-traditional colours.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Both are beautiful and it's wonderful to get treats in the mail. I'm looking forward to seeing what you stitch for everyone!

Joanna said...

When I read your posts of the ornament swaps I also get the feeling that Christmas is right around the corner. Both of them are beautiful. Your tree will be something.

Chris said...

Beautiful ornaments. I feel like I need to start stitching some. What I really need to start on are some Halloween ones! Thanks for the inspiration!

Kalu V said...

i love the bunny ears on the snowman !

they are both very cute!!

Karen said...

So cute! Love the photobooth snippet...just perfect for an ornament.

Margaret said...

How nice to receive such lovely ornaments! Love the blue on the second one!

Ziggyeor said...

Cute ornaments! I love the photo booth snowmen!

valerie said...

Wonderful ornies! They are both wonderful!

Donna said...

Very cute, both of them!

Christine said...

Two lovely ornaments, the photobooth snowmen are brilliant!

Bekca said...

Gorgeous ornaments, I love the jingle bells on the first one! Happy stitching to you.

Nan said...

Isn't it great fun to get mail? Especially when the packages have such nice things in them. Enjoy your ornies.

Deb said...

Such cute ornaments. Love the bells in the corners of the snowman ornament.

Juliana said...

They are adorable!

Jenny said...

Wonderful! Great designs and the finishing looks fabulous for both of them.

Carissa said...

Love them! I've been picking up some small Christmas patterns here and there and am planning to start stitching them soon. I want to make ornies for all my kids, granddaughter,nieces/nephews, SIL/BIL, Mom, IL's, and Sister/BIL. Since that's a lot of ornies, I need to start soon!

Melanie said...

Sooooooooooooo cute!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

They are both lovely!

Angela said...

I just love both of them :) I love our group so much!

Anonymous said...

I love the snowman holding his fingers up behind the other guy's head. ROFL

Lynn said...

Oooh, I love those blues! Both are beautiful ornaments!

Carolyn NC said...

Both are so cute!

Pumpkin said...

I can see why your postman must be curious about all these packages ;o)

Another two sweet ornies to grace your tree!

Julie said...

2 more super ornaments in your swap, those snowmen are sooo cute!

Meari said...

Those are cute ornies!

Sun City Stitcher said...

With our move out west (we moved 25 miles west) I have been waaaaay behind on my blog reading and commenting, but I had to say I love the jingle bells in the corner, very cute idea. I may have to use it next year (providing I remember)!!

Fanny said...

hola , todolo que haces me encanta tienes un blog hermoso felicidades.
Un abrazo.