Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Totally Useless Stitch A Long 2014

The 2014 TUSAL is launched! 

Save those ORTs!

What is an ORT? ORT or ort ~ Capitalized, it stands for Old Ratty Threads. These are the cast-off thread ends a needleworker cuts away. These ends are often saved in clear jars as a decorative object. The word, "ort" does appear in the dictionary, meaning: a bit of something left over; usually concerning food. 

Why would you save ORTs and why on earth post a picture on your blog? Not everyone saves them. Some stitchers just toss them in the trash or let them decorate the sofa and floor. Sometimes this inadvertent decorating draws ire from those living with us. Saving these clippings in one place creates a random tangle of lovely colored thread. Posting a photo of this pile is "progress" of a sort and thus, the Totally Useless Stitch A Long was born. 

If you would like to join the Stitch-A-Long:

1. Comment on this post.

2. Get a glass jar or other container and save your thread clippings. Some stitchers include fabric trimmings, thread bands or any other stitching cast-offs they gather. You may continue filling this jar throughout the year OR you may empty the jar and start over each month ~ no firm rules here!

3. On (or about) each New Moon take a picture of the ORTs in your jar and post it to your blog. This is a blog game so YES, you MUST have a blog to be included.

4. Yes, you can use your current ORT jar or jars. This is no contest...the stitcher with the most ORTs doesn't win!

5. You should post a picture each New Moon, even if there has been no "progress" to show. We are aiming for "once a month" here...no whippings for being late, early or absent!

6. When you have posted the picture of your ORTs visit my blog and comment on my ORT report for that month's TUSAL. If I have a Totally Useless Giveaway these comments give you an extra entry. Make sure you comment on the right post, a few comments seem to sneak onto other posts!

The New Moon dates for 2014 are:

January 1
January 30
March 1
March 30
April 29
May 28
June 27
July 26
August 25
September 24
October 23
November 22
December 22

In years past, I have made up a "guest list" by adding a blog link list for everyone that joined ~however~ this year I probably will not do that. It takes hours and hours and hours of visiting blogs, editing the post, checking links, editing the post, correcting mistakes, editing the post. I'd much rather be stitching or visiting your blog on a recreational basis. Therefore, consider your comment to be your entry. Make sure either your profile is set to "open" so people can visit your blog or leave a link to your blog in your comment.

A request: I notice there are a lot of bloggers completely in the dark about your Totally Useless posts. They see lots of people posting pictures of ORT jars but they have NO IDEA why. They might want to join in the fun too! Please put a LINK to THIS sign-up page when you make your TUSAL posts. A link in your sidebar is great but ONLY if your readers SEE it and realize what it is.  

If you want to add the TUSAL link gadget to your sidebar (in Blogger): right click on it and save the photo to your computer, go to your blog's layout and choose "add a photo" and put the address to this 2014 TUSAL post in the link option. Upload the photo and save.

A shout-out on your blog to let other stitchers know about the Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long would be greatly appreciated! Plus, please change the links in your sidebar to this new post!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Barbi said...

Count me in!

AnaCristina said...

WOW!!! I would like to join the TUSAL 2014!!!!

happy new year Sharon! and thank you for this fun posts!

Shelly said...

Sharon, there's no February. No full moon on that month?

lekae said...

WOW! i'm in!

Zeb said...

I'm in :)

Zeb said...

Is there a badge for this? Might give making my own one a go :)

Sarah Beth said...

Hi I'm in as usual☺

олик** said...

hi, I join again as last year - http://olgahmel.blogspot.com/

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I'm in! It's a weird year with 2 in Jan and March and none in February!
What will we call our blog posts I wonder?

Rai Rai's Stitches said...

I'm going to try this again. I was good for about a total of three months last year.

This year I pledge to make it to 5!

katica said...

I'm in!!!

AnaCristina said...

WOW! That's amazing! It doesn't have new moon in february!

Laura said...

I'm going to jump into the frey and go for it too! :)

Unknown said...

I'm in - loved taking part this year :)

Karyn said...

I'm in again…sounds purrrfect ;) I promise to behave and post monthly…

Ali said...

I missed last year but would like to sign up for 2014 please xx

Jan said...

Yea!!!! I've been waiting for this post so I can join officially at the beginning of the year this time... LOL

Susan said...

Very interesting post schedule, but I'm in.

Bente Lill M said...

I'm in too. Feels like a little push every month, and I need that. ;)

Enjoy the holidays!

Lija Broka said...

Count me in again! Will try to post on time this year.


Emma/Itzy said...

I'm in! Will go edit my link this second!

cerato said...

Count me in Sharon!!
I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Hugs from Spain

catherine said...

I,m going to have a go
x catherine

Sheila said...

I would like to join!

Katie said...

Thanks so much for doing this again! Can't wait!!!


blueladie said...

Love being a part of this. So much fun. :) Thank you. Cathryn

~*Sharee*~ said...

Count me in. :)

Hugs, Shar

Bruna Aguiar Melo said...

Count me in!

Rike said...

Count me in,
happy stitching

Christine said...

I'm in! Now to remember to post! Thank you for organizing the TUSAL.

Unknown said...

Please, enter my name too =)

CrossAStitch said...

Count me in :)

Anonymous said...

I am joining this year! :)

katjakay said...

I just started blogging and was sent here by a friend and was told I MUST do this, so I will. So far my ORT jar is a dvd package lid, but hopefully I'll get a real jar soon.

Linda said...

Count me in for 2014.


Varla Lee said...

I always wanted to join!! Count me in for it, please!! Thanks so much for this opportunity, will have fun! ^_^

Brenda said...

Oooohhh I'm game! I would love to join this as I am ALWAYS stitching on something!

lynda said...

please count me in for another year...thanks!

BronnyB said...

Yes Please !!! I fell by the wayside in 2012 (left the husband of 25yrs) and it has taken me until this month to settle back to a system of stitching, where I don't feel pressurised or a feeling of obsessively stitching - it's become a pleasure again.
I fully intend to spend 2014 returning to the blogging fold and would love to start the new year with my TUSAL !!!

Unknown said...

I would like to join the 2014 tusal and thank you for another great year!!!!

D1-D2 said...

I'm in for this year as well :)

Chris said...

I am in!! Thanks for hosting this.
Merry Christmas!!

Julie said...

I did terrible this past year, too many times my computer was out of action---got the pics, not the posts. But I'll try again in 2014!

Julie said...

Woo--hoo! Two Blue Moon months this year!

Angela said...

Count me in this year :) Thanks for hosting this!

Stitching Noni said...

Count me in again for 2014!
Thank you Daffycat for hosting this little piece of fun! So looking forward to seeing all those little ORT's again for another year!

Akila said...

Wow, it's so soon time for yet another ORT!! I am in again. Thanks a lot for hosting this and keeping us all motivated to put in those stitches

CJ said...

I am going to give it another try. Hopefully I can make it through the entire year.

Thanks for hosting!!

Merry Christmas!!!


Kate said...

Oh go on then I'll give it my best shot

Erica said...

Count me in for 2014!

Sara said...

Count me in for 2014 too!

Anonymous said...

Count me in for 2014.
I joined in your TUSAL on November 2012, "disappeared" for quite a few months during 2013. Let's hope that 2014 will be a better year and that I won't miss any of our meetings. Happy xxxes and a Happy New Year.


Unknown said...

I'm in!


Lesleyanne said...

I would love to be part of this again. Thank you for hosting.

jhm said...

I skipped last year but not the upcoming year - too much fun even if I was late half the time.



Roberta said...

Not a good stitchy year past--will be much better year this year. Just need to remember to post. Thank you for keeping this fun event going.

#HeatherMakes said...

Hello! Yes I'll be joining in again next year thanks xxxx

BronnyB said...

Just posted on my blog my TUSAL for the past 18 months... ready to start afresh for Jan 1.
Looking forward to joining the fun again.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

Not only have I explained what TUSAL and ORT are, but I have shared the link to your blog and invited others to do the same :D

Thank you so much for doing this again for 2014 <3

Astrids dragon said...

Oh yes, another year for TUSALs!

Dani - tkdchick said...

I'm going to give it another go in 2014


Heather said...

I'm in again. Thanks for hosting, again!

Faith... said...

I would love to join again!

Thanks for organizing this :)

SoCal Debbie said...

Yes, count me in! I'll empty out my 2013 jar and start again in 2014!

Karen said...

I'm in!!



hafza said...

I'm happy to have found your blog...I love to join. Now I know what to do with my thread ends.

*-* said...

I'm going to join once more.
I do hope I can keep on with the
TUSAL challenge.

Danielle said...

I would like to join the TUSAL for 2014. I WILL do it this year!!

Fiona said...

Count me in please :)

Pam said...

Sign me up for 2014 =)

Rowan said...

Count me in! :)

Bonnie Brown said...

Not sure if I have already, but I'm in! How great that the first one is on the first!! :)

Christin said...

Count me in. :)

Zeb said...

I've created a badge for my sidebar for the TUSAL :)

Hope you like it.


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm in again this year - I just changed the link on my sidebar to this year's post - ;))

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

I'm in! TUSAL button is attached lovingly to my blog :D

Sarah C said...

I'm in!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I'd love to join in the fun! I started stitching at midnight and have a few threads. I'll post today! Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Blu said...

Count me in this year!

DJ said...

Please sign me up! I'll do my best to keep up this year! Thanks for hosting!!

Pamela D. Atkinson said...

Count me in! I am going to get my jar right now! LOL hugs, and happy stitching, Queeny

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Ann C. said...

Thank you Sharon for hosting the TUSAL again for 2014. Please include me for this year, I love participating in this SAL.

Julie said...

Count me in too.
Thanks for hosting.

Shari said...

I'm in!

Steph said...

I would love to join. :)

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Coming late to the party, but I'd love to join in!

Cajun Mama said...

I'm definitely in! :)

Lynda Hardy said...

I fell off track last year, but I'm in this year!

Threeundertwo said...

Count me in! Wish I had done this last year.

Cleary (Cie) said...

I'm in I just cleaned out my one from last year.

Anonymous said...

I'm in

Hugs from Venezuela

Tati from Mi Maleta Lila


Bonnie said...

I am joining this year.

Loretta said...

I have been a part of this SAL from the beginning and I am not stopping now.

*-* said...

I have a large jar to start, with very few orts at this stage. However I'm sure to have more as the year progresses.
Here is a link to my TUSAL jar, at my blog, below. http://www.sublimepastimes.blogspot.co.nz

Gina said...

Missed the first New Moon - but I@m in!!

Thoeria said...

I missed the moon yes but I'm in this year for sure!

Anonymous said...

I read this several days ago and have been mulling it over, and I'm in! I have a jar that I just emptied at the start of December, but I think I'll empty it again as I start the new year's projects and see how it goes. Maybe I'll even do two - one for my CQJP and one for all the other stitching!

Kate said...

I'm in to try again this year.

Unknown said...

Just found TUSAL and have been noticing these for years so I've decided to join in on the fun. I recently joined a Just Nan SAL and picked up 2 clear plastic ornaments from Joann's to keep ORT's in. I though it'd be neat to see my progress over the year and hang it on my tree next Christmas as a reminder of all that I've accomplished.

Sylvia said...

I would love to participate. Count me in. Thanks for hosting this again. I love saving ORTs because it is a colorful reminder of my stitching journey.

Sherry said...

Ok, I missed the first New Moon (January 1st) but I'll join the fun for the rest of the year.

Thank you.

Auntie April said...

I'm going to participate, and use the snippets of yarn from my finished knitting projects. I hope that's cool with you. :)

Unknown said...

I'm in! I've got my page set up on my blog! If you guys are looking for some inspiration in 2014, http://internationalstitcher.blogspot.ca

Irishka-hutoryanochka said...

Hi, I join again as last year - http://myhutorok.blogspot.ru

Sandy In Montana said...

Just posted the link on my sidebar. Maybe this year I'll be able to take part in the fun. Now I'm off to take a photo of my Totally Empty ORT Jar.

Take Care & Happy Stitching
Hugs, Sandy In Montana

The Inspired Stitcher said...

I'm checking in late this year. Count me in again!

Melissa said...

Count me in! I would love to take part.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I was trying to explain my ORT jar to my husband the other night, and couldn't remember the acronym for it :)

Joysze said...

Late to the party, but I'm in!!! :D I see that I've missed the first post of the year. LOL!!! Not a great start, huh?


Katie said...

Better late than never...I have a jar :)

~ Toni ~ said...

Count me in again, maybe I can keep up with the post this year :)

Rhonda said...

Stumbled across this SAL by accident this morning, and this really intrigues me. I always hate seeing all those colorful little threads being tossed - but had no idea what I could use them for. So I will give it a try. I posted it to my blog as well. : )

Genny Garcia said...

Este año me porto bien, participando cada mes, ya mostré la foto de mi pote, espero que todo vaya muy bien, desde hace muuuucho tiempo que soy tu seguidora. Un fuerte abrazo y un 2014 maravilloso para toda la familia.

Genny Garcia said...

Olvidé el enlace a mi blog http://gennyysusamigas.blogspot.com/

Daffycat said...


thanks for joining the SAL...unfortunantly your profile is set to "private" so no one can find your blog.

Dana said...

Absolutely LOVE this idea! Count me in!

Jessica said...

I wasn't able to participate last year, but here I am for this year! :)


Kevin said...

Hope I'm not too late to join! UGH - wish I had been saving all my ORTS from last two weeks - I've been a crazy STITCHIN' MACHINE lately. ;-)

Sheryl said...

Just found a perfect jar. Please count me in

Rachel S-H said...

I'd like to join!

Unknown said...

This is cool! :D

Tisha said...

I`m in it!

Edie said...

Please count me in! Thanks :D

Unknown said...

Please count me in as well. I'm trying to keep better track of my stitching.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new blogger and I would love to join if it's not too late.

Varla Lee said...

Hey! How are you?? I have a question: Why February are not in the list??? Cause i will post first next month. Is ok? Thanks!!

Unknown said...

I'm in!

Kate said...

Late to the party, but I'm in :-)

Unknown said...

I'm definitely in again this year!

Anonymous said...

I just knew about this game. It's February, and I hope it's not too late to join in.

Tania said...

I joined the game!
I just love the idea of the totally useless.
Greetings Tania,

Unknown said...

Hello! Is it too late to join in? I've always just thrown my ORTs in the trash. I didn't even know what an ORT was until yesterday. :)

Sharm said...

I've just found about this as well, so I'm going to jump on board....love the idea !

Sharm from Australia

Jusie said...

I want to join

Ingrid said...

I'll join too :)

Rose said...

I will join in also.

Anonymous said...

Uhh... better late than never? Count me in!

bonnie said...

ok i think i want to try this again,my stitching got pushed aside last year,it was crazy!!!

Susan in SC said...

I hope I am not too late to join! Looking forward to March.

A Consuming Passion said...

Arghhhh as always late to join the party! Missed January but I have March marked up on the calendar and am stitchin-up-a-storm so should have a little of the good stuff to share.....:-)

Patty said...

I'm back to blogging so I'm joining the TUSAL again. See you in March!

Unknown said...

Trying to get my blog jumpstarted. Count me in! I have my special glass ort container already set...

Urszula said...

I have also just restarted my blog so will also be joining in

Zhemchug said...

I'd like to join. I have started actually ))) http://zhemchuzhiny.blogspot.ru/2014/03/tusal-totally-useless-stitch-long-start.html
Evgenia, Russia

Laura Nicole Heart and Soul said...

I'm a little late to the party! The first part of my year was crazy! But I'm in!!

Anonymous said...

I know I am late to the party, but better late than never! Www.the2nd35years.com

Laura Nicole Heart and Soul said...

I'm late but count me in!!

Anonymous said...

Better late than never?! Www.the2nd35years.com

Anonymous said...

Better late than never?! Www.the2nd35years.com

Галина said...

I also want to join http://moerykodelie.blogspot.ru/

Katie said...

I'm late but I'd love to join! http://stitchingandotherobsessions.blogspot.com/

Raquel, Calico Craft Designs said...

I'm a bit late to the party but count me in!


Unknown said...

Hi :) I know I'm a lot late, but can I please join? Thank you :)


Rachael said...

Fashionably late to the party but count me in for future months!


Jaimee said...

Ooh, this should be fun, count me in too.


Unknown said...

Checking in...


Anonymous said...

Late to the party but I would like to join in too!


Craftypodes said...

Joining in! We'll be posting our first pic in June.


Caitlin D said...

A little late in joining, but count me in!

mrjones99207 said...

I am following in Caitlin's footsteps....late, but want to still be part of the party!

casecottage said...

And I'm following in mrjones's footsteps. I want to participate too!

AprilFoole99 said...

Late start, but count me in!

Kali said...

Glad to see this still on! I've found some amazing blogs here in the past that I hope will help keep me motivated! http://nwredhead.wordpress.com/

Suz said...

It's a super late start, but these seems like too much fun not to join in!

Unknown said...

Only just found this after following links on the Smalls SAL.
Would love to join in - better late than never. I know I'm a few days late this month but you seem very relaxed about the rules of engagement.
I have an Ort Jar and will take a photo and post it on my blog
I've already added the TUSAL sidebar.

StrawberryStitching said...

Even though I am very late to this game, I would like to join as well. I just started a blog, and I do have a lot of ORT's!

My blog is


sew.darn.quilt said...

I'm another late bloomer, I've seen the term on blogs, TUSAL, but was clueless until now! If I could, I'd like to join too :)

Sarah said...

Will this be starting over for 2015? Hope so. I would like to join in.