Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Ball of Shame

The dreadful frogging of my May Snapper block has been completed. Sadly, it went from this:

(See? I told you I was only an hour from finishing.)

To this:

Isn't that a horrid Ball of Shame? Now, to start anew...but first, I must comment ~ or is that file a complaint? ~ on the way I stitch. I have discovered (in the course of epic frogging) that I end every thread as though I were mooring the Titanic. This habit makes for tricky unpicking, let me tell you! Holy crows, that was hard work!
Happy Happy. Joy Joy.
I happened to stop by a local antique store for a browse yesterday and finally found myself a scissor frog! Then, to top that, I even came across a pretty milk glass container that fit it perfectly! *squee* All this joy for only $8. Can't beat that with a stick.
***you don't see all the clutter on my desk***
Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Karen said...

Ahhh...at least you could make some bird very happy! Hopefully the stitching will go a little quicker the second time around.

Love your frog find!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I loved your analogy of ending your threads as if you're mooring the Titanic. LOL

Patty C. said...

The frogging is over :) -and you didn't croak !!

I am going to have to find a scissor frog - everyone seems to have those - yours is lovely

Your desk clutter looks somewhat organized - could be worse :)

Stitcher said...

Awww but hey it's done now and your fabric looks to be in good shape after all that frogging.

"mooring the Titanic"....couldn't help it but I had to giggle at that!

Btw, you need more scissors to fill up the rest of those holes in the scissor holder....lol!

Donna said...

With sorrow and tears, come smiles and laughter! Glad the frogging is all over and you found what you were looking for. Hope you didn't have to go through too many tissues!

Missy Ann said...

I love milk glass. :) So sorry about the frogging, but years from now when it's a distant memory you'll be glad you did.

Cyndi said...

Your new scissors holder is just too cool! Now, take a deep breath, and finish that May Snapper block! You can do it!

Barbi said...

OH my G!!!! I can't believe you frogged it!!! Oh my heart just broke for you!
But hey! The scissor frog is fabulous! I have been scouting for them too, but with no luck so far.

Deb said...

*Squee* is right!!!! You can't beat your new flower frog with a stick at that price. I love it. And I had to crack up about your comment about ending every thread like you are mooring the Titanic! LOL I do the same thing and hate when I have to frog.

Can't believe you had to frog all of that, but at least it's over and you can move on.

Sweet Sue said...

Oh Sharon, you're so funny, the Titanic ~ LOL!


~*Sharee*~ said...

Awwww, sorry about the frogging hun; but in the long run; you'll be glad you did it. otherwise it will bother you. Love the scissor holder; I will have to find myself one.....


ArchangelDecker said...

The scissors frog and the milk glass container are just beautiful!

Congrats on your find! :)

Anonymous said...

Horrid ball of shame ---- nooooo. Very strange AFRO? Yes!

Love the scissor frog and container. That is really cool!

Myra said...

***Squeee*** I am happy dancing with you over the flower frog. I went to the thrift store today - alas no flower frog but I am glad you finally found one. I had to LOL about your anchoring of threads. I think I am prone to that as well. Now, onward with the May stitching!

Nick said...

Sorry to see your ball of shame, though your May snapper looked very nice before hand. Thats a cool scissor holder, esp for only $8! And if that's a cluttered desk, please don't look at my desk! lol

omashee aka Barb said...

Aren't these kinds of frogs to die for? And to think my mom had several laying around when I was young. Love, love, love your milk glass!

Although frogging is never fun it does avoid them multiplying down the pike. They do breed!

Lovely little "ball of shame". Got an ort jar? Would look great in one.

Lana said...

What clutter? ::innocent look:: Sorry about your ball of shame, it is quite ugly. Good luck with restitching!! Hey I was thinking of returning to kindergarten so I could learn how to count again, wanna come with? But we can't eat the crayons!! LOL...I swear, sometimes I really wonder if I know how to count at all! Here's wishing the frogs away from your abode!

saras said...

Bummer on the ball! :) But i love the thingie for your scissors! But I don't get why they call them frogs? And are they really for scissors? Gotta start searching my little thrift shops!

Lesleyanne said...

Sorry you had to unpick it all. Love the scissor holder.

Christine said...

What clutter, at least I can SEE the surface of your desk, can't say that for mine ;D
Fabulous scissor frog by the way.
The "ball of shame" is actually quite pretty, maybe you should preserve it in one of those clear plastic balls (ducking and running for cover).

Claire said...

Great scissor frog!

Stitchabilities said...

At least you can fill your Tusal jar, Look on the bright side...LOL

I have a scissor Frog that was my Grandma's not sure if she used it as that though.

Lynn Bourke said...

Well done with the frogging! Don't you just hate having to do that...? I usually end up throwing the piece in my UFO box when this happens.

Love the scissor frog!

Barb said...

OOHHH ouch,that is some frog visit there . You wouldnt know though that the fabby had been stitched on. Hope they have hopped away now.
Love those scissor holder thingys, I am going to have a look see if I can find one.
Hugs n stuff

Lynn said...

Pretty scissor frog! I know that somewhere in this house (or is it at my Mom's?) there are a couple of these hiding. Might take me years to find them though, lol.
As for the ball of shame, well you know I've also got a couple here from my trying Cat Sampler. It's best just to pretend they never happened.

Annie said...

At least the frogging is done and you have a nice collection of orts for stuffing pin cushions!

And one more of those now ubiquitous (my $.50 word of the day) scissors frogs. They are taking over!

Nancy said...

So glad for you that the frogging is over! Now you can stitch and enjoy.

Congratulations on finding a scissor frog! The milk glass container is beautiful. Enjoy!

Kathy A. said...

Oh Im glad that you decided to frog that block. It would have stared at you every time you looked at that piece.
Love that scissor frog!
What clutter??? I don't see a thing!

Rachel S-H said...

That certainly is a ball of shame. Poor you . . .

Love the scissor frog!

Laura said...

Oh Sharon, I feel your pain. I have several UFOs in my Closet of Shame for the very same reason. Love your new scissor frog!

Ineke said...

Finally you finished the frogging. Now you have to gain courage for a new start of this pretty flower block? I often use a ripper when I have to frog, but very carefully!
I do hope you still like stitching these flowers for a second time.

Pumpkin said...

LOL! At least you're all frogged out now ;o)

That's great!!!! And a lovely one at that :o)

K-G Knitter said...

I love the milk glass jar you found for your scissor frog! It's really pretty.

And don't worry about the "ball of shame" just throw it in a pretty ort jar, and say you meant to do it! :)

Micki said...

Good luck with your stitching and hope it goes better the second time around!

Christina said...

Oh no, poor you, how frustrating! I feel your pain!

Olga said...

The frogging is done, smile and forget about it. You will feel better.
Good luck on stitching May block!

Carol said...

Aww... at least you got the worst part over! I hate that darn frog... I know you'll be able to finish it by the end of the month, Sharon :)

Nice frog find (the good kind of frog) at the antique store!

Lindsay said...

At least your desk clutter is tidy unlike mine :)

Love the scissor frog and one of those fob looks familiar, lol

Annemarie said...

At least your TUSAL will be going fantastically well this month!

Now, I love that scissor holder-thingie, but my eyes were drawn instantly to the background in that picture. If you hadn't said anything I wouldn't have looked. By the way, do you call this clutter? You're an innocent :o)

lenna said...

Daffy ~ Glad you got it done, that horrible ball of shame. But just think if you had left it you would now be crazy and maybe not be able to unpick anything.
You know they don't allow sharp objects some places. Love your scissor frog. I must start looking around here. Maybe in McGregor they have lots of old stuff there.
Happy stitching when you put it back in.
Take care and God Bless ~

Julie said...

The ball of shame looks quite nice really, even after the bad experience you learned something, i like that attitude

Love the scissor frog, what a find!

Tammy said...

I seriously LOL'd at the "ball of shame". Hilarious! Your project is going to be beautiful!

Lisa said...

I have found that I "anchor" my ends in the same fashion...nothing will get them to unravel! I love your scissor frog! Great treasure found!
Take care,

Annette said...

OMG th eblock of May was almost finisched... To bad you needed to frog so much, hope you can start it soon... Your scissers are looking great in there new home..

JessB said...

As painful as frogging it all was, you will feel better about it knowing that it is in the right place now. I love that scissor frog! I want one!

Siobhán said...

Congratson the thrifty score!!

ROFLOL at the mooring the Titanic comment!

Carolyn NC said...

I feel your pain - I do the same thing when ending my stitches, too. At least it's done and you can now start again! Love the scissor frog!

Karan said...

Poor you - poor threads (((((hugs))))).
Love the scissor frog & container. Hope it's the only kind of frog that ever stays around from now on. :0)

TinaTx said...

Hugs for all that frogging! Been there, done that. (more often than I would like to admit)
Love that little milk glass cup you found for your flower frog!

Meari said...

Very pretty frog! I wish I could find the "perfect" container for mine.