Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who likes pie?

I like pie! Pumpkin, pecan, chocolate. I'm not as fond of fruit pies but I'll still eat 'em. Of all though, I think pumpkin is my favorite. I took a Lizzie*Kate design and used two of the squares in it to make up a tiny little fob. Just the right size for these pretty silver scissors.
One side is pumpkin...

...and the other side is pie! Is this cute or what?

Design ~ November Flip It #F32
Designer ~ Lizzie*Kate
Fabric ~ 28 count scrap
Fiber ~ DMC
Finish ~ Scissor fob

This wee fob is on it's RAK way to someone soon! Could it be you? What is RAK, you ask? An RAK is a Random Act of Kindness...a little gift sent in surprise to brighten someones day. Of course ~ I can only send an RAK to someone if I already have their address. It HAS to be a surprise! If you don't think I have YOUR address maybe you'd better email me. *hint hint*
This RAK went to Valerie at
I'm still having trouble with the blogs in my sidebar linking to feeds instead of the actual blog. Google's Blogger Help Forum SUCKS. I cannot figure out what is wrong. No one else seems to have the problem. I may have to just delete the whole freakin' thing and add my blogs into a link list. I have well over 600 blogs in my reader so that is going to take a while! Daunting task. So don't panic if my Blog List disappears and suddenly you aren't listed in whatever I decide to use. I will get to you!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Friendship Crossing said...


Your fob turned out sooooooo cute!! I think I know which LK graph that comes from. LOL I have never tried making one, so now you've inspired me.

Whoever gets this will absolutely love it! I know I did.

Have a great day and hope that blogger thing gets cleared up soon!


Julie said...

Cute little fob on those scissors.

I would be no help in blog reading problem, i am useless with technology and have to ask DH LOL

Shari said...

how adorable!!! I am thinking about making a pumpkin pie today!!! I think it would go good with my chicken tortilla soup for supper!!!
I guess your blogger list still doesn't like me!!! ha!!

~*Sharee*~ said...

I just emailed you my address; I'd LOVE to be your next RAK VICTIM!! LOL.


Annie said...

Super cute little seasonal fob. You are such a sweetie with your RAKs.

I think I added blog urls individually to the blog list on my blog. I guess you imported them from a reader in some way? Maybe that is why they are pointing to the feeds.

Sadie said...

Super cute fob! I have never had pumpkin pie, it's not to be had here in Scotland, but anything with chocolate gets my vote! x

Anonymous said...

So cute!

I love pie too ---- Fruit pies are my absolute favorite, but pumpkin is good too!

Lesleyanne said...

A lovely fob. Whoever receives it will be thrilled I'm sure - I know I would. I don't use the reader, I use my blog list sorry I can't be of any help.

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Too cute!

Cole said...

What a cute fob!! Pumpkin pie is my favorite too :)

Anonymous said...

That is really a cute fob!

My favorite is Pecan Pie. My Mom passed away in 2009. She loved Pecan Pie also. I miss her and wish we could share a slice together. :(

I think you should do a blog list that blogger has set up. I have never had a problem with it.

Have a wonderful Halloween! :)

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

You didn't have to mention Pies. I am hungry.. LOL Cute scissor Fob!!! Someone is very lucky!!!

Billie said...

This fob is soooooo cool!!! I love it!!!

valerie said...

Cute fob! I love pie! Pumpkin and apple are my favorite.

Hazel said...

You know what... I have never tried pumpkin pie! Looks nice though. x

Unknown said...

I sent you my address I would so love to own a little piece of pie!!

ArchangelDecker said...

That is too cute! I love that! :)

Jennifer said...

I love the RAK! I'm really going to have to get on the ball so that I can send out a RAK too....especially since I haven't done one in awhile.

First I need to get through some hefty obligation stitching and then it is RAK city!

Kathy said...

Oh your fob is just adorable. Love it! I hadn't seen your ornament until now and I really like that too. Great stitching and finishing.

As for blogger I seem to be having prblems with links too. Some work and others tell me they can't open the page. it appears to be random. probably why I didn't see your last post. :)

Kathy A. said...

Love pie - #1 lemon meringue
#2 - pumpkin!

Now Im hungry for pie lol.
Love that little scissor fob. Very nice.

Claire said...

It's so sweet.I have never had Pumpkin pie.I might try and make one this year.

Melissa said...

Sweet little fob! Great job!

Annette said...

Pie where I want some, yummy...
Baby want some too!!!!
What a very cute fob, cute stitched and cute finished!!
Good luck with blogger, I've some problems with it too...

Carmen said...

this scissor fob is so cute!. I cant help with the blogger list, sorry.

Stitchabilities said...

What a cute fob, it'll make someone's day for sure

Christine said...

Your fob came out adorable!
I've never tried pumpkin pie, it doesn't quite compute with my English brain to try and make a pudding out of vegetables

Kajsa said...

How cute is that! You did such a good job on it.

Anonymous said...

Sigh, I love pies, especially from Pie & Burger in Pasadena peach or strawberry, though my husband is crazy about thier coconut or pecan) or Upper Crust in the San Francisco Bay Area. I had to LEAVE behind a DELICIOUS Bing Cherry Upper Crust pie in San Francisco this weekend. I couldn't finish it and didn't think TSA would pass it on the plane. Sigh. I am still dreaming about that pie.

Theresa said...

Awww~~ This is adorable!!!! I wonder who will be the lucky one~~

kimstitch3 said...

love your new fob finishes

Denise said...

Oh - you named my 3 favorite pies! But, pecan would be my number 1, follwed by chocolate and then pumpkin. Your fob is adorable!

Good luck with the blog list issue. No ideas how to fix it. Sorry.

Smiles - Denise

Myra said...

That is way cute Sharon! My oldest twin LOVES pumpkin pie and has been known to eat an entire pie in one sitting.

Lisa V said...

A very cute fob indeed!

Robin said...

LOL! You think you have reached capacity with over 600 blogs in your reader list? Me thinks, eBlogger did count on us overachiever types.

Adorable scissors fob. I think I have to do it!

Unknown said...

Pretty fob!!! I hope one of this day I will get one of yours little gift!!!

Karen said...

Such a cute finish! You certainly have a knack for picking out bits and pieces of a design and turning into something wonderful!

I really need to go throught my charts now....you have inspired me.

Patty C. said...

I like pumpkin & apple - yum !!

Pauline said...

Cute little fob- I think I've got htat chart somewhere...

I'm hearing you about Blogger, it drives me crazy as does the help forum!

Sun City Stitcher said...

I feel the same way about Pie!!! I love the little scissor fob too, very cute idea.

Lynn said...

Your fob is adorable!!! As for pie, well it's one of my favourites. Although I'm the fruit pie lover while my DH favours chocolate. I'd never even heard of chocolate pie until we met!

Carolyn NC said...


Carol said...

What a darling fob, Sharon!! I love how you stitched both sides with different things...

Pie? I only like the insides--I really don't like pie crust! So, I just scoop out whatever is inside and eat that! Pecan is probably my favorite--can hardly wait until I make a couple for our Thanksgiving feast...

Blu said...

What a darling finish!

I can eat just about any pie except apple and rhubard. Big pecan fan. mmmmm

Best of luck sorting out your blog list.

Pumpkin said...

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!! What an adorable idea, although I don't love the 1 over 1 part ;o) LOL! Whoever will receive it will be one lucky stitcher!

Karan said...

Ooo that is so cute - love it! That'll be one very lucky recipient. :0)

Lillie said...

Sweet fall finishes.
Happy Halloween weekend!

Nancy said...

This is such a cute fob! I especially like the stitched pie!

Micki said...

Your fob is super super cute.
I love the stitchery!

Berit said...


I recently discovered that I like Peach Pie...from a local tavern as the fruit is just perfectly tart.

BUT...They have to cook the bottom crust, lol!