Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Ides of March Madness

It's Theme-a-licious and this is March Madness and here I sit at mid-month with only one project finished. What happened to half of March? I had plans for this. I was stitching. I was going like gangbusters ~ I stitched and finished an entire project and...got sidetracked. First, I was chosen by Nina to stitch A Bird in Hand using her hand dyed threads and then I was drawn on Anne's blog to stitch a traveling pattern. Whew, when it rains it pours. This wasn't what I had planned but it IS madness and it's fun and I will have a blast doing it.

A quick recap:

I stitched and finished this scissor pocket using Bent Creek's Red Winged Blackbird. Surprise! This was sent out as an RAK to someone that reads this blog. If I have your mailing address it might be you. If I don't have your address you might miss out so email it to me along with your blog address so I am reminded who you are ~ lol.

Here is my progress on A Bird in Hand:

Seriously weird tint to the colors here but you get the idea. So far this is a great stitch. Nina's threads are very nice! This is my first La D Da stitch and I think I'm hooked.

This next picture is Anne's Traveling Pattern finish not mine:

Isn't that a cutie? I'm looking forward to stitching this. I've been trying to decide on my colors and that can take me forever! Be sure to stay tuned to this blog if you'd like to stitch this one after me. I'll be hosting the drawing for it as soon as I can get it stitched.

It's madness at my stitching desk! It's a good thing this weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend or IHSW as you may have seen on blogs. I have plans to let everything else go hang while I catch up on my stitching.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Fiona said...

I always love your cross stitch... such tiny little stitches and such cute pictures. Hope you can survive the rest of the madness in march!!

Patty C. said...

Love the little traveling pattern -so cute ;)

Lesleyanne said...

It definitely sounds like madness. Will definitely be keeping my eyes open for the travelling stitch.

geeky Heather said...

Very cute birdie!! I love that your stitching plans were interrupted by random madness. I think we need T-shirts that say, "Madness Happens!" =D

Carol said...

It sure is hard to believe March is half over! Of course, it seems more like May is half over given the heat wave we've been having :)

I'm sure you're enjoying A Bird in Hand--can't wait to see your next update! Hope your IHSW provides you with lots of extended stitching time, Sharon!

Margaret said...

Nice stitching projects!

Barbi said...

I just love that bird!! You've got a good start on Nina's! And the Travelling chart is adorable! You've got some great projects lined up for IHSW!

Shari said...

LOVE your red wing blackbird.....I always look for them in springtime!!! Never disappointed....such a pretty song..
I will be watching your blog for the finish of the travelling pattern...it is a pretty one!!

valerie said...

That is the cutest finish! And good start on the LDD. I just love her designs! Have fun during IHSW!

Nancy said...

Love that bird! Enjoy your IHSW! Hope you get lots and lots of stitches done!

mab3500 said...

You're in like company. I lost half of my March too. I love your work and look forward to seeing your progress on the bird in hand.

Catherine said...

Middle if March doesn't seem possible! You are certainly busy!

Unknown said...

I agree, Nina's threads are gorgeous, and your fabby turned out great! Here's hoping for a less crazy half to the month, and more stitchy time!


Jan said...

I'm hearing a lot about Nina's threads. I may have to check them out.
The bird is adorable.
We were just lamenting yesterday about March being half gone. I made a comment about the Ides of March and they all just looked at me. I asked if they ever heard of Shakespeare!

Christine said...

March does seem to be going by really fast, it will be Easter before we can turn round. The travelling pattern is sweet,looking forward to seeing your version

butterfly said...

Lovely stitching, is it March ! I am still in February well
it must be my age ha ha.
Thanks for sharing.

Nina said...

I love all the pieces and can't wait to see more progress on La-D-Da :)

Mouse said...

ooooo love the la d da start and I', hooked on them too ... well done on the wee birdie ... who did you send it too ???? me ??? ..lol
can't wait to see your thankful start and happpyyy hermmiting :) love mouse xxxxx

Julie said...

March sure is whizzing along.
The travelling pattern is lovely, I've stitched that in the past, a nice project, looking forward to seeing your version of it.

Anonymous said...


I love that Travelling pattern, it's lovely.

Good luck for the rest of March and hope you enjoy IHSW.

Sherrie said...

Very pretty! Like the colors you choose for this. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Lynn said...

I can't believe how quickly March is going either. Easter will be here soon. Yikes!!

The little sheep is that Travelling pattern is adorable. It should be a fun stitch.

Love your finished RAK. You are definitely going to brighten someone's day with that cutie!

Joysze said...

Sounds to me like you have the perfect dash of madness to your first half of March, Sharon. ;)

Happy hermitting!!!!

Michelle said...

Lovely stitching x

Pumpkin said...

You're not the only one wondering where the first half of March has gone! LOL!

Your WIP is looking so nice on your fabric. Can't wait to see more :o)

Anonymous said...

Love your red winged birdie...too cute! Someone's going to be very happy when it arrives at their door!
Hope you survive the rest of march with all the madness!

Erica said...

Love the scissor pocket - there's going to be one happy recipient somewhere!

I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that travelling pattern - I think it's adorable!

Carmen said...

the scissor pocket look beautiful, i like the black bird and the finish. Yhe Nina thread look great too..and the travelling pattern is really cute. the litle sheep look cute.

Solstitches said...

The scissor pocket is so cute.
Love the way you finished it with the ric rak.

Anne said...

I love all your March Madness AND that you brought up the Ides of MArch! I always think of the Ides of March and Julius Caesar...I'm a geek at heart :D

I'm loving that tea dyed fabric for A Bird in Hand. Hope the colours jump out for you like mine did!!

Anonymous said...

how cute is that ewe, my husband has just finsihed lambing and want to stitch something sheepy for the kitchen, looking forward to the pics and the colours you decide on

oh and THANK YOU for the word verification being removed i have being trying to leave comments all night and it is doing my head in as it is playing up (again)

Ann said...

You've made two lovely pieces!
I must say that I adore the ricrac you've used as finishing for the little birdie!
Kind greetings,

Annette said...

What a fun post..
You are a busy girl..
I don't eanne know how may pieces you already have stitched...
Have you many pieces hanging/standing/lying in your house??