Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I Hate Coming Home

This house is too quiet. It's Empty with a capital E. Late last year, Taco, the cat went to live with Jessie when she moved to the city. I know Jessie and her husband, Matt enjoyed adding her to their family. Then in April after Sheba died, home seriously stopped being our happy place. Both Dash and I have experienced horrible feelings of dread associated with coming home to a lonely house. We cannot stand this emptiness any longer. Home should be a place full of hope and laughter and love, right? We have those things, yes...however there is a huge dog-shaped void sucking a lot of the happiness away before it can be fully enjoyed. Dogs just make some people's life complete, I suppose. 

To help complete ours, Dash and I are adding this tiny character to our cast:

Sweet little Molly.

Molly is a four-week-old Border Collie. Yes, another Border Collie ~ love them. We aren't sure of Molly's eye color or ear position yet, she is still too little to tell. Her momma has blue eyes and perked up ears and daddy has brown eyes with floppy ears...Molly could end up with either. She will be a rough coated collie, which I like very much. I imagine Molly will be a much smaller collie than we are used to as both parents were not nearly Sheba's size. Old Sheba was big for a collie!

No, we don't have her here yet. She has only started eating some solid food so it will be some time before we can bring her home. 

Dash and I had the pick of the litter. That is our Molly in the very center, with one brother on the right end ~he has the white collar~ all the other pups were girls. The puppies were such fun to play with! I could have stayed for hours. I hated to leave them, especially knowing they are a two hour drive away so we won't get to see her again before it's time to bring her home.

We cannot stand the waiting. This sucks! I feel like a kid who knows there are awesome presents under the tree but Christmas is still weeks away. Before the New Year comes, our house will be full of excitement and joy. For now, it's time to gather puppy training supplies and puppy safe toys and puppy-proof the house & yard. And get ourselves psyched up for training a new puppy. Very hard work!

But the effort will be totally worth it.  

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Kaisievic said...

Welcome to Molly - yes, pets are such an important part of our families. So glad that you are adding to yours again. Have lots of fun with Molly when she arrives.

hugs, Kaye

Catherine said...

Congratulations!!! She is adorable and I look forward to seeing more pics once she comes home!!

gracie said...

She is adorable....

Barbi said...

OMG!!! yeah Molly! What a sweetie! When we got Lulu, she was still too little to bring home, so we went out to visit her every Saturday just to cuddle with her and watch her grow from week to week.

leftystitcher said...

Congratulations. I just recently adopted a calico kitty. Pets just warm the home and our heart.

Ruby Craft said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Molly looks so sweet! Hopefully the days will fly by and soon she will be home with you.

Emma/Itzy said...

She is adorable! I hope to see many many photos once she is home with you :) Pets really do make a home.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Awwww she's adorable! :)

Congrats on your new little one....I know she will bring much love and joy into your lives.

Blessings always

Julie said...

She's adorable, soooo cute.

Fiona said...

how sweet... I think if yiou have had pets a lot in your life they definitely make your house feel like a home... molly is awesome...

TexWisGirl said...

a sweet and tiny child who will wreak havoc for a while and completely steal your hearts. :)

Maggie said...

Molly is so sweet, i hope you will all be very happy together :-)

Carrie said...

Molly is so adorable!! What a great addition she will make to your family!!

Suzanne said...

She is so precious! Congratulations!

Robin said...

Molly is so cute. It will be fun watching her grow on your blog. Animals add such great joy to your life.

Susan said...

Molly is so sweet. Puppy love is the best (please don't let my cats read that).

Anne said...

Molly is adorable! Lucky her and lucky you!! Hope we get to see your little border collie grow through the years! My brother brought home a border collie for me on my 16th birthday, Sheba. She was so special and smart too! Merry Christmas to you and yours and Molly too! :)

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable - I'm sure the waiting is sheer torture!

Annie said...

What an adorable puppy! I'm sure she will fill your empty house with love and joy in a wink!

Erica said...

Congratulations on your new furry companion. She looks positively adorable.

I look forward to regular Molly updates.

Parsley said...

So happy for you! Yes, Border Collies are super special. Someday when our pack gets small, another may be on our list.

Margaret said...

Oh my gosh, Molly is adorable!!! I know you can't wait for her to come home with you. So special -- I so understand wanting to bring another fur baby into your lives.

Stitching Noni said...

Isn't she adorable! Congrats on your new fur baby.
I know exactly what you are going through - after Daisy died the house was so empty & cold so we finally gave in & got another puppy - now we have a bundle of joy & happiness to help fill the void! Time will fly and you will have your puppy at home doing all those lovely puppy things!! :)

Julie said...

We have a Mollie.:)

She is just adorable,wish you happy times with her.

Lindsay said...

She is adorable and you'll have lots of fun with her as she grows up and gets spoilt

Jan said...

She is so cute! I bet we'll be seeing a lot of pictures in the future. Congrats on the new family member.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Seeing these pictures brought tears to my eyes, which I know is a strange reaction! Our dearly departed Odin looked just like this when we brought him home. I miss him SO much and hope it's okay if I have just a teeny little bit of envy for you and your gorgeous wee Molly. Please post lots of puppy pictures so I can get my 'fix'. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new addition! She's gorgeous....I'm so jealous, I'd love another pup in our empty nest!

Anne said...

So, so SO happy for you two!!! A new little bordie collie pup! She is darling and will be such a wonderful addition to your home. When we lost our cat, we went through the same morning period. The house felt waaaay too quiet and empty. Glad we got another cat and I know your Molly will brighten your home and your heart!!

Hugs to you! Can't wait till you get her home :D

Charlene ♥ NC said...

How adorable is she! It must be awfully hard to wait, but will be well worth the anticipation. Good for you!

marly said...

What a sweetie. Congratulations on the new family member. Can't wait to see photos of her.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations to you and Dash! Molly is so cute and I hope you'll share pics as she grows.

Linda said...

Oh, Molly is adorable. I'm with you, I wouldn't be able to stand the wait.


Glenna said...

Oh, I could scoop them all up! So wonderful to have a new family member!

Vicki said...

Congrats on your new family member - Molly is precious!

P.J. said...

Happy home to you, Dash and Molly! Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Congrats on Molly!!! Molly will bring a lot happiness to your home!!!!

Becky K in OK said...

She's adorable.

geeky Heather said...

Yay, puppy!!!! She's adorable. Congratulations! Don't worry; she'll be there before you know it. =)

Marsha said...

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! We got Buddy cause I couldn't stand being sad anymore. So excited for you. Great name. It's gonna be fun and hard work, but you know that. Most of all, it will be silly fun. Get those out door shoes ready (in, out, in, out, in, out...)

lynda said...

She's beautiful! and I know she'll bring so much joy to your home. Congratulations!

Sweet Sue said...

Certainly a most splendid way to start out 2013, congrats! Good health & happiness to Molly in her new forever home. Snuggles for Molly from me too:) xoxo

Jennifer M. said...

How adorable! Congrats on your new family addition. Training her will keep you plenty busy I'm sure. :)


Sharon said...

Molly is adorable! Looking forward to seeing more of her soon!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful way to bring in the new year. Nothing better then the love from an animal. I have 3 kittys

Lesleyanne said...

Molly is gorgeous. She will be a great addition to your family.

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

What a sweet little face - your world will soon be full of puddles lol xx

Mii Stitch said...

Molly is such a sweet little puppy, she looks adorable!

Christine said...

She is so sweet!

Akila said...

Aww, Molly looks adorable. Congratulations :)

Chris said...

Yea Molly! What a sweetie!

Chris said...

Yea Molly! What a sweetie!

Karoline said...

What a cutie, enjoy the new addition

Lynn said...

Molly is adorable!! I couldn't stand the quiet around here either after my Finnigan died. It was only a matter of a few months before I went in search of another pet and came home with Clarisse. I hope Molly brings you as much joy as Clarisse has brought us!

Lonneke said...

OMG!! She is SO cute! I hope she will make your house a home again.

Vickie said...

I know just how you feel. I just have to own a dog. My breed is toy poodle. I would just keep on replacing them forever. Need to convince my husband though. Good for you two.

Roberta said...

Way to cute, know you will enjoy her so much when she comes home with you.

Holly said...


Just found you.
Molly is so sweet!
When we chose our cat Peanut she was 3 days old and the wait was awful but worth it.
I hope Molly settles well and brings you much happiness.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Congratulations! There's just nothing in the world like the happiness of a dog. I know exactly what you mean about an empty house. Those four paws and that waggy tail will bring many smiles! So happy for you!

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Congradulations on your new puppy, the time will go fast and she will be in your home. Merry Christmas and the best of the new year Lynda

DJH said...

Congratulations, Molly is adorable! What a cutie.

blueladie said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family. She's beautiful. I am happy for you. :D Cathryn

Anonymous said...

Molly is so cute.

Yes, animals are always a way to brighten everyone's day especially on days that are going so bad.

Congratulations on your new edition!

Anna van Schurman said...

Stella welcomes her cousin to the stitchy blogosphere. Looking forward to Molly stories!

Bea said...

How exciting! A huge early welcome to Molly - she looks delightful.

Vicontessca said...

Congratulations! May your house be full of joy and happiness!

Terri said...

Oh, she is soooo sweet! Congratulations. I look forward to all the photos you share of her.


robindefender said...

Adorable! Hope she joins you at home super fast.

Myra said...

Congratulations! Better rest now while you can. :o) She is adorable.

Friendship Crossing said...

She is so stinkin' cute!! How adorable. I love playing w/puppies too as they are just so much fun!!
Congrats to both you and her! Love her name too!


Pat said...

How exciting!!
Congrats on the new addition. I love Borders and have had two of them in the past.

Rachel S-H said...

Molly is adorable!

valerie said...

Molly is so cute! How exciting to have a puppy in the house again. Congratulations! :)

Minnie said...

Looks as though Molly will have some large shoes to fill but I'm sure she will grow into them in no time and your home will again be full of happiness.

sheri said...

Oh, I completely understand. We lost our precious 9 year old puppy just three weeks ago and the house is so quiet. It's awful. I'm so glad you found Molly to fill that void and bring some more love and joy into your home. There's nothing like a puppy!

CJ said...

Congrats on your new puppy. I look foward to lots of posts about her once she is in her new home.


Janine said...

Congratulations on deciding to get Molly. We got our first ever puppy this year and she is a Border Collie. Her name is Panda Bear and we love her so much.

Angela said...

Congratulations on your new addition!

Pam in IL said...

I know that emptiness all too well. Molly is adorable! I'm sure the anticipation of bringing her home is getting to you.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Michelle said...

So cute! Congratulations on your newest member of the family!

Sun City Stitcher said...

I could not agree with you more, every HOME needs a dog! Maybe a cat too, but we have allergies here. We have fallen in love with the Labrador Retriever breed, so I understand you dedication to one - even if it is a Border Collie!

Seriously, I am happy you found a spot in your home and heart for another pup and hope the time flies until you have cute Molly in your home!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats on picking out a new dog. I really think having a pet makes home life complete (but in my books its cats!)

Mary said...

Molly is adorable and I can't wait to see pics when you bring her home!!

Carol said...

Oh, Molly is so, so sweet, Sharon--and I love her name! You will be one busy new mama, that's for sure :)

Deb said...

Those are the cutest puppies, it will be great for you to be able to start the New Year with a new addition to your family.

Gabi said...

What a cutie! She looks so sweet. Congratulations!

Chelle said...

We just added our own little border collie to our herd of now three dogs and two cats and Sophie looks exactly like Molly about ten weeks ahead! She has one floppy ear and one folded over and our vet wants to superglue the floppy one in case we want to show her. I love her little ears and hate the idea of using superglue on a puppy!

Border collies are the best. So sorry you have to wait. She's adorable!

Karyn said...

Yaaaay Daff!
I am so happy that Molly will be making her way home to you...my heart has been so heavy for you.

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

puppies make everything better :)

Karen said...

Beautiful puppy! A furry little ball of happiness. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable pup. Oh, how I love animals. :)

I can't imagine the void I will face when my dog, Casey, is no longer around, but I'm hoping that will be years from now.

Anonymous said...

oh a sweety and a beauty

Lisa said...

What a lovely puppy. I have a 6 year old Border Collie called Lily and she was pricked eared when we first got her but eventually became a floppy eared dog unless she has heard something that has got her interested :-)

Anya said...

Hi Molly! How sweet is your puppy?? I love dogs so much!!!! I'm quite a new blogger so you can imagine that my feeling are more or same as yours a few years ago. I hope to become a good blogger! I invite you on my blog http://bogomillahoppkids.blogspot.it
you're wellcome
Bogomilla from Vicki's GYB