Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Totally Useless Stitch A Long 2013

Here we go! Are you ready for some major ORT collecting for 2013? This is going to be a fantastic year for stitching. I just know it!

The 2013 TUSAL is launched! 

What is an ORT? ORT or ort ~ Capitalized, it stands for Old Ratty Threads. These are the cast-off thread ends a needleworker cuts away. These ends are often saved in clear jars as a decorative object. The word, "ort" does appear in the dictionary, meaning: a bit of something left over; usually concerning food. 

Why would you save these and why on earth post a picture on your blog? Not everyone saves them. Some stitchers just toss them in the trash or let them decorate the sofa and floor. Sometimes this inadvertent decorating draws ire from those living with us. Saving these clippings in one place creates a random tangle of lovely colored thread. Posting a photo of this pile is "progress" of a sort and thus, the Totally Useless Stitch A Long was born. 

If you would like to join the Stitch-A-Long:

1. Get a glass jar or other container and save your thread clippings. Some stitchers include fabric trimmings, thread bands or any other stitching cast-offs they gather. You may continue filling this jar throughout the year OR you may empty the jar and start over each month ~ no firm rules here!

2. On (or about) each New Moon take a picture of the ORTs in your jar and post it to your blog. This is a blog game so YES, you MUST have a blog to be included.

3. Yes, you can use your current ORT jar or jars. This is no contest...the stitcher with the most ORTs doesn't win!

4. You should post a picture each New Moon, even if there has been no "progress" to show. We are aiming for "once a month" here...no whippings for being late, early or absent!

5. When you have posted the picture of your ORTs visit my blog and comment on my ORT report for that month's TUSAL. If I have a Totally Useless Giveaway these comments give you an extra entry!

The New Moon dates for 2013 are:

January 11
February 10
March 11
April 10
May 10
June 8
July 8
August 6
September 5
October 5
November 3
December 3

If you would like to join in on the fun leave a comment on this post. In years past, I have made up a "guest list" by adding a blog link list for everyone that joined ~however~ this year I probably will not do that. It takes hours and hours and hours of visiting blogs, editing the post, checking links, editing the post, correcting mistakes, editing the post. I'd much rather be stitching or visiting your blog on a recreational basis. Therefore, consider your comment to be your entry. Make sure your profile is set to "open" so people can visit your blog or leave a link to your blog in your comment. I hope you aren't offended I am not doing a guest list. We are adopting a new puppy at the end of the week and I'm thinking to be rather busy for quite some time. If I manage my time better than expected perhaps I will reconsider.

A request: I notice there are a lot of bloggers completely in the dark about your Totally Useless posts. They see lots of people posting pictures of ORT jars but they have NO IDEA why. They might want to join in the fun too! Please put a LINK to this sign-up page when you make your TUSAL posts. A link in your sidebar is great but ONLY if your readers SEE it and realize what it is.  

If you would like to add the TUSAL link gadget to your sidebar (in Blogger): right click on it and save the photo to your computer, go to your blog's layout and choose "add a photo" and put the address to the 2013 TUSAL post in the link option. Upload the photo and save.

A shout-out on your blog to let other stitchers know about the 2013 Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long would be greatly appreciated! Plus, please change the links in your sidebar to this new post!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


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Patty C. said...

Ok - I will join even though I am horrible at keeping up with this - A new year - here we go ...

Kathy A. said...

Me, me, me. I did pretty good last year. Let's hope I am that successful again!!!

Chris said...

I have picked out a new jar, I am plugging the dates into my 2013 calendar and I am ready to go!

Katy said...

Count me in!


Unknown said...

I like to join again.

Hugs Yvon.

McKenna C. said...

I'd love to join for 2013!


Monique said...

I would like to join again. I already have my jar waiting:-). Thank you for hosting this again.

blueladie said...

I have had fun posting in 2012 and have added 2013 dates to my calendar. Will be doing this with y'all! Have also added a link to this post to my sidebar and will try to remember in my post sharings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D Cathryn

Robin said...

I'm in....even though I usually get sidetracked by March. I kept my orts, just didn't post about them so I am halfway there. But like Patty C. Said.....it's a new year. Let's be optimistic. I will update my blog with the links and info you request once I am back on a laptop.

Unknown said...

I'm in! You can find me at <a href="htp://blog.handspunthread.com>blog.handspunthread.com</a> :)

олик** said...

hello, my name is Olga, I'm from Ukraine
and would like to join your SAL

Stitching Noni said...

Yes please, I'm in for 2013!

Karyn said...

I'm in...again!
I promise to post monthly :)
Yaaaay....thanks Daff
Ma Teakettle

MarchAnn said...

I am going to join again in 2013. It was fun this year and 2013 is going to be a great year for stitching for me so I should have lots of ORT's this year.

Roberta said...

Will try to be better about posting this coming year, have a new computer so life should be easier!!

Kali said...

I'm in for the new year, ty!

SueH said...

I’ll be joining in again this year over at I’d Rather Be Stitchin’.
If nothing ekse it makes me post on my blog at least once a month!

Happy Stitching!

Ali said...

As long as you dont mind me being a day or so late every now and again I'd like to join again xxx

Shelly said...

I'm in! I have a jar ready to go. Thanks!

Shebafudge said...

I have a jar...I have a blog...I'm in!!!!

Jan said...

I'm in again for 2013! Gotta do my TUSAL.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Please add me for 2013 Daffycat. I am hoping to go from reverse gear into overdrive with my stitching in 2013!!!

Linda said...

I would love to join in again this year. My blog:http://www.bengalcatlover10.blogspot.com/

Merry Christmas

Mary said...

Count me in for this year. I think this is one I can do! I've been saving ORTs for years, so why not take a photo? LOL

Jennifer Blake said...

I'll be joining again this year. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up better in 2013 then in 2012.

Erica said...

Count me in!
I'm ready to go for another year!
I have a blog (www.bitsofmyown.com ) and a jar!

katica said...

I'm in! thank you for hosting it again this year!!!

Bonnie Brown said...

Puppy???? I want one!!!
I am so in for the TUSAL for 2013!!

Cole said...

Allrighty, I'm going to try this again! 2013 WILL BE a more productive stitchy year!!!

Merry Christmas to you & yours! Have fun with that new puppy :)

Sarah Beth said...

I've been watching the tusal for two runs now I use pretty jars for my orts and this year I'm in! Sign me up. Can't wait to get in on this. Before tusal I had no idea what an ORT was. Lol ...

Anonymous said...

Hi please add me in, last year was fun and I am sure that this year will be too.

Unknown said...

I would love to join in, I have a jar ready and all set to go.

Wolfthryth said...

I'm in, will try to beat last year's 7 TUSAL posts!

Angela said...

Count me in!

Toffe said...

Feliz Navidad para ti y los tuyos ;))
Un besote.

Shanda said...

I just got to watch last (this?) year, so I"m in for 2013! Seeing people turn them into ornies sold me!

Emma/Itzy said...

I will join in for the first time! I will never remember all the dates, but I will be reminded when I see everyone elses :D hehe


lynda said...

Yes, please...sign me up! Thanks for coordinating this agin, Sharon!
Merry Christmas and I can't wit to see the new puppy!

Catherine said...

Yep. Count me in!! Hopefully I can keep up!! Thanks again for hosting!

Christine said...

I would love to join this year!

Anonymous said...

Yes I want to join again this year. My blog has moved to wordpress.

Erica said...

I'll give it another go - I've done the last two years, although I didn't make every month this year. It's still fun to look back over all the pictures.

Thanks for hosting again. And good luck with your new puppy.

Babs in Alabama said...

Please put me down. I fell off the planet this year. A lot of good reasons, but I don't think they matter. I love being accountable even for my orts. Thank you for doing it again and Merry Christmas!

Mouse said...

yahhhoooooo ... I have some orts already for the start of the year whoop whoop ... oooo I recognise the wee ort bag there ;)
hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very merry stitchy new year :) love mouse xxxxx

Faith... said...

I had such a great time with it last year that I would love to do it again in 2013!

Thanks for organizing it :)

sharine said...

Please count me in!
Merry Christmas:)

rosey175 said...

Yay, count me in! :D I'll continue to squish down my little orts for another year.

My Blog: ishkabibble!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I'm definitely in! It's my main reason for having a blog in the first place LOL.

Pat said...

I'd love to join!
Definitley time with your puppy is much more important than the list.
Enjoy the puppy breath :0)

Petra said...

One of my resolutions will be to update my ORTs every month!


Katie said...

Count me in! :)

Judy said...

I am going to try this in 2013 since I completely let it slip all of 2012!

Janet said...

I'm signing up again and will try to keep up this year!

Margaret said...

I will join the TUSAL fun again. :D Thanks so much for doing this for us. It's such fun!!

Emma Louise said...

I would like to join please.


AnaCristina said...

Hi Sharon! I would like to join again! Count me in!

merry christmas for you, your family and the new puppy....happy new year!


Ziggyeor said...

I would like to join again. I fell off the world with 50 hour work weeks in Sept. Doesn't look like much will change but I will try to keep up.

Claudette497 said...

I love the TUSAL - I'm in!

Minnie said...

I really enjoyed myself this past year and definitely want to be included again in 2013. Thank you for hosting.

valerie said...

Count me in! I was bad this year but hope to be better in 2013. I have lots of stitching plans! Merry Christmas and congrats again on the new puppy!

lekae said...

Count me in!

Olga - lekae from Russia

Rike said...

Hi Sharon,

I will join again.

And btw:
Merry Christmas!


Heather said...

I'm in again. (Goodness, how many years has it been now?)

Thanks for organizing it again. Merry Christmas, and good luck with the new puppy!

Lija Broka said...

I'll be joining this year again. Thanks. No worries, I always click on the links people post in the comments anyhow. Good luck with the puppy!


Anonymous said...

Sign me up! I am ready!! I am sticking with it this year whether I have orts or not.

Merry Christmas to you and yours and then new puppy!

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

I'm in again this year - I want to fill my jar in 2013 I didn't quite make it this year

Debbie xx

Susan said...

I skipped last year, but feel like a joiner this year. Thank you for organizing again this year.

D1-D2 said...

I'd like to do this again too!


Meari said...

I'm in!

Bea said...

I want to join in this year. I've enjoyed seeing people blog about their ORTs and the TUSAL.

Spice up your Life said...

Please count me in


Francesca said...

I;m in for 2013. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I'm in for this year! Looking forward to plenty of good stitching time.

Happy 2013 to everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm in for 2013! Thanks for being our hostess again.

Happy new year everyone!

Shannon Meyer said...

I will be joining again this year as well!! It was really fun this year to see the pile grow. Thanks for doing this again, and good luck with your new puppy!!!

Astrids dragon said...

Count me in for 2013, even if I am a little lagging at the end of 2012!

Alanna said...

Happy to join in this year! My stitching blog is new yet, but I hope challenges and SALs will motivate me to stitch more!

*-* said...

I'd like to join again, hopefully I'll be able to keep up in the new year.

#HeatherMakes said...


I would love to join in the TUSAL. Thank you!!


Cathy said...

I am ready for another round of TUSAL.


robindefender said...

I'd love to join in again next year. I had a lot of fun with it this year. Thanks for doing this yet again!

Anonymous said...

I would love to rejoin this blog game again next year. Just need to be more on time...

You can find me here: http://stitchersmythicaljourney.blogspot.co.uk/

Katie said...

Thank you for hosting again. I really enjoyed participating!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of this TUSAL, I started saving my ORTs after seeing other people saving them last year :)

Anne said...

I will join again Sharon!! I love saving my "strings" as my hubby calls them, much to his chagrin!!

Doll's Musings

SoCal Debbie said...

I'm joining up again for the third year in a row! I changed the link in my gadget to this post also. Happy Stitching, everyone! Debbie http://debbiescrossstitch.blogspot.com/

Terri said...

I'm here!


Dani - tkdchick said...

I'm in for another year! http://tkdchick.blogspot.com

tilly said...

definitely like to sign up to this :)

Lynn said...

Count me in again!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm in! Last year was such fun - I enjoyed watching my ORT jar fill up with threads. Sometimes, when I felt I wasn't getting much stitching done, I would look at my jar and see that I was indeed making progress. Thanks for the fun game!

Loretta said...

I have been a part of his SAL since the beginning so I am not about to stop now. Count me in for 2013!!!

Thank you for continuing the TUSAL!!!!

Christin said...

I'd like to sign up again

Janet said...

Count me in and sign me up. This will be my 3rd or 4th year. I didn't do so well toward the end, but I'll try to do better in 2013. Thanks for hosting!


Magical Mystery said...

I'd love to join in next year! I only joined in a couple of months ago for the first time and I really enjoyed it so am thrilled that you are continuing this :D

My blog is: Magical's Quilts and More...

Keebles said...

Now that my stitching mojo is back, can't wait to see how my ORT does next year!


Laura said...

Planning for a busy stitching year, and I have my jar ready and waiting.

My blog is: http://mellowbungalow.blogspot.com/

Kristy said...

I'd like to join in this year :)

California Housewife said...

I would love to do this for 2013. Thanks for the chance!



liniecat said...

Count me in please.
Ive a carton of clipped off corners of cotton, the snipped off bits from making hexis so I may end up with 2 glass gathery gadgets!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Count me in again this year!

Birdie said...

Okay I'm committed to do this in 2013. Thank you for being the Hostess with the Mostess.


arlee said...

I do a LOT of hand stitching and have often wondered what a collection of the ends would look like!
my blog is http://albedoarlee.wordpress.com

Mii Stitch said...

A bit late, sorry!!! Count me in again please!!!

Lindsay said...

I'm in again for 2013.

Margaret said...

What fun! I was sent here by arlee...and so please count me in. My current ORT jar is almost full, so I will empty same today and start fresh, to get an accurate look at my leavings by January 11. ;-)

Anonymous said...


I would love to join this year.
Thank you!

Katrin K. said...

I would love to join
my blog is http://imaketoinspire.blogspot.com/

Mad about Craft said...

I would like to join this year, it might spur me on to do more needlecraft.

Deb said...

Please sign me up for the 2013 TUSAL,
I think I lost my first reply.

Lots of luck with the new puppy and Have a safe and Happy New Year.

Thanks again Deb

jhm said...

I loved doing this in 2012 and will do it again in 2013. Hopefully even better.

I'll be posting my last official TUSAL by the end of the year since I started mine on the new year.


Anonymous said...

I knew you'd be posting this article before the new year began. So here I am from France once again. I joined in the TUSAL in Septmber 2012, so I'm taking this TUSAL from the start this time!

Hope all's good with your puppy at home.


Cindy said...

I've never participated in something like this before, but I always love looking at my threads collecting on the corner of the couch, so this would be much better! I'm willing to give this a shot, count me in for 2013!


Unknown said...

This will be my first year and I will like to give a try thank you Lizette.

Nicola said...

Yes yes yes. And this year I WILL post on all New Moons!

Melody said...

I'll definitely be joining up this year! Since one of my 2013 ideals is to be more present on my blog, I think this will help greatly. Thanks for hosting this and Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Joining in for 2013 again, it was so much fun in 2012! The link to my blog is: http://stampwithjen.typepad.com.

Congratulations on the new puppy, I can't wait to see and hear more about him or her!!

Tazura Seiple said...

WooHoo!! Definitely gonna join in the fun again for 2013!!

Susieq said...

I would love to joing this year, and am off to put your TUSAL in my gadgets on my blog.

DJH said...

I would love to join this year!

Gina said...

I was a dismal failure last year but this year will be different!!!

Regena said...

I'm in! just posted the last 2012 ort report

Anonymous said...

I'm in again too!


Judes said...

I will give this a try. Maybe it will encourage me to stitch more. Off to find a jar!

Elena said...

I would love to do this again. I'm hoping to do a better job this year!!!


Sharon said...

I'm looking forward to creating lots of orts in2013. Thanks for hosting this fun SAL. Floridaflossie.blogspot.com

Kalu V said...

I would love to sign up again ...hopefully this year I can keep up =)

Smily-Света said...

2013 will be my 3rd year with TUSAl :)

Lesleyanne said...

I would love to join. Can't believe I haven't commented before now. Thanks for running it again.

Cat said...

I shall attempt to put my threads in a jar this year! That will give the birds something for next year... In other words, I'm in! :)


Sara said...

I would love to join again in 2013!


Barbi said...

I'm in again! This year maybe I'll even manage to post every month! Including empty jars if need be! LOL

MaryKup said...

I watch everyone's TUSAL every year and this year I'm joining in:)

Sun City Stitcher said...

I will give it a go again this year! Enjoy your puppy - I am so excited for you.

Cindy said...

I'm in again this year. I am not good at remembering to post but I do remember every other month or so. LOL


cerato said...

I´m in... again! Waiting for January new moon1

Rachel said...

I'm in this year.

rosek1870 said...

I've loved watching the orts grow on other blogs So count me in this year!
My blog is

Peggy Lee said...

I've been seeing posts about this for a couple years now and it's time I join in!
I hope I can keep up though since I travel for work and am away sometimes for a couple months at a time.
Here we goooooooooo............

Erin said...

I'll play again! Can't promise I'll be any more diligent about posting on time, but I'll try...

Anonymous said...

Count me In!! I have added the dates to my calendar.

Jo said...

I like the fact we can be vague about this - late and missing posts seem to be my thing! Don't worry about not producing a guest list - this is all about fun, and it should be fun for you too! My blog address is:
Just in case my profile is closed. Another thing I'm vague about! Happy New Year Sharon!

Cherise said...

Glad to join in the fun for another year! Hopefully I'll get my stitching for 2013 started soon. Thanks for all you do! Happy New Year! :)

StitchyDon said...

I can't wait to join in again this year, I have a new jar all ready and waiting !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in too, please! I've already got one or two orts already for this year!

stitchinpeanut said...

I would love to join in on he fun with this... Thank you for doing this again.

Tisha said...

I like to join.

Shelleen said...

I loved this last year and did it every month so I would love to do it again this year. Thank you.

Kasey said...

Yay! I can't wait to see everyone's (and my own) progression through 2013.

Karen said...

I'm in, again. :)


Edie said...

I was so bad at this 2012, so my resolution is to do much better in 2013!! :D BTW Happy New Year everyone!!


Rai Rai's Stitches said...

I would love to join.
My blog is http://stitchingrai.blogspot.ca
I have my giant vase just waiting to be filled.

Anonymous said...


May I join up please?

My blog:www.stitchedbysallyann.blogspot.co.uk.
Thank you.

Yana Hanim said...

I love TUSAL, I am IN again!

yanakristik.blogspot.com :)

Karena said...

I'll join in! I'm just getting back into stitching after a decade-long hiatus, so this will be added incentive to stick with it! I blog at http://www.traveling-well.com - but there's no stitching there... yet :)

Bruna Aguiar Melo said...

I'm in!

Angie said...

Count me in!

Darla said...

Count me in again for this year. http://sisquoc39167.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Well I'll try again this year, hopefully I'll be able to keep it up this time, I have a ridiculously huge jar considering the amount of stitching I do :D

Akila said...

Do count me in this year too. I loved collecting ORTS and this was another inspiration for me to keep going

Irishka-hutoryanochka said...

Count me In!! I have added the dates to my calendar. I've loved watching the orts grow on other blogs So count me in this year!
My blog is

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm in!! It was so much FUN last year - THANK YOU you for doing it again!! - ;))

Anonymous said...

I want to join the TUSAL this year. I noticed it while blog-surfing last year and thought it seemed fun. I will try to make a post each full moon on my blog.
The address is: http://www.theoccasionalcrafter.com/

I just started the blog and have not been able to make a decision about the design yet. It is quite unfinished, but I am hoping it will improve over the year.

Anonymous said...

Count me in, love to join

Lisa Dunn said...

I would like to join in the fun this year. :o)

Camila Lino Lanigan said...

Im gonna join it too :) Thanks


#HeatherMakes said...

Here is mine :-)

SoCal Debbie said...

I'm joining up again for the third year in a row! My TUSAL post is on my blog today! http://debbiescrossstitch.blogspot.com/2013/01/big-happy-dance-and-tusal-1-for-2013.html

Birdie said...

I'm here too. A wee bit late but still here. :)


Off to go see everyone's TUSAL.

Kat said...

I'll join in! It will be the first time for me. My blog is http://katstitching.blogspot.ca/

Emma Louise said...

I'm sorry that I'm late but can I still join? http://emmasbloglet.blogspot.co.uk/

Shelly said...

TUSAL Time over at http://shelly-anarizonastitcher.blogspot.com/

~*Sharee*~ said...

This will be my 3rd year; it's so fun...:)

Hugs, Shar

Kali said...

I'm in, my post is up and forgot to sign-up lol

EvalinaMaria said...

Why not, I will join you in this useless thing

Evalina, This and that...

Brandon said...

I will join in on this one. I was horrible last year and hoping to better this year! It will be fun anyways to see others do this and be apart of the fun.

vale-tina said...

I'll join in! It will be the first time for me. My blog is :

geeky Heather said...

I'm in! I thought I'd already commented but I don't see me here. Er, my comment. Here. Anyway, I'm in! =)

Наталия Пилюгина said...

I'm in! I have a jar ready to go. Thanks! My blog is :

Kay said...

I'm in! Again! And this year my goal it to make it past June in posting.



Kerryp77 said...

I watched this from afar last year so I'm going to join this year! sounds fun

Francesca said...

I'm in. January's TUSAL update all done. http://aplacetostitch.blogspot.com/

Patty said...

I am joining in this year after skipping most of last year's TUSAL. Tomorrow I will take some daytime pictures of my orts jar and get a post up. Thanks for doing this again, Sharon! And OMG, Molly is so cute!!

Lily said...

It's very interest!
May I join up please?
My blog: www.coffeechocolateand.blogspot.com

Else M Tennessen said...

I'd love to join! This will give my ORTs "meaning." LOL

lesli said...

I'm a little behind for 2013, already! I'm joining! I'll post my January update....soonish?

Jenny said...

wow! the last year i've seen lots of post about it and always wonder how to join the game, finaly i know how to do it :) Hope it is not too late to join. Will post my picture as soon as possible.

books4me said...

I'm going to give this a try this year. New to blogging, not new to stitching, let's see how it goes. Thanks for hosting!

Pam Tanner said...

I could never figure out, why stitchers had these tails in a jar, when I checked out other's blogs. Thanks for explaining! Sounds like fun!


María Tenorio said...

I'm in. I'll post next month. Thanks for this blog game!
My blog is http://gineceoblog.wordpress.com
María Tenorio

Miss Lilly said...

I've always wondered what a TUSAL is ^^

Sounds like fun so I'm going to have a go myself.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Ok, this sounds like fun. I am starting late but better late than never. Right? I try to be very judicious with thread so we will see how this goes.

Susan in SC said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! (well, starting February at least)


Lisa said...

Is it too late to join the TUSAL for 2013. I forgot to get my jar and therefore all my ORT's have been going in the bin. I would be able to post from Feb's New Moon.

Nastenka said...

Oh, can I join now? I collected my ORT during the last year without knowing about such TUSAL exists:)

Brendon said...

I tried this last year and failed after 2 posts. I am starting late this year, but I am going to give another go this year.

Julie said...

Better late than never! I love my orts and this idea. I'll be posting my collection at http://theshopsampler.wordpress.com Don't seem to be able to create a link to my blog on this page.

Lynda Hardy said...

I really want to join, even though I'm late - a longish bout of RA flare left me unable to stitch, but I'm feeling some better and miss TUSAL!

Lynda Hardy said...

I had to stop stitching for awhile, due to a protracted RA flare - but I'm tentatively up and running, so I am in! My first pic shows an empty jar. (aw..)

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