Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Totally Useless Secret

I'd show you what I've been working on but I can't because it's a gift. I can't spoil the surprise, even for the Totally Useless Stitch A Long! I can show you a few sewing ORTs though! It's the New Moon, what is in your ORT jar?

Things continue to be chaotic around here. Between work and home I hardly have time to think! My blog is way too quiet lately. I'm almost to a little well-deserved vacation time and can hardly wait for it to arrive. I will be patient though, it will be over before I know it...


We want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your May TUSAL post so we can come visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Katy said...

Great ORTs! Mine can be seen at http://justalittlestitchin.blogspot.com/2015/05/stitch-maynia-edwardian-lady-and-tusal.html

Sweet Sue said...

popping in to wish you a splendid summer:)

Sandy In Montana said...

I posted to last months TUSAL update yesterday by mistake, so if you have a minute stop on by and have a peek. http://smalltownstitchin.blogspot.com/

Hugs, Sandy

Deb said...

Here is my May TUSAL, my monthly orts are growing as I designated 2015 to be my year to do more creating. I look forward to seeing the gift you are working on once it is delivered to the lucky recipient. Happy Stitching
My reprot is found here for May:

rosey175 said...

Hooray for secret ORTing!

My ORT jar contains the final remnants of the Muppets, wooooo! Here's the link!

Patty C. said...

Looking forward to the big reveal!

Mini said...

Oh I so want to see what the secret piece is.
Here is link to my May TUSAL report:

lekae said...

my May TUSAL http://otnoroktushkana.blogspot.ru/2015/05/tusal_18.html

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Forgot about the TUSAL....will post later:) Can't wait to see your secret stitching!

cerato said...



Angela said...

Looking forward to seeing what the big surprise is!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

I completely understand about getaways coming and going too quickly. I just came back from one thus my late TUSAL. LOL! Here 'tis!


Keebles said...

I think I already have more scraps this year than ever! Keebles World

Khristine Doiron said...

I love your ort dish! Here are mine http://cross-stitching-mama.blogspot.ca/2015/05/may-tusal.html

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Now you have piqued our curiousity!

Here is my ORTS Report for May:

Bea said...

Looking forward to seeing what you created. My TUSAL post


Brenda said...

Oooo I can't wait to see what project comes from all those ORTs!

Here is my TUSAL for this month.

Lindsay said...

Mine is up http://purplepds.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/a-late-tusal.html

Can't wait to see what you are working on

Julie said...

Beautiful wooden bowl

Jenny said...

Love the bowl!
My TUSAL http://jennyscreation.blogspot.ca/2015/05/tusal-may.html

D1-D2 said...

I love your ORT container. Here is my TUSAL report:


craftingpaws said...

Very nice ORTs!
My update for May:

Jen said...

I love secret crafting! Can't wait to see what it is :)

Here are my ORTs for the month. Happy May!!

Jen said...

I forgot to put in my link to the last comment. I am very scatterbrained.


SueFitz said...

I even had on my calendar and didn't get it on the right day.


Jusie said...

my post: http://jusiecreation.blogspot.ru/2015/05/tusal-2015-5.html

Rike said...

Looking Forward to the unveiling of your Project.
Meanwhile here is my ort-Report:

Happy stitching

Sandy In Montana said...

Oh, here we go again, I posted my TUSAL yesterday and then remembered a day later to post it here.

Hugs Sandy