Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pinpillows. Again.

You remember I'm on a pinpillow kick, right? I can't tell you how tickled I was to win Lynn's blog giveaway, especially when the prize was a pinpillow. I received it a while back but I've been lazy about blog posting. Let me tell you...I could smell the Lavender (my favorite scent) when I opened the mailbox!

Isn't it precious? Lynn made the sweetest counting pins to go with it. I am just so pleased to own one of Lynn's creations. Every time I walk by it gets picked up and smelled. And I mean every. single. time! Thank you Lynn!

The next one is my own makings. Lindsay and I have been friends for years beginning with my becoming her "floss mom" back in the day. Whenever Lindsay finds she needs floss, she sends me a list and I will pick it up for her at cheap USA prices and if I find something I need from the UK I know I can always ask Lindsay for help. Every now and again little gifts go across to the other and here is one of mine to her.

I took several Blackbird Designs motifs and created a little pinpillow. On the back I added our initials.

It is stuffed with crushed walnut shells, makes it nice and heavy. I trimmed it out with chenille, dyed brown.

Three handmade counting pins complement the pillow. I think Lindsay liked it!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


TexWisGirl said...

how sweet of you and your friend - exchanging gifts and threads across the pond. :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Lovely little pinpillows. I know I would never be able to poke needles into them - they're far too pretty!

Jan said...

What a wonderful pinkeep you received and I love the one you did for Lindsay. Lovely stitching.

McKenna C. said...

Great prize! I love yours too! :D


Margaret said...

Love the prize, and the pinpillow you made for your friend too!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Lovely pin pillows both received and sent!

Roberta said...

This is adorable and love how you finished it.

P.J. said...

What a sweet gift. I am putting together a balsam pillow for my daughter and wanted to add a chenille edge, but I could not find any at Joann's Fabric. Where do you buy yours?

I am sure Lindsay will love it!

Ranae said...

Lynn's pin pillow is so sweet
I love your BBD one as well

Katy said...

Beautiful pillows, both given and received!

Anonymous said...

Both pillows are wonderful!

Lesleyanne said...

Gorgeous pinpillows.

Mouse said...

ohhh lovely pin pillows all round and there is nothing nicer than the smell of something yummy in a pillow whether lavender or roses ... soooo when you making one for me ahahahahah ;)
love mouse xxxxx

Clare-Aimetu said...

Lovely gifts - you and Lindsay make great 'across the sea' stitching buddies :)

cucki said...

Sweet gifts and I love yours too xxx

Christine said...

Both the pincushions are gorgeous

Solstitches said...

Two very pretty pillows.
I love your counting pins - must have a go at making these.

Chris said...

Wow! Lynn's pin pillow is so sweet and must smell so good.
I love the one that you stitched for Lindsay too. The chenille trim is perfect.
Have a great week!

Julie said...

I sawe your beauty on Lindsays blog, it's wonderful, super design and the counting pins are so lovely.

Lynn's is really pretty too.

Sue said...

That is an awesome prize and the one you sent Lindsay is beautiful. Having both your initials on it is a really lovely touch. Your counting pins are really sweet. After admiring yours again, I am going to MAKE time this weekend to have a bash at some myself! lol

Michelle said...

Beautiful gifts x

Jackie said...

Congratulations on your win Sharon and I bet it does smell wonderful. I love the pinpillow you sent out too. It is lovely.

Vickie said...

Sweet gifts Sharon. You are the one who inspired me to quit saying yes, real soon I will make my own counting pins. I just did it after your recent post. Oh my! They are very, very addictive! tee hee!

Lindsay said...

What a fab pillow off Lynn.
I don't just like the one you made for me I love it :)

Julie M said...

Nice work on the pinpillows! It's nice you have a buddy in the UK to help out and vice versa!

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Lovely pinpillows! Congrats on winning the one from Lynn!

Bea said...

They are both lovely. You and Lynn have created little treasures.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I've read Lindsay's blog - she did love it!
And I'm not surprised, it's lovely and so nicely finished too.

Lynn said...

I'm so glad that you're enjoying my little pillow. However I can't claim those lovely pins as my creations. Those were made by Nataly over at Natalys Needle Creations. I purchased some from her to use as pillow accents. I'm not that talented, lol!

Your pinpillow finish is very sweet! Love it.

Mindi said...

Adorable pinpillows! I love using the crushed walnut shells too, I like the smell of them.

Catherine said...

Simply lovely!

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

such a sweet little gift :)

Sharon said...

Pretty, pretty pin pillows!

Anne said...

Lovely pin pillow Lynn made for you. Those pins are so sweet! Cute pin pillow you made too!