The blogger following widget is pretty cool but you are only allowed to follow 200 blogs. Considering I currently have nearly 300 blogs in my reader, a good majority of them on blogger, I clearly cannot follow everyone. That's really crappy! I made the difficult decision to follow only those that display the widget on their blog.
Last Sunday, I visited every blog I was following, checked for the widget and deleted them if it wasn't there. Yup, I visited 200 blogs on Sunday! I'm sorry if you were deleted! NOTE: I still read your blog if you are in the list in my sidebar. I was able to pare the 200 blogs down to eleventy-one (111). If you add the following widget to your blog, I'll likely start following your blog again. That is until I reach the 200 limit again, at which time I'll probably have to visit them all again and weed out those that haven't been updated in yonks.
I currently have 88 friends following my blog. That is amazingly awesome! Thank you all so much! I decided I will have a giveaway after (if ever) I reach 100 followers! Or would eleventy-one be more fun? Anyway, please follow my blog and watch this space for a giveaway, hopefully soon.
There is not an incredible amount of progress being made on Crabby but I'll show you anyway. I discovered a tiny little frog, one stitch short, on the seat of the 'L' in love and had to re-stitch the word. Poo, it would have to be red and leave fluff behind, the discoloration even defeated lint rollering. Dratted little frog. The fluff will come out with washing but that has to wait.

Little miss Taco had decided her new favorite warm-snuggly, sleepy spot is my laptop. I'll come in and find a zillion windows opened from little cat feets walking over my keyboard. Plus hairs. And it's difficult to type when someone is snoozing on the keyboard. I changed my setting so the computer does nothing when I close the lid. I just have to remember to close the lid. Every time I leave. ***plucking a cat hair from the keyboard***
Thank you for visiting my blog today!