Angela has had a terrible time with mailing packages. Some of the packages she sends take
weeks to arrive. It was with great trepidation she sent off my Ornament Swap last Monday. I must admit I was a little nervous myself ~ but it arrived yesterday ~ one week, on the dot! Congratulations, Angela...perhaps the "curse" is broken?
Isn't her ornament gorgeous? You will have to visit Angela's blog for the details, I'm sure she will post them soon. The finishing is just lovely. I wish you could see it in person! Thank you so much, Angela!!!
Have you seen the new Bent Creek charts out? Here are a couple of lovelies...photos courtesy of The Silver Needle.
Gnomes in a Garden Row. I 'bout fell over when I saw this one. It went straight into my cart and I couldn't type in those credit card numbers fast enough! My daughter, Jessie, loves gnomes (and so do I) so this one I couldn't live without.
Quaker Noel Row. This one is rather a change from Bent Creek's usual stuff. Very pretty! I resisted buying this one. For now. There are also a few "little" designs out new too. These are called Flair, top of page here. There is a snowman, a sail boat and some cute chicks under an umbrella. These were not resisted *grinz* not even for a second!
I wanted to thank you for the sweet comments on my last few posts. Sheba has a swelled head and has been carrying on with the latest of her hedgehog stuffies. I have emailed the recipe for the toffee cream scones to those that had emails in their profile and asked about it. Thanks too, for the offers of the silk ribbon I need want. I believe there is some on the way to me! Little Mr. Bunny is nearly finished and I'm looking forward to putting him together!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!