Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thread Keeper

Our sweet Mouse celebrated her blogoversary with giveaway prizes and I was one of the very lucky winners! Just look what arrived in my mailbox:

Mouse (knowing how much I love my ORTs) stitched this lovely design and sewed it into a fabric bowl thread keeper for me. I opened it up so you could see. I also received these great finishing goodies and a pretty piece of pale purple fabric.

Thank you, Mouse! Happy blogoversary and wishing you many more to come!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Sunday, May 20, 2018


I fished a waiting-to-be-finished piece out of my box and started playing. I even went shopping for more patriotic fabrics to be sure I had a good selection. Then I started sewing! Once I had it together and it was getting stuffed I thought it looked an awful lot like a firecracker. I measured a length of DMC and double twisted it, tied a knot in the bottom and with a giant-eyed needle pulled it through the top seam a voilà! One cute fuze to turn it into a firecracker!

Design ~ Pop!
Designer ~ Bent Creek
Fabric ~ 32 count Lugana, tea dyed
Fiber ~ DMC

I embellished the design with more of those star buttons I purchased a while back. At this rate, maybe I should go get another package! I hope to have a bunch of tuck pillows for a darling patriotic basket finished this year! Already working on another...

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Totally Useless Update Wait

When you turn on your computer to write your ORT report and this happens:

Then the black screen mirrors your desk and looks cool so you have to take a picture.

It is the New Moon again and time for the Totally Useless Stitch A Long! My ORTs are awesome! I had lots of stitchy ORTs from ornaments, shown here with a new finish and a new start that is nearly done!

My quilting ORTs got buried with finishing ORTs but that's okay! I like finishing ORTs!

I wonder why all these patriotic fabrics are out??? There is even some in the ORT pile! Hmmm, more on that later, I promise!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your May TUSAL post so we can come visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Quilt for My Mama

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I made my Mama a little quilt. I chose soft colors and low volume in fabrics that reminded me of her and a simple square block I could quilt myself. 

I used bits of leftovers for a scrappy binding.

The quilting is all straight lines on either side of each seam. This was the most fun I've had quilting, ever. I will use this again as it was such a pleasure and so relaxing.

I took the quilt to my parent's house and used their pretty brick wall for some photos.

You can see the soft, butter yellow backing fabric.

It is a very little quilt, only 42 x 60 after washing.

It might be small but it's perfect for my Mama.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Plaid Greetings

I saw someone on Facebook posted a picture of their finish of this design and I had to stitch it myself. When I went to kit it up, I found I didn't have any blue 32 count fabric. What? So 9:30 pm found me pouring royal blue RIT dye, salt and boiling water into the kitchen sink...all trying to be quiet because Dash was already in bed asleep! A quick 30-second dip and a good washing with laundry detergent gave me the perfect sky-blue shade. I ironed it dry so I could start right away!

Design ~ Plaid Greetings
Designer ~ Ladybug Lane Designs
2009 JCS Ornament Issue
Fabric ~ 32 count Daffycat Dyed Lugana
Fiber ~ DMC

I used one of the buttons I bought for the "Joy" ornament and the called for Mill Hill gold beads. I had never done the rice stitches called for in the border and found them to be a lot of fun. After futzing around with all kinds of bows and trims I settled for the simple ribbon hanger.

Have any projects had you dying fabric (or something similar) late at night after everyone else was abed? 

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Bee Keeper

I was bored last night so I started a new project...and finished it! (Surprise! It isn't a Christmas ornament!!!) A sweet, tiny scissor fob with a charming bumblebee. This is an old Drawn Thread freebie, still available: click here

Design ~ Bee Keeper
Designer ~ The Drawn Thread
Fabric ~ 32 count tea-dyed Lugana
Fiber ~ DMC

Isn't that the cutest fob? Best of all, you can finish it in an evening. I, the Queen of Slow Stitching, was able to complete it during breaks from house cleaning. I stuffed mine with crushed walnut shells and fiberfill. 

Have you stitched this one? Want to?

Thank you for visiting my blog today!