I can't believe I actually did it! I made a stitching goal and stuck with it. I am so proud of myself. ***serious happy dancing***
Presenting Crabby All Year in all it's freakin' expensive buttons (hem) buttoned splendor!
Design ~ Crabby All YearDesigner ~ Raise The Roof Designs
Fabric ~ Silkweaver 32 count Lugana, Days Gone By
Fiber ~ DMC
Embellishments ~ Just Another Button Company
A couple of closer shots in case you were interested.

This was a truly fun journey and I've had a blast sharing it with you. You were always there leaving kind comments and words of encouragement and
I thank you so very much. Stitching
Crabby has been so delightful that I am now addicted to monthly stitches. I only hope my next yearly project is as enjoyable. If you'd like to see the entire
Crabby experience
click here. Carol, the quick measurements I took revealed it was approximately 11 x 15.5 inches. Give or take a little because the buttons stick out along the stitched edges in some places.
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
I really love this one to pieces. If I wasn't starting ATS and HOHRH I would buy this I would so I would (now how Irish did that sound????).
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
What a crabby way to finish out the year! Congrats. It looks fantastic.
Yay you Sharon!! It is wonderful!! You are my inspiration for 2010, I have a family tree chart to do and it will be a year long project too! Congrats on a job well done!!
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!! You did it! And it looks fantastic!! Well done!
So, now that's it is done, what are you going to do with it? It looks great and well worth the work you put into it.
Much happy clapping and dancing for you! You did a great job!
So cute! Congratulations!
Very Cute!
Good job :)
Wow Congratulations on your finish and will you be stitching now?
Happy Dance! Jiggity jig. It looks great and makes me giggle too.
It looks fantastic...the buttons add a lot to the piece! Hmmm...did I just make a funny?! lol
Congrats Sharon...now it's onto Snapper Year! I can't wait to see the progress on that one! Mine is at the framers...I am trying to be patient. :)
Fantastic job! And those buttons look like they were worth every penny ;)
Congratulations on making your stitching goal! I have not had any luck with achieving stitching goals yet but I just might try again in 2010. We'll see.
Fantastic job Sharon! Its amazing!
Happy New Year dear friend.
HUGE CONGRATS Sharon!!!!! I'm happy dancin along with you :) It looks awesome, I have these charts too but the buttons (I agree) are too expensive! Might have to break down and buy them though, LOL! Can't wait to start BC snappers!
It is so adorable. You did an awesome stitching job. I love those buttons.
Congratulations on your finish!
That looks wonderful! Congratulations on a wonderful piece.
Congratulations, Crabby looks flippin' fantastic!!
Woo Hoo! Great job! What a BAP for you to finish this year. Congrats! Happy New Year!
Truly SPECTACULAR!!!! So awesome Sharon!!!! I love it :o) Congrats. You deserve a big pat on the back.
Yay for you Sharon, feels good huh! A great finish, job well done.
congrats on a huge finish!!! You should be proud! Great job!!
That really makes me smile, Sharon!! You did a terrific job on it...And I never feel crabby after visiting your blog :) Thanks for including the measurements, too!
Happy New Year!
Congrats!!! The egg buttons make me laugh!
Happy New Year!
This piece always brings a smirk to my face.
Congratulations on managing to squeeze it in before the year is out!
Congratulations!!!!!!! (And I'm still stuck on the April block). :) I'm proud of you!
Fun! Congrats on finishing it!
What is a monthly stitch? I've not heard of it. Which are you participating in?
Sharon, it looks great and it must have been fun to stitch!!!
Have a great new year.
Fabulous, fabulous, fab!!! It turned out to be gorgeous. I have this one to start in January. I have had it for a year and looked at yours every month. So . . . clap, clap, clap you are my inspiration to do it this year. After I buy all the frigging buttons and get them sewn on I will thank you. Should I sew them on after each month or save that torture for the end?
Where did you get your buttons?
Again ~ super job you should dance all over the house.
God Bless Daffy ~
Way to go girl!!! What a great stitch and what fun it has been to share it with you.
Look forward to your next year project.
Congratulations!!! It looks fantastic1
Congratulations!!!!!! This is such a fun piece and I enjoyed your journey very much!!!!
Congratulations, Sharon! That's look great! Beautiful piece of work! I wish you and your family have a wonderful new year eve and Happy New year! :)
Well done Sharon, It has been a total pleasure to watch this grow over 2009 and totally entertaining!!
Great job, congratulations!! The buttons look great too ;-)
Great job!
What a nice work you made! I'm curious to your next work.
Have a nice day and evening and all the best for the next year.
Regards Riet.
Hi Sharon! Crabby turned out really great. I hope your year didn't turn out to be that crabby ;-) I wish you a very Happy New Year and all the best for next year.
It's fantastic ! Congratulations !
That is such a cute design! And you've stitched it beautifully - well done, Sharon! Thanks for commenting on my blog about the vintage cars bell pull. I showed it to my MIL tonight and she couldn't believe that it only cost $3. She said she would have paid $20 without blinking, and I agreed.
BIG congratulations to you! This is a wonderful piece, and your stitches are beautiful. This definitely brings a smile. I look forward to seeing what you choose next year for your monthly stitch.
Happy New Year!
Beautiful!!! Congratulations on your finish. :)
Love it!! I have really enjoyed reading your blog this year and watching this project come together. Happy New Year!!
Its fantastic Sharon, well done on getting it finished in the year.
Happy New Year!
Great job!
Have a Happy New Year!
Great finish!! Now only I had the courage to do something that big. Love your blog and following the progress most of the year.
Have a great New Year!!
Super duper! Congrats on sticking with this to the end. It was worth every stitch.
Have a wonderful new year!
Congrats on such a cute finish! Can't wait to follow your new monthly SAL in 2010! Happy stitches...
Sharon that is just fantastic and yeah...they are expensive buttons...BUT they look awesome! Zombies is still my favorite..who doesn't like zombies???
Wahoo!! Congrats on a gorgeous and timely finish! Happy new year. :)
Oh, YAY! It is absolutely beautiful--love the colors AND the freaking expensive buttons!
Woohoo! A great way to end the year - a very crabby finish! Congrats and Happy New Year!
What a fantastic job you did! Well done, Sharon.
Huge Congratulations - that's a great happey dance!!!
Happy New Year to you and all your family
It looks fantastic! Congrats on achieving your goal. Happy New Year!
Congratulations on the finish!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!
What a conversation piece!! My favorite is "zombies" and the one that "cracks" me up is "heat" with the fried eggs. Definitely a year of humor....congrats on your accomplishment Miss Daffycat! Happy New Year!
Happy 2010!!! :D
Woohoo! It looks fabulous and congrats on sticking to your goal! Hope you have a Happy New Year and 2010 is good to you!
PS - in a side note I thought you'd enjoy - remember Murphy's Law and my post about not being spammed for a year and a half and no WV? Haha - someone turned my name in to your special "friends."
It's not happened often (but I think of you each time!)
Superb, i have so enjoyed watching this develop over the year, well done on completing it, its amazing
Congratulations on a fabulous finish!
Wishing you all the best in 2010!
Wow! Congrats on setting a goal and acheiving it...you are an inspiration for the new year. Now I just have to figure out what I wanna stitch...and set a "goal"..Happy New Year to you!
Wow - it's GREAT! Something I'd loe to stitch, and I'll add it to the lsit of charts that I'd like to get someday. (That lsit is only a mile or two long - lol!)
Have you picked out a frame or finishing for it?
Oh - and Happy New Year! We made it to 2010! Yea!
It's absolutely wonderful!! I couldn't stop laughing when I read your comment on the buttons. Kudos to you for stitcking with Crabby. I'm not sure that I'd be able to commit to something like that.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
It looks great!
Love the fried egg buttons!!!
This is absolutely gorgeous. Whata finish at the end of the year. Couldn't have been done better.
Wishing you a Happy new Year.
Yea for you! Crabby looks wonderful! Looking forward to what the new year brings for you! Take care!
congratulations for your finish!! is a beautiful stitching, a pretty design.
Love, love, love this!!! What a fun way to remember 2009. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll be up to in 2010! :)
I think my favorite are the sizzly eggs of "The Heat"...but that might just be because I love fried eggs!
Humorous stitching isn't usually my bag, but I like this! I hadn't seen it before (and I'm a new reader of your blog/new to blogging in general).
Looks fantastic, Well done you
Wow How cool is that???!!! I've been following you through this one and its great!
Congratulations on the big finish, Sharon! It must be wonderful to stick to your stitching goals (I really should try it sometime)!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Wow! That turned out great! I'm doing a similar monthly stitching project with Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow, with one block a month (out of 12). Insanely, I'm doing it on 40ct silk gauze over 1...wish me luck!
Congrats! This is a lot of fun. I am looking forward to seeing what you do next!
Awesome. It looks wonderful.
Congrats on finishing it! It looks great.
Oh it's absolutely wonderful! Congratulations, what a great goal to accomplish! I just love it and I've been discussing with myself whether I should buy and stitch this too, as I've been following your progress :)
I'm loving this - so glad you got it all finished in the year...
It looks lovely. Btw, i was reading your posts back and saw you designed that wonderfull reindeer, but when I click the link, nothing shows up.
Congrats for a marvelous finish! It is just so cute!
Good for you, a stitching goal reached, surely deserves two happy dances. It's a wonderful piece.
Congratulations on an awesome finish! It turned out FABU !!!
Congratulations!! Very pretty and cute.
That is one fabulous finish. Enjoy that HD.... I'll even put my bellydance CD's on for you. LOL :0)
Thoroughly enjoyed watching this develop & look forward to seeing what your next WIP will be. :0)
It looks maaahvelous! In all of it's button splendour! lol. Look forward to seeing your Snapper Year start. I have those charts and have been thinking about starting them myself!
Congrats on another beautiful finish Sharon!!! The buttons might be expensive, but the make the piece outstanding...
BTW Happy New Year!
Love it, Sharon. Yep, the buttons do add a nice touch to it, even if they were expensive. I've got these charts & after seeing yours finished, guess I'll also be getting the buttons. Hopefully, I'll get around to stitching it this year.
Barb in TX
i missed this post
love it
okay i am looking at the finish more closely
and i note that wind for march could be moved up to january,
sad but virally true...
get better
Congratulations Sharon!
What a fun filled year of stitching.
Your finish looks just wonderful.
Woohoo! You did it! And you finished it before the end of the year. Awesome work!
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