I was laid low on Thursday with a stomach virus which resulted in a trip to the emergency room that evening when the cramps became unbearable. The vomiting gave me black eyes and a large red spot in the white of my right eye. A couple of days of anti-nausea and pain medicine and now I'm about as energetic as an overcooked noodle. At least I'm not throwing up or cramping! Although I'm feeling better, I am left with terrible gas and my horrendous farts are about to chase Rick out of the house! Hold your nose, please!
These beauties all arrived over the past few days. Little bright spots in the midst of my misery. I'm involved in a private ornament exchange with a few friends and January is my month to receive...
OK, I hope I didn't gas anyone to death...
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
They are nice. get better soon.
That doesn't sound like any fun! Hope you feel better soon.
Ohhh, poor you! That's a rough virus; I guess they were sure it wasn't food poisoning? Yike! Hope you feel better soon. Think broth, dry toast and stitching!
(Adjusting gas mask-just in case ya know) I am so sorry you were so sick. Stomach bugs can be so nasty and it is a good thing you went to the doctor. I hope you are back to 100% soon.
Lucky you to receive such beautiful ornaments. All of them look fabulous!
Sorry you are sick. Glad you are a little better. Love the gifts.
That really stinks! Pun intended! Glad you are on the mend but oh my you must have been sick to cause the hemorrhaging in your eye plus the black eyes. ((Hugs))
Your gifts are beautiful!
I'm glad the Dam Birds story was able to tickle your funny bone. I can laugh about it now but boy was I pizzed then. I'll have to post the scrapbook page about the rabbits. That's a funny one too!
What beautiful gifts! Sorry you were feeling so rotten, but glad you're on the mend. **Holding nose - just in case LOL**
Sorry to here you've been so unwell, what a nasty virus you've had.
Just let that gas rip, girl!!
OMG, lol! I hope you feel better soon! All those ornies are just great!
So sorry you've been feeling poorly, plz do take care ~ wishing you a speedy and flatulent free recovery. Sounds like what I had in April, to say it was dreadful is putting it politely. Even my doc wanted to hurl when I lost it all in front of her, poor doc, she now has a bio-hazard in her exam room. That'll teach her to avoid making house calls:)
I am glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better. Although your gas problem sounds like no fun, it is definitely a step up from where you were a few days ago. Hopefully it will pass soon.
I love the gifts that you received. They are just adorable. Take care.
So sorry to hear about your virus. That is just awful to be that sick! Take care of yourself with as much rest as possible. hugs.
Get well now! There is stitching to be done. All kidding aside, hope you feel better soon.
Been there done that with the stomach virus and boy it wasn't very pleasant at all! I'm still suffering the after effects of it. Love all the ornies :)
So sorry to hear you haven't been well. I hope you feel better soon! You have some lovely gifts there.
Wow- so sorry you felt so bad! Love the pressies - so cute!
Beautiful ornaments!!
*fans the air dramatically* Sorry you aren't feeling well - I hope you're back to normal soon - sending you maple syrup hugs from a safe distance :D
gosh, sorry to hear you haven't felt good. Yuck! Doesn't sound fun at all.
All 3 of your gifts are gorgeous! I love every one of them!!!!!
I actually have the top one laid out to do myself soon!!!
And the PS one! Oh my!
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear you havent been well. I thought you seemed a little on the quiet side.
I'm pleased that you enjoyed your snowman ornie too!
What wonderful things to receive in the midst of all your flu misery. It sounds awful and how terrible that you had to make a trip to the emergency room!!! Glad to hear that you're feeling better now!!
Oh my goodness! It sounds like you are over the worst of it. ACK!! I get black eyes when I vomit too. The blood vessels around my eyes and my eyelids alway burst..It's horrible.
But looks like you had a few wonderful bright spots in your week! The ornaments are all precious!
rest your gut and your body
i hope you feel yourself again in a few days
all the best.....
LOL! Sorry, don't mean to giggle at your expense. I'm glad you're on the mend, even if it is a smelly process!
What lovely gifties! Enjoy 'em!
Better out than in LOL.
Love the ornaments you have received.
Beautiful ornaments that I'm sure brought some smiles! Sounds like you have been feeling pretty rough. I hope you get well soon. Take care.
Oh, I'm so sorry you have been under the weather, that sounds like a nasty bug. Glad you are feeling better and on the road to wellness.
Love your ornies they are all precious...hugs, Linda
Oh now I'm looking forward to my month to roll around! I can't wait! LOL I'm glad he arrived safely! Love what Angela and Lisa did as well...pretty pretty. Feel better missy!
I hope you feel better soon!!!!
You've had a time of it, haven't you? I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Take it easy and get plenty of rest.
Beautiful gifts!
I hope you are on the mend! Not fun. The ornaments are beautiful- what fun.
I'm sorry to hear that you've been so sick! It takes a lot to give a person black eyes and a hemmorage in your eye! Poor Baby!!
Your beautiful ornies arrived just in time to cheer you up!
Let's hope that they speed you along on your road to recovery!
Your post just cracked me up (the farting part). Hope you are feeling better. What sweet little surprises you have. The ornies are cuties.
Not only are you feeling lovely, but sounds like you are looking and smelling lovely as well, LOL ;) Just kidding...I do hope that you are feeling better soon and back to your normal self.
You received some darling ornaments, enjoy!
Hope you feel better soon. That sounds awful!
Your exchanges are all beautiful!
OMG! I've never heard of black eyes from throwing up! You poor thing, you. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.
You poor thing!!!!
Sorry you were down and out. Not fun, but you pretty ornaments should give you a lift! Good think we don't have "smellovision" yet or our computers would be next.
Hope you feel better soon!
hope you are feeling better...beatiful ornaments
So sorry that you are not well. Although, I admit I did laugh about your gas. Great little exchange ornaments.
Get well soon.
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Lovely ornaments!
Sorry to hear you have been poorly Sharon. Your gifts are adorable.
That it explains it. Haven't seen a ton of posts by you. Wow I can't imagine how violently ill you were to get black eyes. Glad you are feeling better. And as for the farts.....I guess it is time to be like a guy and just let 'er rip! Feel better soon.
So sorry you felt so bad. Hopefully you'll be back to your perky self soon. Nice to have all those fun gifts in the mail to cheer you up.
Oh no! I hope that your stomach settles and I am very glad the the vomiting and cramps have stopped.
You received some very lovely ornaments there!!
((((((((((((hugs))))))) I thought about suggesting a cork....but the result could be a disaster of international proportions....The possibility of exploding and expelling the cork like a bottle of champage would be just too much!
Lovely ornies. Hope you are better already.
Gosh--you sound like you were as sick as my husband was when he ended up in the ER in early December, Sharon. Please take extra good care of yourself...
I'm sure all of those darling ornaments are really helping to cheer you up :)
Feel better soon! LOL about the farting though! What lovely ornaments you received.
I do hope you feel better soon!
Some great gifts.
I hope and pray you are better now. We had that virus going around the assisted living where I work and over 150 people got it, and by the grace of God I never got it.Praise God for that.It was active for over 2 weeks at work .Misrable to see the elderly so sick.We had to wear gloves and masks and most workers got it even then.
Hope you feel 100% soon! Love the ornaments! So pretty!
Aww, poor soul. At least you got some incredibly nice gifties to divert you!
Hope you feel much better soon!
Poor you! That was a pretty nasty virus that got you and violent too.
I hope that you're on the mend now.
I'm sure those beautiful ornaments helped cheer you up.
As for your DH, how many times has he stunk you out before? In my household, the men reign in that department, lol!
Gorgeous ornaments, feel better soon (((HUGS)))
so sorry you feeling bad,i hope you be fine soon.
Oh you poor thing. Hope you are feeling better now.
The ornaments you recieved are lovely
I reckon I'll be safe from the gas over here in the UK 'cos I sure can't hold my breath for long enough. LOL Reckon your poor OH should be issued with a gas mask. ;0) Seriously, it sounds like you had a horrendous time of it - hope you feel much better soon.
Gorgeous ornies you received. :0)
My Goodness-I hope you feel better soon..
Take care of yourself and get some rest:)
I hope you feel better soon. I still have a small red dot in one of my eyes from vomiting and that was 20 years ago. I hope that yours goes away.
awww sweetie I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! shoulds like you've had a horrible January so far .. except for the goodies! I love ornaments .. very sweet :)
Super ornies, a lovely way to brighten your day when you have felt so poorly. Get Better Soon xx
Oh my Sharon! I hope you have gas masks in the house ;o)
No seriously, I do hope you are feeling better by now. That was some serious bug you had :o( ((((HUGS))))
Those lovely gifts would sure make me smile if I was feeling down and out :o)
The ornaments are lovely...Get well soon!
Oh my goodness! I've never heard of someone being so sick. :( I am so glad you are feeling better now. I'm glad you received such lovely ornies. Will you put them on your tree next year?
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