Lies! Lies! It's all lies! June does NOT zoom. It drags on forever. Tormenting a stitcher with it's large blocks of solid colors. Finally, the June Snapper Year block is complete. I'm so relieved. I was beginning to think I would never finish.
Several of you asked how I am liking Pillars of the Earth. I am no movie critic! (Jessie teases me all the time how I forget the plot, storyline & details of movies almost instantly after finishing them. I'm terrible about remembering movies & books unless I see/read them over and over. This trait did not serve me well in school.) I usually watch movies of books I've read. I usually don't enjoy them as much as the book...there is never enough detail! Pillars was good. Or I should say is good ~ it's not finished yet. They've done an excellent job converting an enormous book into a mini-series. The book is much better! The only movie I've ever liked more than the book was Jurassic Park. There is just something about those dinosaurs!
In fact, I am so terrible about remembering inconsequential details that the other day I came home from the bookstore with the paperback sequel to Pillars ~ World Without End. I was very pleased to have a new book to read.
"Mom, you've read that!" Jessie said.
"No," I replied, "It just came out."
"In paperback! You already have it in hardcover!" She steamed.
*Sigh* There it was. In hardcover. On the bookshelf. I'm an idiot!
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