The first part of the weekend was so hot I just stayed indoors. On Saturday, I tea-dyed some fabrics and started a project that has been absolutely screaming at me. I was so into stitching this that I continued with it on Sunday, barely stopping to read blogs! I made sure I caught up with my reader, first! The weather was much improved by Sunday with some rain and very nice temperatures for August.
No, not déjà vu...I did stitch this recently for Conny in my Ornament Swap exchange. This time it's is for me. And it's over-one! I seldom stitch over-one but this fabric, 28 count Jobelan is excellent for it. It has given me no trouble at all!
My other current stitch is another Ornament for the next swap and I'm still plugging away at Snapper Year ~ sheesh, I'll never catch up to the current month on that darn thing. I am stuck on that damn suitcase. Dratted project.
Have you seen Blogger's new spam comments feature? Go to your Dashboard and listed under your blog will be a Comments folder. Spam comments should go there automatically! Hint...if you go to the Published Comments tab and scroll to the can see how many total comments your blog has received! That's really cool. I like improvements.
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Wow, but your needle is smokin'! It's been very cool here overall the last 2 weeks--like open all the windows; sometimes you'll need a light jacket when you go out at night type cool.
As I'm from OK, I do check the calendar every other day in wonderment that it's like this in August.
Still thinking of strangling me, lol?
Oh, this is really cute! I love it over 1!!
Love your sampler. Is that one of your tea-dyed fabbys? It looks great.
It will be interesting to see how well Blogger manages to filter spam.
Love your over 1 stitching. Every now an then I just have to stitch over 1. I love how fine the detail looks.
The over one looks great! You'll have it done in no time.
Woo...your plum berry sampler looks wonderful over 1! It's all teeny tiny! Ugh...yea...that June block is the one that took me the longest! It's got the most stitches than any other block. Keep plugging along. Look to July...those birdies were by favorite! I really wanted to stitch them birds!
Oh you just don't know how MUCH I LOVE cardinals! This is so beautiful. I remember when you stitched the last one. Cardinals stand out!!
What a beautifull new start you have made.
I'm a bit blind I think I can't find it.. maybe tomorrow, it;s a bit late at the moment
Oh, that's so cute over 1.
Great job.
Here In texas the same weather so hot too !!!! Nice stitching.
My eyes are going blind just looking at how small those stitches are!! LOL
Gorgeous stitching. I tend to find myself drawn to stitching over 1. The smaller the better in my book....just ask my DH!! LOL LOL LOL
I do like the berry samplers, too cute. Your over 1 stitching looks very neat indeed.
So cute! Happy stitching....
Wow! That is teeny tiny but I love it! I just love everything with cardinals and your modification is perfect. Thanks for the info on the blogger improvements - I tend to ignore all that extra stuff unless someone points it out.
It's very cute! And so tiny too.
It's gorgeous! You've made a lot of progress. Don't you just love projects that call out to you like that?!
Your needle really is moving on this one and over 1 too! This is so cute. I love anything with cardinals. They're my favourite birds.
Beautiful stitching! I love over one. Over one is so delicate.
I am an "over one" addict, so I just love your little piece, Sharon. And I really love how you changed the colors to be Christmasy--don't think I would ever have come up with anything like that. You're very creative :)
Lovely tiny stitching - beautiful. We are starting to have warmer days but still cool nights here downunder Queensland... Hugz
I love your tiny stitch - too cute
Lovely colors -
It is beautiful, over one.
I have this is my stash, such a cute design Amrit looks great over one.
Love this design. Yep, our weather has been conducive to staying indoors and stitching!
Gorgeous and oh so tiny!!!! Hmmm gotta check that blogger stuff.
Wow, such a lovely finish, and all over one. Congratulations!
I also appreciate that new spam comment feature although I haven't got any spam comments so far. But you never know ...
That is adorable! What a wonderful ornament
I love that new spam feature. I don't have to see the comments I don't want to.
What a sweet little stitch and soooo tiny!
I'm so thrilled about the spam comments feature! I was ready to start a campaign about that very thing and then I read about this new feature in Blogger Buzz!
Snapper Year just hasn't been your thing, has it???
Oh that is my favorite shade of red in DMC 221. I just picked up some of that shade last night at Hobby Lobby. Your progress is great. I love this sampler.
I know about the spam folder part and was so pleased that they started that. It's amazing some the long ones I get advertising items for sale.
Can't wait for Fall.
Feathers in the Nest
That is beyond adorable!
Very cute. It does look so tiny! I have stitched up one the patterns you designed. I have it on my blog if you'd like to see it.
I love to stitch over 1 too, this one is so lovely.
I'll have to check out the spam comments, thanks for the info.
I just love the ornament and I have just visited your blog and it is just awesome! I can't wait to visit it much more in the future and I hope you can find time to catch my blog too!
Keep stitching!
Love your blog! I can't believe that I have just found it! I can't wait to keep checking the great stitchery on it and maybe you can swing by my blog too!
Happy Stitching!
Beautiful over one stitching Sharon!
I love that design.
I had not noticed the new spam folder.
Just shows how much otice I take!
Love that!
It has been blistering hot here in Texas too. Heat advisories most days, but even when they drop the advisory it is still too hot to get out and do anything!
Stay cool and keep stitching!
Wow! Tiny stitching! I just love it.
Awesome job! :)
sooo teeny tiny but looks amazing. :)
It's been cold, cold, cold here. Maybe we need to trade some degrees. ;)
Our grass is now needle dry :( its so hot and dry here too...
LOVE your tiny sampler. It's gorgeous!!!
Holy smokin' needle Batman. :)
Great job. This is so pretty over one.
Very cute. I like any & all redbirds.
I hope to finish some peacock free charts soon.
Boy, you have been busy! Great job on it all!
beautiful stitching!..i am stitching the Honor Thy needel in 28 count Jobelan, and 1x1 too!!,i like this fabric to make 1x1.
LOVE IT!!! Over one isn't that bad....when your eyes work right that is :D
Plum Berry (a la Christmas) is gorgeous over one! I can't wait to see your finish. Don't you love Jobelan for over one!
I'll have to check out the comments feature. Thanks for mentioning it.
Have a great weekend!
Gosh this is so cute, one over one is always so pretty!
I am a huge fan of stitching over one. It has gotten to the point that it is all I do unless I am using 40 count. I feel like I am jumping back and forth over the Grand Canyon otherwise. :-) Love this little sampler you stitched up. What is it about an alphabet that makes my heart beat This will make an adorable ornament!
Hugs from Holland ~
I love this - so adorable!
I love the look of 1 over 1 stitching, but sadly I can't do it anymore because my eyes just can't stand it. Yours looks fantastic though, well done!
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