Yes! I have completed another block! Are you happier, Cathey? Cathey (Pumpkin) has not let me forget that I am way behind on this project so this block is dedicated to her, lol! July was a breeze to stitch and was finished in no time. Once again, the conversion Bent Creek is using sucks and I used 434 instead of 3781 and 3854 instead of 422. I do understand this project was designed with overdyes in mind but it appears they didn't give any thought to the DMC alternates when writing the key. For example, in this design, the suggested DMC color for the birdies legs & beaks was 422, an olive/tan that looks nothing like the orange/yellow in the model picture. WTF?
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
ROFL --- nothing like a little competition to keep the stitches flowing!
The birdies are ADORABLE!
Congratulations on finishing July. It is gorgeous. A lovely post which made me chuckle.
Looking great Sharon! See...I told you you'd love the birdies despite the bad DMC key. I used the overdyeds...never realized the DMC wasn't in tune with them.
Wow, that was quick!!! You'll be caught up in no time :)
July looks lovely... hope that August comes along just as quickly, so those terrible brow beaters get off your back ;)
Very cute.
Being too months behind in my view point is just a wee bit behind. Not way behind! Aren't you *supposed* to be a little behind on these things anyways?! That makes your progress just right!
Go Sharon, go Sharon, go Sharon! LOL July looks great. I just love anything with birds in it.
ROFLMAO!!!! That's right, when I speak I expect people to listen ;o)
Love July and I think you made the perfect substitution. I know what you mean, I have no idea what they're thinking sometimes.
And yes, I am thinking you are still a month behind ;o) LOL!
I like July. The birds are adorable. Good job!
Oh stop it! You're making me look bad. lol I don't remember the last time I had my LK out of the WIP bin.
Yes I have an entire BIN.
Go, you, Sharon! These birds are such characters; I think the guy on the right is my fave. :)
A stitching feud.. I love it.
Your color substitutions look great. I agree that when the designers give crummy DMC suggestions, it's worse than if they didn't provide any at all!
Too funny! least you got another block stitched. Amazing what a little "peer pressure" can do for you. Great job with the substitutions. Can't wait to see next months.
Fabulous!! It's so cute. I really like this one.
Those birds are adorable!
As for colors, if I'm drawn to the colors in a photo, I always change the threads to match the rather then what's "suggested". Even when it's by the most fantastic designer around. :0)
I know what you mean about floss conversions, and I usually end up substituting for a colour that I think looks right. What I also hate is buying the suggested floss (last project was CC Belle soie) and it only vaguely looks like the photo.
Love your stitching!
I love the little birds! Your substitutions are great. I found I had to do the same thing in one of my WIP. A couple of the colours looked nothing like those in the photo.
Those birds are adorable!!!
I love your post!! It always puts a smile on my face!!! :-)
That was cool!! But now that you are a month behind, what does August say or do?
Well done on the birds, they look great.
Love the July block, those birds look so happy!
Looks great. Wonder if Cathy could pop over to my blog and get on to me? Maybe I would stitch more!
Love it. The colors are wonderful.
Patti xxx
Both July and June both look great!
That may well be my favorite block of the series. WTG, Cathey! *giggle* You'll catch up soon with her coaching you. :o)
Well you sure stitch that one fast and came out so pretty!!!
You are too funny, Sharon!! I can just imagine poor Cathey cowering in fear ;)
July looks great with your color changes!
That middle bird looks like he is squawking and flappin his wings to Cathey to let her know its all done - looks great
Looking good!
LOL about these birds, thy are hilarious. Love that block.
Great finish! Those birds are cute!
It looks great.
And good on you for making colour changes to improve it!
LOL at your title! Very cute block!
The birds are so cute!
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