Look what happened over the weekend:
100,000 visitors? Are you freakin' serious? And I've reached 500 followers as well? This is a joke, right? OMG Don't you people know how completely
boring and
ordinary I am? I truly don't deserve such kind and faithful readers...you all make me feel wonderfully special. Thank you.
This also happened over the weekend:

One Christmas tree ~ up and decorated! Rick came home with a new artificial tree for us as our old one was pretty ratty. Maybe I'm finding my Christmas Spirit after all? I've been admiring all the cross stitched ornaments I have and I realized I don't have any stitched by me.
Every single one came as a gift or an exchange! I should stitch myself a few, don't you think? But I so love stitching for others...

Here is where I'm at on my Bent Creek
Snapper Year. Slow going. I've been working on a couple of other things (remember my blogoversary giveaways?) I don't think I will have any trouble finishing up in time. Then, THEN! I still have to work that horrifying border. You forgot about that, didn't you? It
still scares the living daylights outta me. *sigh* one stitch at a time, right?
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Wow! That's a lot of numbers! Congrats! Love your tree and stitches!
Congrats on being Miss Popularity in the stitching bloggers world!
Your tree looks great. And the Snapper is so close. I know you'll make it!
Congrats on the visitors and followers! Your tree looks great and you're so lucky to have so many stitched ornies on it! Yay!
Keep plugging along on the Snappers. You'll be done before you know it!
Congrats on reaching the big '100'!! :)
Your tree is very pretty! I don't remember the border on Snapper Year - I'll have to look it up. :o)
Congrats on your followers and visits ! Great tree is so pretty! Happy Stitching and Merry Christmas !
Congratulations on all your blog visitors and followers, i'm sure your deserving of each and every one :-)
Your tree looks lovely, we too have artificial trees, less mess:-)
I'm the exact oposite, i have only 1 ornament stitched by others (Mylene) all the others are by me.
I liked your idea of having a few involved in a swap every couple of months, not sure anyone would go for it though. Would you mind posting on you blog how yours works? I may see if anyone would be interested next time i make a post.
Congrats on 100,000 visits! Your blog is always entertaining- that's why we like to visit!
Your trees is gorgeous. Lovely ornaments. You definitely should sitch some for yourself. Great progress on your snapper year.
You are not boring OR ordinary. You are charming, funny, light and a great stitcher, and I'm sure all 500 of us would fight to sit next to you in any cafeteria.
Well Your xmas tree looks so pretty!!! I still be waiting for my prize patiently!!!
Sharon, you are anything but ordinary!! Thanks for being you.
Congrats on getting the tree up, don't think I'll even get that far this year.
Sharon! Of course you are worth visiting. You make cute little patterns for us, you post all sorts of interesting things, you link us to other interesting stitchers. Why wouldn't we visit!? Don't short change yourself. You are a kind and sweet person.
Congrats on your followers! Geez, I was just happy to find that a few had clicked to follow me! The tree looks very nice....
Woooooooohooooooooooo congratulations Sharon --- that's wonderful news ... and well deserved! I don't comment often but I read always, and quite enjoy stitching your delightful reindeer sweeties! :)
Your tree looks good and Congrats for reaching 2 milestones
Congrats on beaucoup visitors, 100,000--wow. Can you imagine that many folks coming to your house? Whew!! You are not boring or ordinary. Hey, I have a Bent Creek Snapper I have been working on for 3 years. Maybe I will finish it in 2011.
Congrats to you!!! wowza!! that's a LOT of people!
Your tree looks very nice and I know what ya mean by stitching some ornies for yourself ~ I need to do that too!
Kudos on so many visitors and followers....not surprising at all!
Love your tree and that says a lot when you can fill it with gifts stitched by others.
merry christmas....and happy stitching.
Your tree is beautiful, and I think it's wonderful that ALL your ornaments are stitched by others. It shows how much people appreciate you and how much you mean to them. Don't feel anything negative - you should be feeling honored and blessed!
You're hardly boring or ordinary! I'm glad you are finding some Christmas spirit. Your tree is lovely and I think it's wonderful that you have so many ornaments from friends. I'm curious to see what you'll stitch for yourself though!
Congrats!!!! You deserve it! I'm lucky to get anyone visiting my blog lol I will blog like crazy for a week, then forget about it for a month or 2 lol
Good For You!!! I love you tree as well :o)
Oh Sharon, you crack me up:) Your tree is lovely!
Well, you have a great blog! You deserve all the love you're getting for sure. Love your tree! Great progress on your WIP as well. I love that piece!
Congratulations on 10000o visits! That is fabulous.
I love your tree. It is so nice that you are able to decorate it with exchange pieces.
Congratulations on having over 500 Followers! Love your Christmas tree. I get what you mean... it's fun stitching for others. Only a bit more to go on Snapper Year. Take it easy on the border. You'll finish it when you finish it :)
Your tree looks wonderful. I wish that your husband could put a bug in my husband's ear to trade out our Christmas tree. It's so nasty that it takes the spirit out of the holidays. But your tree looks wonderful with all those great ornaments. It must make you smile to see all the ones that people have sent you.
Your tree is beautiful!
That's awesome Sharon!!!! You always have such interesting things on your Blog :o)
Your tree is just beautiful and I'm impressed that you're working on your last block ;o) LOL!
Congratulations Daffycat! I love to visit your blog. You always have something cute you have stitched or a funny story to share.
Your tree looks great. Your December Swirls is coming along nicely. That is right one stitch at a time on the border. Before you know it you will be done.
You're probably more interesting than you think you are. Your tree is beautiful. Your stitching makes me wish I could work on mine.
Congrats on your milestones.
Those numbers are amazing. If you were a CEO you'd be getting a big, fat bonus. 514 friendly followers is really nice.
That's a huge number! I can see why though, I always love to see what you have been up to, even if I don't always make a comment. Your tree looks wonderful!
Wow at the numbers!
Lovely tree! We just put ours up (a real one) but I will wait until tomorrow to decorate it.
I have one cross stitched ornament, made by a family member. I have none of mine anymore, I ended up giving them all away as gifts. They were all little Christmas charts I found at the craft store. Wish I had kept the charts!
Blessings from Jessica
Great tree :) your blog is always lovely to read x
If you want less visitors you should stop having such a great blog ;D
Your tree looks beautiful, as for the border on Snapper Year, you could always (gasp!) leave it off...
Your making a joke!!! 100.000... wow and 500 followers, that's a lot of people.....
But you make such beautifull things, your blog is so fun to read!!!
What a beautifull Christmas tree...
Don't worry about Snapper, you will get there... I love it and we help you trouw...
Congratulations on this big day!!
We love your blog :)
Chriz’ stitchy spot
LOVE your tree :)
and your numbers are amazing! Must mean people love what they see and what you have to say! And that's GREAT!!!
lovely tree! readign your blog is sparkle! :D like tiny star of joy (chistmas time affect me.. :lol:)
Your tree looks great!
Well I can only speak for myself - I love reading your blog because it reminds me of the days when I actually had time to stitch. Now, it's too far between each hour, so I live precariously (sp?) through you. Thanks for making that possible! :D
And btw, do your sitemeter also count all the readers you have through Google Reader, or only the ones that actually "show up" at your blog? Because if it doesn't count Reader, you can probably guess at a MUCH higher reading rate than that ;)
Congratulations on 500+ followers, Sharon--that is absolutely huge!!
I used to give away all of my ornaments, too, but I've started keeping more just for me. After the past couple of years, my tree is really looking quite filled with them and they make me so proud :) Maybe you could try keeping every other one that you make just for you?
WOW! That's wonderful!!
Your tree looks great and congrats on your popularity, this could be setting a standard of certain expectations!! lol
Enjoy the Season
Congratulations !!! That's a lot of followers compared to my 54 !! LOL !! I like your Bent Creek Snapper Year... nice colors.
Just goes to show that you are NOT boring or ordinary at all! Actually we all think you are quite fascinating! Looking forward to following you in 2011, too! Enjoy decorating your new tree, and please, show us the pictues! :)
Congrats on reaching such high numbers in followers and views, you deserve them :) The tree looks great and you're right about the border - one stitch at a time :) Merry Christmas!
Congrats on all the followers.
wow... thats alot of followers and site seers......and you are one of my first followers!!!!!thank-you
Congrats on such astounding numbers! And well deserved too! I enjoy your blog so much as do so many of us who return again and again.
Your tree looks wonderful. I love a tree covered in stitched ornaments!
Congrats on the milestone! Nice tree, too. And you're almost done with your Snapper!
Well, of COURSE you have that many followers and visitors! You rock!! :)
Beautiful stitching and decorating! Thanks for the reindeer ornament chart, too.
Congrats! That's a lot of followers! I love your tree!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Congratulations on your numbers. I've just started a new blog, would love for you to visit ;)
The tree looks great!!!
Congratulations Sharon that is truly remarkable.
Love your Snapperland and look forward to the big finish.
Merry Christmas my dear friend!
Your tree is so pretty! Love that tree skirt!
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