Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Beautiful Sampler

My stitching, work and life-in-general is going great. My blogging/blog-reading has gone agley. I need balance. I need more time. Someone send me a few spare hours? It's actually my own fault...I seriously should pare down my reading list. There once was a time I could read through my blog list in less than an hour...it's an all-spare-time event now. But how can I stop reading anyone's posts? I might miss something! What a kerfuffle.

I must share this beautiful stitching I won from Heather of Cross-Stitching Mom. Isn't it gorgeous? The over-one alphabet has me enthralled. Of course, I love alphabets so this has nothing to do with Heather's absolutely perfect stitches, right? Thank you so much, Heather. I love the sampler and it's already on display in my guest room.

In between reading blogs, I had fun creating a little game for you = a Needlework word search. Once you open the page you will need to click Options and change the layout to 20X20 or 25X25 to load all the words. Have fun!

Some places to visit: Angela of Hooked On Stitches has created a new Traveling Pattern and I know you don't want to miss a chance of getting it sent to you. You will want to enter Edgar's blogoversary giveaway for four great years of Blacksheep's bit of the Web. Edgar's prizes are always so very special. And since so many of you like Halloween, you must see what Alex is doing over at just alex...he's already building props for his Halloween display! Freakin' scary awesome ~ I can't wait to see his finish.

For those of you in my Totally Useless Stitch A Long, don't forget the next New Moon is on Tuesday, May 3rd! I should have a good showing and maybe even a finish to share.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!



Anonymous said...

I love what you won. Too cute! I agree, I need more time also. I have weekend retreats at my store and we play games. I always do a word search as one of them. Isn't it cool?!?!

Nancy said...

Know what you mean about keeping up with all the blog happenings. It does take up a lot of time but I enjoy it so much!!! Maybe I could give up...??????????...well maybe housework!?! Think my husband would hire a maid!?! LOL

Sweet Sue said...

Hope you're well Sharon, I know what you mean about keeping up w/blog posts. I too adore reading each one, it's time consuming, but in a good way:) Kerfuffle-luv it!

Mouse said...

Hi Daffy :) I have managed to get mine into a routine .. as I am eating breakfast I catch up .. as I'm having my last cuppa of the day I catch up ..lol and so far seems to be working the rest of the time spent doing stitching etc .... Have been busy this weekend go take a peek at my blog:) love mouse xxxxx

Annette said...

Time..... I need to have 72 hours in one day... I waaaayyyyy behind with al the thing I need to make...So when you get some... please send me a bit:)
What a beautifull piece you stitched.
And thanks for the great links....

Hazel said...

What a beautiful piece of stitching you have won. It is gorgeous. I know what you mean about getting round to reading everyone's blogs. It's hard. But you're forgiven sweetie. xx

Theresa said...

What a beautiful gift from Heather!!! Her stitches is beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful stitching, you were so lucky to win! I know exactly how you feel about blog reading, I've tried so many times to trim my google reader list but all I seem to do is find more blogs to add to it! In the end I become so overwhelmed I end up not having time to comment.

Christine said...

What a beautiful sampler Sharon!

Measi said...

I have a ton on my reading list, too. But I generally read everything through Google Reader to make it easier, and then from there I can open pages if I want to comment or save blog entries I find useful/important. :)

Stitchabilities said...

That is a lovely sampler

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely giveaway received. Can't believe its tusal time again. I know what you mean about blog reading mine just get longer and longer.

Lynn said...

That sampler is GORGEOUS!!!! The letters over one is amazing.

valerie said...

Congrats on your sampler win from Heather! It's beautiful! Thanks for the TUSAL reminder.

Jo said...

What a gorgeous sampler! I know what you mean about keeping up to date with blogland. Problem is there's this tricky choice to be made between blogging and stitching...

BubzRugz said...

I would gladly give you a few hours if I had some spare... like you I seem to have too many things happening to fit in the hours...

Myra said...

That is a beautiful sampler. I know what you mean about blogging and reading and commenting - there just aren't enough hours in the day sometimes.

Margaret said...

Beautiful prize -- wow! Thanks for the reminder about the TUSAL -- almost forgot!

Vicky said...

Wow you do follow a lot of blogs!! I sort mine by date of last post and if a blogger hasn't posted in 3 months ping off the list they go.........

Jennifer said...

I know exactly how you feel about blog reading. I can't seem to catch up, but when i attempy to pair down i have a hard time doing so. Maybe a speed reading class is in order!

staci said...

What a wonderful win...and I can't think of a better home for it :) Enjoy!

Karen said...

So many blogs ...so little time! I feel your pain. Glad you have time to stitch.....

Melanie said...

Lovely sampler! Just absolutely darling. Congrats on winning it! :)

Lynn said...

I know exactly what you mean with the blog reading. Skip a day or two and whammo, you never have a chance of catching up. And I don't follow nearly as many blogs as you do. There just aren't enough hours in the day!
I love your recent win. It's an adorable sampler. I'd love to see that over one alphabet.

Heather said...

Thanks for the shout-out Daffycat! Glad the you have a nice place for the sampler, and congratulations!

Stitching Noni said...

Hi Sharon! Yep, like you I seriously need more hours in the day... I am so far behind in my blog reading it's not funny! I have started to read through them via google reader at work during lunchtime - that does help... I don't want to drop off any from the reading lsit either coz it's great to read what everyone is up to!

Love the pressie you got - how gorgeous :-)

See you all tomorrow for the TUSAL update!


Kate said...

Great prize. I've just caught up on my blog reading and found more blogs, including yours! The housework can wait.
Thanks for the word search.

Bev said...

i told my hubby i would have to pack one of my jobs in so i could concentrate on blogworld and stitching, dont think he understands me as he asked if i was completely barmy! charming lol

Anonymous said...

I think we could all do with some extra hours in the day to catch up with blog reading! I find that it is very addictive but cuts down on your stitching time, also makes my to-do list much much longer as I see all these wonderful projects that I want to start!
Love your prize, it's beautiful!

Berit said...

Commenting on your recent posts~

I also found that I was just so overwhelmed that I couldn't keep up, but didn't want to let anything go, so am working on a "rotation" plan. :D

Wow, love that tombstone your friend is going to be trying out!~

Awesome ornaments rec'd! My favorites are your new pear tree and the quakery "Noel" :). I need to stitch an ornament for this year and do the finishing for 2010's. Yeah. ;) I stitched it during the season, next to the tree. :D

Your "Little" Bunny finish is darling--love this pattern. :D

Pumpkin said...

What a gorgeous win! WOW!

I know what you mean! One minute I'm caught up and the next I'm so behind I don't think I could ever catch up again. It's a balancing act. Too bad we didn't get paid to read Blogs ;o) BAHAHAHAHAHA!

Joysze said...

If anyone sends you extra time, would you send some my way? ;) I know *exactly* what you mean about needing more time. I hardly get on the puter during the weekends as that's when I try to get a lot of my stitching done, and come Monday, I load up my blog list and BAMMO, it hits me. Sometimes, I sit at stare and think "why do you guys BLOG so much over the weekends?" LOL!!!

Great looking sampler, you won there. I love the way it's framed too. :D

Jessica said...

Congrats on your win!

I recently removed a couple hundred blogs from my Google Reader. I want so badly to simplify my life, online too. I removed the ones I found myself skipping over or not even reading. I had WAY too many followed blogs. I still have a lot, but I feel it is a bit more manageable. It's okay to clean things out sometimes! ;) Now if I could only get this house to be more simplified!!

Justflo said...

Lovely sampler, Lucky you.
I too am trying to work out where to find extra time!!!

There must be some sort of secret to it and I haven't found it yet (But I'll keep trying)

Carol said...

Wow--what a beauty you won from Heather! You lucky girl you!!

I hear you on the blog reading/commenting--I seem to be spending far more time on that these days than I do on my stitching... Hmmm... something's not quite right here!

Sally said...

What a beautiful piece of stitching you have won :)

I try to catch up a bit every day if time allows but it doesn't always work!

BronnyB said...

I worry about paring my blog list, in case I miss something.
Mind you, the past 2 weeks I've not had a chance to sit and read every blog - been skipping over every other one.
BTW - have just posted my May TUSAL

Julie said...

You have won a beautiful piece of stitching!

Ziggyeor said...

Beautiful prize! She did a great job.

Ohh going to check out the Halloween stitches! I'm having a Halloween themed B-day party next week.

Now must remember to find Jim and take a picture.

Anne said...

What a beautiful win! The frame is beautiful and the design so pretty. Congrats!! PS: Over one scares me

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous sampler, and I love the frame :)

Bonnie Brown said...

Great orts!
Just got my post up :)

BTW, love the kleenex box

Toni said...

The sampler is so lovely! :-)

Kim said...

I'm just catching up with my blog reading now. It's so hard to keep up with it all but so worth it when you do and you get to see all the gorgeous things that have been made.

I love the stitched piece you won, it's so cute!


TinaTx said...

I'm having a problem keeping up with blog reading too. I will start to weed out blogs but then I can't decide which ones to give up!

Unknown said...

That is a very lovely Sampler! Congratulations on your win. I am having trouble keeping up on the reading and commenting too, and I don't have near the number to follow as you do. It is just too much fun!

Cyndi said...

Hi, Sharon! Just want to let you know that I FINALLY finished Crabby. Remember, we started it together, but you finished on time. Didn't sewing on those buttons drive you absolutely nuts? I'm going to sew it into a wall hanging quilt-style, and then I'll post it on my blog. Now I can finally move on to something else.

Mr Spooky said...

LOL! Thanks for the mention :o)