Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Monday, August 15, 2011

From My Gnome To Yours

An end-of-summer giveaway! Stitched items and Stitching stash are neck and neck in my poll.

I stitched up this little scissor fob and magnetic needleminder using parts of Bent Creek's Gnomes in the Garden Row. Isn't it precious? ABCD on the front and WXYZ on the back with Mr. Gnomes' lady wife on the needleminder. Stitched over one thread ~ these guys are tiny. I stuffed the fob with crushed walnut shells for weight. Pretty red scissors are included.

Design ~ Gnomes in the Garden Row
Designer ~ Bent Creek
Fabric ~ 28 count Monaco
Fiber ~ DMC 

To have a chance to win:
1. Leave a comment on this post. Everyone is welcome ~ I can mail anywhere.
2. You must be a follower! I only need another 26 followers to reach 800. Can you help?
3. Please leave your email address if it isn't available on your profile.
4. Those of you posting a link to my giveaway on your blog will receive an extra entry, indicate this in comments.
5. I will draw a winner sometime on Tuesday, August 23rd.

Good luck to all!

This giveaway is now closed.
The Winner will be announced as soon as possible!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Danielle said...

Amazing giveaway!!! Love the fob and needle minder. And would love to own anything made by you. Thanks so much.

Kathy A. said...

I'm first - does that mean I automatically win ROFL!!!
Please enter me in your wonderful summer giveaway. Sending hugs

Pumpkin said...

AWESOME!!!! SOOOOOO adorable :o) I'm game! Please enter my name. You know I've been a long time Follower. LOL! Thanks Sharon.

Amber said...

i would love to be entered please
i have posted on my blog too :D

Deborah said...

Love the items that you have stitched. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. Thanks, Deborah

Amber said...

please enter me :D
i have also posted on my blog :)


Sharon said...

There is nothing better than something that has been stitched by hand! I'd love to have a chance to win this beautifully stitched (and thoughtful) give-a-way! :)

butterfly said...

Yes please enter me in your giveaway , you mad a lovely stitching set i would love to win it.

Unknown said...

Those are really cool!! Teeny stitches are amazing! Please put me in your drawing, and I will tell everyone on my blog about the giveaway - not sure how to do a link though.

Thanks for this giveaway!!

Sun City Stitcher said...

Cute scissor fob!

Shannon said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to enter in. :)

CalamityJr said...

Beautiful giveaway - thanks for the chance!

Kim said...

That's so cute and tiny! Really lovely work. I'd like to enter please.


Barbara said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be entered and I've posted a picture and a link on my blog:
and I am a follower.

scotstwinmum said...

aww these are gorgeous, if i don't managed to get picked would you be able to share with us how you made the needle minder, it is sooooo neat


Fran (franmckean@gmail.com)

geeky Heather said...

That's adorable!! Thanks for the great giveaway...I would treasure these sweet smalls. =)

valerie said...

Both your little finishes are soooo cute! Love it! I can't believe you have almost 800 followers. WOW!

CyberJulka said...

I love scissors and scissors fob!:) Those are so beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway! Hugs!

Cyber Julka

natalysneedle said...

Love it!! I think you did a fabulous finishing job and I can't get over how cute it is! Please count me in on your giveaway.

Teresa said...

Too Cute! Love a chance to win.
I posted at:
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Laura said...

Too cute! I love your work! Please enter me in your contest too :)

Thank you!


ljmcd7 @ gmail.com

Myra said...

These are cute as can be! I would love to win something made by you. :o)

lynda said...

What a great giveaway...I love those little gnomes! I'll post this on my blog too...maybe we can get you to 800 followers (that is amazing in itself!)Thanks for the chance!

Chris said...

What a wonderful giveaway!
That gnome is sassy!!
I would love to give him a home.
Thanks for the chance and have a great week.


Lynn said...

Those gnomes are so sweet! Please enter my name into your giveaway. Thank you so much Sharon for generous offer.

Margaret said...

I'd love a chance to win your giveaway! The pieces are so cute! I'm already a follower so can't help out with the numbers. But at least i'm one of the almost 800! :D

Linda said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I have never had a scissor fob. I also posted a link on my blog.

Unknown said...

Beatiful finish!!!! Like I ready have something of yours I would like to give the oppurnity to another person!!!! Beatiful finish!!!!!!

Carrie said...

So cute! I would love to win something you have made!

Ellen said...

Beautiful fob and needleminder! Thank you for the chance of owning these beauties.


The Inspired Stitcher said...

OMG! Those gnomes are awesome! I've posted a link on my blog so folks come on over and sign up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm the lucky on though.

Tricia said...

How fun!! I'd love to be entered!!!

Tricia said...

Me again! I posted a link on my blog!! : )

Bonnie Brown said...

Please enter me in your draw :)

gracie said...

Would love the opportunity to win your drawing....and I will post to my blog.....

~*Sharee*~ said...

This is too sweet hun; I'd love to be included in your drawing. I have been a faithful follower. :)

Hugs, Shar

Deb said...

Wish I could help you to reach 800, but I'm already a follower. I'd love a chance to win though. Your pieces are just too cute!

Cole said...

Gorgeous!!! Please enter me :) Off to post to my blog right now!!

saras said...

I would love to enter! I bought the supplies to make a needle minder, but am scared to try to make one! I'd adore this set!

Catherine said...

Almost 800 followers!! Wow!! Congratulations!!

I absolutely love this set - so cute! This would be perfect to remember this summer by - if you've been to my blog, you'll see in my sidebar, that one of our family gnomes, Ned, has gone off on an adventure this summer. Right now he is visiting a blogging friend in Scotland!! He writes home now on his own blog, so my boys can see what he is up to! I'm off to post this giveaway in my sidebar.

pj said...

Such cute finishes! I would love to own anything you made too...and I hope I am helping with your total # of followers...pj from iowa


Anonymous said...

I love the Gnome. The title is to cute! You have out did yourself with this set! It is adorable.

Please include me in this giveaway. I am a follower and I posted this on my blog.

Thank you,

Dani - tkdchick said...

Adorable and creative!!!

Mindi said...

How adorable! I'd love to be entered into a drawing for the cute gnomes, I'm already a follower. Thank you!

Carol said...

How darling, Sharon! As a long-time gnome lover, I'd be honored to win your giveaway. Thanks for the chance :)

Theresa said...

This is adorable!!!!! I would love to be in the draw~~ I will also post this on my sidebar!!!

Thank you so much for the opportunity~~

Anonymous said...

These are lovely. This is the first time I've visited your blog and have spent an hour or more just browsing. I will definately be coming back more often.

Cathy said...

I love the Garden Gnome!

Courtney said...

oh my goodness I love this!! I already follow you on my google reader, but I'll find another way to follow you if it puts me in the running for this! So adorable!!


Denise said...

What a great treasure these will be to the lucky winner ( I hope Its me) Please include me in your give away.
Happy stitching

Veronica said...

Such cute scissors fob and needleminder. I'd love to have a go at winning them. I'm a Follower. Been one for a while now. My email address is on my profile. Thanx!

Veronica said...

Forgot to mention, I've posted about your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog. Thanx!

Mary said...

I joined your very nice blog as a follower - thanks for the opportunity to win such a special giveaway.

Can't post a link because I have not blog.


Mary in MN

Mireille said...

I love it. They are so cute those gnomes.

Michele said...

what a fun giveaway! We love Gnomes here :)

Ali said...

Oooh they are gorgeous - thank you for the chance to win - off to pop a link on my blog xx

Poppypatchwork said...

Please add me to your giveaway, your stitching looks wonderful

Teresa S. said...

I am finally an "official" follower-don't know what took so long. You aren't far away from 800 now!

This is such a cute fob and I just gave one away, so this is the perfect replacement :)

I will post on the sidebar of my blog-woo hoo

Shebafudge said...

Gorgeous giveaway! I would love to enter this please. My email is sharonjstevens @ msn.com

I have been a follower for ages already so can't help you get to the 800 - sorry!

Elisa said...

How wonderful, I would love to be included....I am a follower xx

Barb said...

Oh how sweet is that, please enter me for a chance to win. Hope you get to your 800!
Warm stitchy wishes

CATHI said...

Lovely pieces! I would love to be drawn in your giveaway! And: I am already a follower!

Best wishes


Siobhán said...

What a fun giveaway! I am a sure that I'm a follower--yep, I am. Good luck getting to 800!

Karolina said...

may be with you I can win :)

Kate said...

I'd love to be entered into your draw.
I will post a link on my blog.
Good luck getting up to 800 followers!

And This Little Pig said...

Ah Daf thought I was a follower, but I've fixed that. What a great giveaway, covers the two things I don't have... a needle minder and a scissor fob.

You now have 13 to go to 800.

LiBBiE in Oz

Mouse said...

ohhhhh i will make a nice gnome home for them ...lol I have one or two in my garden as well :) beautiful give away :) love mouse xxxx

Hazel said...

Ooooohhhhh gorgeous giveaway! I would love to win. Please enter me. xx

Susan said...

I just asked the Hubs for a garden gnome! He'd probably be happier if I had these as he's not much for things like that in the yard - guess he won't like the flamingos either...

I'm heading over to my blog to let others know.

Rachel said...

I'd love to enter the giveaway! That gnome it too cute!!!!


Cindy said...

oh how cute! I am doing this pattern as a family sampler for DD....would love to have the accessories :D

Jenny said...

Sorry to put it this way, but these gnomish smalls are just rediculously cute!!!
Please include me in the drawing as one of your followers and here's hoping that you hit the big 8-oh-oh soon!

Pikaboo said...

I love gnomes! And I love Bent Creek!!!

Cindy said...

I posted on my blog :D!

wendy111 said...

How cute - add me in!

Daybake said...

Adorable!! I love Gnomes! Please add me in for the giveaway.

pam said...

It shake and bake and I helped! remeber that one? I added one more follower on you way to 800. LOVE the gnomes. please include me.

Christine said...

How sweet! Please include me

Jolana said...

Hi, I would like to be entered please and I have posted on my blog too. Thanks a lot, have a nice day, Jolana


Meari said...

Oh, how adorable! I'd like to be included in the giveaway.

I follow you on google reader, and I've posted about your giveaway on my blog.

Happy End-of-summer to you!

Janice Boucher said...

I love the little scissor fob and matching scissors. How kind of you to offer a giveaway.
Janice, MA

Kathy H said...

What cute finishes. And they are so small. I don't usually use anything smaller than the 10 count anymore. I added my name to your followers list. Only 9 more to go to the 800. Hope you make it there.

Bonnie Brown said...

Just remembered to post on my blog :)
Good luck gettingto your 800 followers

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Please enter me into the draw. I'm posting a blog post tomorrow and I'll mention it there too.


Stitchabilities said...

LOL How fabulous, I love the gnome fob!! Cute. I need a gnome for my garden, I am looking for one that stiches or reads rather than fishing!!

Virpi said...

Oh, I'm so sorry I already am your follower =D. You have such a lovely giveaway and huge amount of participants as well. If I'm lucky enogh to win my e-mail is


Babs in Alabama said...

Oh man! I wish I wish!. My oldest dd's bd is the 26th and she loves gnomes. Wouldn't it be great if she got one made by Daffy Cat?
Please put my name in. I think you know me :)
I will post it on my blog.

Kathy said...

Fabulous giveaway! I love the finishing of both the needle minder and the fob. And the lady gnome is too adorable. please include me in your giveaway. I am a follower too. :)

and Rory too

katkiley @ aol . com

Rita E in AZ said...

What a generous prize package - I would love to win these wonderful finishes.
Rita E in AZ

Rita E in AZ said...

I posted about your drawing on my blog:


Rita E in AZ

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

I am 792, wow I am still trying to get to 100. Please enter me in your giveaway, very cute! Stop by sometime I am having a 100 Follower Giveaway and I am only 6 away for a great gift.

Nice to meet you , like your blog.

Heather said...

What a lovely giveway. I'd love to be entered. I've also posted about it on my blog here: http://lotuspond.silentblue.net/blog/2011/08/ornament-frustrations/


LoriU said...

Those gnomes are tooooo cute!,

Shelley said...

Gorgeous! I would LOVE to add these to my collection :)

P.J. said...

Clever way to break up the pattern and make something new. Love the gnomes. Dplaney13@Juno.com

Cross Stitch Queen said...

Your giveaway is too cute to pass up! Please add me to the wonderful people who are also interested in winning this awesome prize.

I have already entered the giveaway on my blog sidebar.

I'm sure you will reach 800 readers soon! Your blog is really great!


Melanie said...

Awesome! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it. :)

(Wish I could help push you over the 800 mark as you are oh-so-close but, alas, I've been a follower for a long time.)

Lesleyanne said...

Your stitching is gorgeous. I would love to be entered, thank you. Will post on my sidebar on my blog. lbarge@msn.com.

Mary Joan said...

What a cute Giveaway. I am already a follower and I have posted your Giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.

Mary Joan

cucki said...

hello dear, i am your new follower..you really have very lovely blog.
i really love the sweet giveaway..please count me in for it..
love and hugs xx

Bekca said...

This is the cutest giveaway! Please put my name into the drawing. Thank you!

dixiesamplar said...

Lovely stitching Sharon...love the gnomes!!

I am following again and have posted the giveaway on my sidebar. Thanks for the opportunity.

I am also hosting a giveaway, so be sure to stop by and enter.

Happy Stitchin'

Sara said...

That gnome is too cute! Good luck getting to 800 followers!

Kaisievic said...

Sharon, the giveaway is so cute. Please count me in - I have just become follower 795. I have also put your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog http://kittenstitching.blogspot.com and my email is KayeDeP@gmail.com

I am also having a 20 follower giveaway - a modest number compared to the awesomeness of almost 800 followers - congratulations to you - so please check it out and enter if you would like.

cheers, Kaye

Lisa said...

What a fab giveaway, I love the fob and scissors, but that needle minder is just the cutest, that little gnome!!! Could I please enter if that's ok? I'm already a follower. I think my email is in my profile but if not it's lissimmons@gmail.com
I will post a link to your giveaway on my blog later today as well.
Hope you manage to make ti to 800 followers soon!

Unknown said...

I would love to be entered into your giveaway!

Daisy said...

Fabulous drawing, I love the gift.
Please add my name to the draw.
I'll post in the sidebar the draw.


FN said...

How cute! What a fun giveaway! I love your design and I'd love a chance to win! I am a follower. Many thanks! Frances

Katrien said...

Those are adorable. Please add my name to the draw, thank you!
I've also posted about it on my blog.
princesje @ skynet . be

Sue said...

What a lovely give away. I'd love a chance to win :)

Paula Still said...

What an amazing give-away! I love the how you finished the fob and the needleminder is so creative! I am a follower and ask that you please add my name to the drawing. Thank you so much!


Lainey said...

OMG Sharon that is just adorable!!
Ned the gnome from Pennsylvania is staying with us here in Scotland just now. He wants to enter, the guy on toadstool is his cousin Clint from Oklahoma..lol. Please add Ned to the list, hugs!

Wendy McClelland said...

Beautiful work - adorable! I'd love to win - I'm a follower of your blog. Looking forward to looking around your site.


Cheryll said...

You found me so now I've found you! And became a follower too!
Thanks for the chance to win this awsome gift. Cheers.

lapappilon said...

wow! amazing !
please enter my name
I am a follower and will post on my sidebar.
lapappilon.blogspot com
Eva from Serbia

Anna said...

Ah, cross stitch my first love and red my favorite color! I am now a follower and have linked this post on my blog. I would love it if you added the woolie to your blog list! I know I love you widget jumping on my followe list!!!

Kathy MacKie said...

I am a new follower and have a needlework project on the go all the time. Thanks for such a fun giveaway.

arlette said...

Oh, please, please, pleaase!!!!, enter me in the drawing, love your art work and also the scissors, I'm a collector scissors <3. I'm your newest follower, thank you for the chance

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Karen said...

what a very sweet giveaway! they are just too darn cute! please sign me up! Hugs!

Gracey said...

Those are adorable!!! Please enter me :)

Please contact me at www.homespunhandmaiden.etsy.com

Gracey said...

I follow your blog :)

Please contact me at www.homespunhandmaiden.etsy.com

Pam in PA said...

Hi Sharon, I am a follower of your blog. Your stitching & designing is beautiful. The scissor fob & needle minder are beautiful. Please enter me in your drawing!

Rachel S-H said...

What a cute way to use those designs! Great job. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you.

Blu said...

What a cute giveaway! Please count me in.

Patty C. said...

As usual - An adorable finish
I would love to be included in your Giveaway - I am a follower ;)

mbroider said...

What a great finish!! I would love to win this cute fob and needleminder... There are far too many entries, LOL!! Will my luck increase if i say i have a son who is a preschooler;-))

Good luck to all

Joy said...

Congrats of the followers!!!! Please enter me in your give-a-way. I just love the Gnomes. Will be posting a link on my blog as well.

MaryBeth said...

What a cute fob. Thanks for the chance to win.

Cyndi, Don and Lucas said...

I'm a follower and I'm a commentin' LOL Love to cross-stitch! I can only do it until my rear gets sore! LOL

Justflo said...

Please count me in. I'm a follower and will link when I blog(I will let you know when I've done it)

Email: flo.abbott0189@googlemail.com

principeta said...

I love your work,it is amazing.This is so lovely and generous of you,thanks for the chance to win this lovely items.Now I follow =o)

Sandra said...

Hi Sharon! Gorgeous giveaway, as always.

I already am a follower of your blog, but I posted a link to your giveaway on my sidebar, hope it helps to get to the 800's yee haa!!!

Anonymous said...

Great finishes! Wonderful giveaway and please add my name to the hat.

Miokka said...

I'm a follower now! Just figured out how that works! Pick me! Love the fob & scissors!

Anne said...

Ooh what an adorable wee lil' gnome!! I would love to be entered into your giveaway! Your stitching and finishing is always impeccable!!

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway is beautifully finished! I would enjoy having these resting in my sewing basket. I'm a follower, too.
Busy Hands...Happy Heart

Birdie said...

OMGoodness this is so darn sweet!!! Would love to be entered. THANK YOU!!


Shirlee said...

I've been searching blogs this afternoon & just found yours! It's wonderful! Please include me in the drawing for your very generous giveaway item ... & please come visit my blog if you have the chance : ) Blessings, Shirlee

Shelley said...

Hi Sharon,

I've become a follower and I've posted about your awesome giveaway on my blog. I would love to be entered in your drawing.



Nana Crystal said...

If that just isn't the cutest thing ever! Even though I have just a wee doggy, I do love kitties (and so does the doggy!). I'd love to have the pattern for the kitty at the very top of your blog. And of course, I'd love to win the giveaway!

Anne Sans Tete said...

What an adorable giveaway! Good luck to all entrants!

I'm a follower & will post on my blog.

- Lisa N. in Cambodia

Joy said...

Please enter me as well. I need a new pair of scissors.

Marsha said...

I would love to win your giveaway. I have had it on my blog for a while.

El jardín de mis Rosas said...

Beautiful drawing, I love to participate. Please count me in

Your blog is lovely

Virpi said...

Thank you for the lovaly parcel that arrived today. Wow, 146 comments in this post - I'm really lucky girl! =D