Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blogoversary Giveaway

November 1st is my 4th Blogoversary! To celebrate this milestone with my readers I have stitched up a pretty Christmas ornament to give away. If I get enough people interested I will add another prize of some Daffycat-Dyed fabric for a second giveaway winner. Sound good?

Design ~ Fill With Love
Designer ~ Designs by Cathy Jean (of Victoria Sampler)
Fabric ~ 32 count tea-dyed Jobelan
Fiber ~ DMC

This was really quick to stitch and very fun. Except, I'm not entirely sure I actually have those pine branches exactly in position! Talk about fiddly ~ those are a booger to place! Oh, but I loved creating this for you.

1. For a chance to win this little treasure (or maybe some Daffycat-Dyed fabric) leave a comment on this post.

2. You must be a follower, old or new.

3. To make this a little more interesting I'm going to count all your comments on any of my posts in October as additional chances! You must still comment on this post to let me know you want to enter. And no, of course I don't mind if you run back and comment now on my previous October posts! And when I make a new post, don't forget to comment to get another entry!

A post on your blog telling others about my giveaway is kind but not required.

I will close this giveaway on my Blogoversay, November 1st.

This giveaway is now closed and
the winner will be announced shortly!

Good luck!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


P.J. said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful gift! Got my needles crossed.

Elizabeth Ann said...

Your ornament is so very cute! I would love to be included in your anniversary giveaway!

Linda said...

I read your blog all the time, but just became a follower. I will post on my blog and go back and comment on your other Oct. posts.


Mouse said...

ooo would love to have something stitched by you :) could you count me in pleaseeeee .. I am a stalker erm follower hehehe mmmmm think I have commented in a few posts .. :) love mouse xxxxx

~*Sharee*~ said...

This is too-too cute hun and would hang on the front of our tree for sure...Please enter me in your drawing.

Hugs, Shar

Kate said...

Really Cute!!! Who cares if the boughs aren't in the right place. It doesn't matter if they are exact. They look just fine. I never worry about such things. Enjoy reading your blog for quite a while now.

Myra said...

Happy Anniversary! This blogging thing is pretty fun eh? And addictive too. I always enjoy seeing your stitching and finishing and this little ornie is so pretty. I would love to be entered in your drawing and I am looking forward to another year of your posts.

Becky K in OK said...

Oh, what a fun project. Who's to say those branches are perfectly placed? I think they look perfect. Please include me.

Laura said...

What a cute ornament and I love how you finished it! Happy Anniversary!


ljmcd7 @ gmail.com

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Four Years! And wishing your many more!

gracie said...

Happy 4th! Please enter me in the drawing. I think the pine bows look just fine!

Barbi said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! Count me in on the draw please...I would love to add an ornie stitched by DaffyCat on my tree...and I love this one :)

Shirlee said...

Happy 1 Year Anniversary! Please include me in the drawing : ) Blessings, Shirlee

Nancy said...

Happy Blogversary! I would love a chance to win that lovely ornament! Thanks!

Margaret said...

Happy blogiversary! Love the ornament!

Lisa said...

Happy Blogoversary! Please enter me in your wonderful contest. I would love to win an ornament stitched by you :)

Shannon said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your ornament is very cute! :)

diamondc said...

Congratulations on your anniversary four years goes by fast, please enter me in your givaway.
I am a follower.

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Congratulations on your 1 year blogging anniversary. Please enter me for a chance
in your giveaway. Your stitchery ornament is really beautiful. I am posting this
on my blog. Thank you for a chance to win.

Mindi said...

Happy blogoversary! The ornament is adorable, I was just looking through my old JCS Christmas magazines figuring out what I wanted to stitch and this was one of them.

Sarah said...

Beautiful ornament! The pine leaves look lovely to me :) I would love to be entered in the draw. Happy blogoversary!!

CalamityJr said...

Oh, I don't know which would be better, that fantastically finished ornament, or your hand dyed fabric! Sine you gave permission, I'm headed back to see where I may not have commented this month, lol. Happy blogoversary!

Theresa said...

Happy blogoversary!!!!!! This ornament is gorgeous!!!! I would love to have a chance to bring it home~~~~~ thanks for the opportunity~~

Teresa said...

Happy 4th.
Love the little stocking pattern you choose. Would love for to find a new home with me.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Blu Stitcher said...

This is really cute. I would love to enter and a BIG Congrats on 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I loooove your stocking ornament. Please enter me. It's adorable!!

Deborah said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance of winning that very cute ornament.

Marsha said...

Nice ornament! Happy blog anniversary!

Kay said...

I have greatly enjoyed reading you blog since I discovered it this past year. Happy blogiversary!

The ornament you stitched up is darling and very fun. (fiddly bits and all.)

I would love to be entered into your draw.


Nancy said...

Happy Blogoversary!! And Wow! A nice giveaway! Please enter me into it. I love the ornament. Those pine boughs look like there are in the right place to me. And the chance to win a piece of hand dyed fabric is fantastic! I do enjoy reading your blog although I don't comment too often.

Gracey said...

I love cross stitch :) Your pine branches look perfect to me! :) I follow your blog


Rain said...

Oh this is an adorable gift! Beautiful work! I would love to win it! Congrats on ur anniversary!~~Rain

Anonymous said...

Happy early 4th Blogoversary!

That is a really cute Ornament. I love everything about it. You did a splendid job.

I would love to take a chance at this blogoversary giveaway.

Please enter my name.

I am a follower.

I am posting here and to those October posts I missed. :)

I am going to post this to my blog.
(I hope you don't mind I am borrowing your picture.)

Carolyn NC said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your ornie is adorable...as always!

Lesleyanne said...

Happy Blogoversary. i would love to be entered in your giveaway. I am a follower.

Ali said...

Oh that is gorgeous - thank you for the chance to win one of your gorgeous makes. Already a follower and think I have commented on posts as well xxx

Quiltpassion.blogspot.com said...

Happy blogoversary! What a cute ornament you stitched, please, count me in. I would love to win!
Happy stitching, Cisca

Carmen said...

Happy Blogversary!, and is a really cute ornie.

Stitchabilities said...

Wow is it four years already, I remember when you started this blog, My doesn't time fly!!
Happy Blogoversary Sharon

lanybleu said...

I would love your cute orni on my tree. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy 4th Birthday.

Denise said...

Happy Blogversary! Four years already - wow!

Love that ornie - so cute - and the finish gives me an idea of what to do to mine!

Lizzy Pizzy said...

Happy Blogoversary! Please drop my name into your draw [hat/box/fish-bowl] Thanks for offering such a cute give-away. BTW I don't think it really matters quite where those pine branches are positioned - surely they must be like snow flakes - no two alike :)
Liz x

Robin said...

What a cutie! Please count me in.

cucki said...

happy blogoversary :)
please count my name for the draw..
i love the ornie so much..very sweet..
love and hugs for you xxx

Kate said...

Happy Blogaversary!
Love the ornament and would love the opportunity to be entered into your draw.
The pine branches look fab - I wouldn't worry over where they are placed!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Lovely work!!! Cathy!

Mary Joan said...

Happy Blogoversary! I just love reading what you are up to. Love your giveaway as I just love Christmas. Please count me in.

Happy Stitching

Mary Joan

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

Happy Blogoversary :D please count me in!

Rachel said...

Happy Blogoversary, Sharon!!!! That is a beautiful little ornament! I'd love a chance at winning it. :)

Mary Joan said...

I have posted your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.

Mary Joan

Jan Gartlan said...

Congrats on your blogoversary. What a darling ornament. I would l.o.v.e to win :) I am a new follower

Danielle said...

Oh, what a wonderful ornament!! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.

Nima said...

Happy Bloganniversary...what a lovely ornamnet. please do add my name for the draw...thank you.

L.O. said...

Congrats on your blog's fourth anniversary! Time sure does fly by. Love your ornament. You always do such beautiful work. Have a great week! Lei

Charity C. said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I am a follower. I love the ornament and the trim looks so pretty!

Pike said...

I would LOVE to have such an adorable ornie! So cute! Please, enter me in your giveaway a few time :)

off to comment...

Julie said...

Happy bloggers are!

A lovely gift for the winner, i would love to be entered please into the draw

blueladie said...

Sharon, Happy Blogaversary! I would love to enter your giveaway. I am a follower. I rarely get the opportunity to receive a stitched item so this would be a real treat for me. Thank you. Cathryn (blueladie at hotmail dot com)

Lynn said...

Happy Bloggaversary! Your ornament is darling and I would love to be entered into the draw for it.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Shebafudge said...

That is so so cute. I would love to be entered please. Congratulations on you Blogoversary!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Happy Bloggaversary! What a sweet ornament. I'd love to have a chance to win it. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Thanks for doing this.

stormybrew57 said...

That is such a sweet ornament! Please enter me! Thank You, Beth N. (stormybrew57@aol.com)

Patty C. said...

Happy Bloggaversay !!!!!!!!!
Your ornament is just beautiful :)

Jessica said...

Happy Blogoversary Sharon! I would love a chance in your giveaway.

Autumn blessings from Jessica

Teresa S. said...

I'm a follower. Please throw my name in for the giveaway-it is a design I haven't seen before-very cute!

Unknown said...

Sounds very good, count me in! :)

geeky Heather said...

Happy blogiversary!!

What a lovely ornament!! I say the branches look awesome; they would drive me nuts because I'd have to get them all perfect, but yours look great!!

valerie said...

Happy blogiversary! May you have many more! That ornie is so cute! I would love to have my name thrown in the hat...thanks for the chance!

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

I am a follower please enter me in your lovely giveaway. I will gladly post you on my sidebar too!

Have a nice day,

butterfly said...

Oh my you have had allot of purrs, i would also love to have a chance of winning your beautiful ornament.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary! I would be honored to win either giveaway!

Bekca said...

Happy Blogaversary! I'd very much like to enter this fun giveaway, thank you for the chance. Best wishes.

Katrien said...

Happy Blogaversary! That ornament is just lovely, I'd love to enter the give-away. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Carol said...

I would love to have a chance to win your adorable ornament, Sharon--beautiful, beautiful work :)

Cross Stitch Crazy Mum said...

The ornament is gorgeous. You were 1 of the very first blogs I found when I started blogging :)

Debbie said...

I love your finish on the ornament. I know what you mean about branches....they are interesting to stitch. The stocking really feels like Christmas.

Catherine said...

So sweet!!!! Please count me in!!

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

What a great giveaway!

Happy Blogoversary to you!

Please include me... Thank you.

Cindy's Stitching said...

4 years, Sweet. This piece was finished beautifully. I am an old follower. I hope I an lucky enough to win. Congratulations on four year.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Pick me! Pick me! What a darling ornament! How kind of you.

Sharon said...

Happy Blog Anniversary Sharon! Always a pleasure to read your lovely blog!

sara said...

Happy 4th blog birthday, the ornament is gorgeous, thanks for the chance to win.
lily x

Pamela said...

Please enter me in your anniversary giveaway! I LOVE the ornament. Great stitching!

Raven/Missy said...

What a beautiful ornie! I love the ruched (sp?) ribbon edging as well. As usual you did a fantastic job!

I would love to be included in your giveaway. I have been a follower of your blog for a while now. :)

Ellen S said...

Happy 4th anniversary!! Love your blog and visit all the time!!
The ornament is gorgeous!! Please enter my name!!!

Ellen S

Friendship Crossing said...

I almost missed this post entirely!
Please count me in! Have been a follower for a long time and really enjoy your blog~congrats on 4 yrs!


Rachel S-H said...

Happy Blogoversary! I would love to enter this giveaway.

cerato said...

Happy aniversary Sharon!! I would love to enter in your draw. I post it on my blog.

lesli said...

Happy 4th Blogoversary!! Your ornament is so lovely :) I'd love to find out how you add the beautiful ribbon around the edges.

Please enter me in your giveaway..thank you!!


LisaG said...

A lovely finish & an even more lovely giveaway gift. Thank you for the opportunity of having this hanging in my lounge this christmas :)

Shpinelka said...

Happy Blogoversary!! Such a cute ornament! Love it ;-))Thanks for the chance to win :-))

I post link on my blog.

TinaTx said...

Well, that ornament is just cute! It's going to look great on my tree! :)
Congrats on your blogoversary!

Rosa said...

Happy Blogoversary!! Great Blog and love to enter your contest! Thanks!!

Fiona said...

:O sooo pretty, please enter me :) I'd love to own it!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

A giveaway, how exciting! I wonder if I'll be commenter No 100!

Kaisievic said...

Happy Blogoversary - Lovely pretty - please count me in.

Hugs, Kaye xoxox

Anne said...

Happy Blogoversary!! I love your style of finishing...so impeccable. I would love to be entered in your giveaway!!



Amanda "Stitcher Mom" said...

Happy blogaversary!!

please add me to the drawing.


Lindsay said...

WOW is it really 4 years since we first ran across each other!!!!!

Happy Blogoversary and of course I'd like to be in the draw :)

Sun City Stitcher said...

Happy, Happy Blogoversary!!!! Glad you are here.

Vicky L said...

Happy Blogiversary! The ornament is beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!

Kathy H said...

Happy blogaversary. Your ornament is so cute and I would love to hang it on my tree. This reminds me that I should get some of my patterns out to see what I would like to make for CHristmas ornaments myself.

Pumpkin said...

How exciting!!!! Happy Blogaversary Sharon :o) What a gorgeous ornie and I would LOVE to win it ;o) You know I've been a long time Follower.

Thank you for offering such a generous gift.

Mary Ann Tate said...

Hello I just joined your blog as I found it while I was wandering around. I love your header. It's very cute:) Please enter me in your giveaway as that ornament is lovely.

Shelley said...

Happy 4th Blogoversary!!
I would love to be entered into your drawing.
-aka s.tompkins76@yahoo.com

Blu said...

Happy blogoversary! What a cute ornie!

Count me in please. I'm a longtime follower. (And now I'm off to try and improve my odds ;)

Laura said...

What a beautiful ornament, please add my name to the draw.
Happy aniversary!!

BronnyB said...

Happy Bloggerversary !! I've enjoyed sharing blogging time with you over the past few years!
Now that Halloween is nearly upon us, it is time to get started on Christmas stitching - I'd love this chance to win another stitched ornament to hang on my Ornie Christmas Tree.

Measi said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Please add me to the drawing for the giveaway. :)

I've added a plug to my blog here:


Abi said...

Happy Anniversary!

My birthday is on the 6th. The ornie would be an awesome prezzie. *wink wink nudge nudge* :D

Hannah - City Stitcher said...

I would love to enter, I'm an old follower although don't comment so much. Fingers crossed! :)

Amy W. said...

I'll just make it simple & say "Pick Me, Pick Me"!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary! thanks for the chance to enter!

lynda said...

What an adorable ornament! I would love a chance! Thanks so much!

Christine said...

Happy Blogoversary!
The ornament is lovely, please include my name in the draw

Aussie Stitcher said...

The pillow is gorgeous, would love a chance to win it. Happy 4th Blogiversary.

MaryBeth said...

Happy Blogiversary! I love the little pine branches on your ornament and would love to enter the giveaway.

katica said...

Happy blogoversary! what a great giveaway, its a beautiful ornament!

I would love a chance to win! Many thanks!

Christie said...

Happy Anniversary. Love reading your blog. The stocking ornament is very pretty. ~~ Christie

Roberta said...

Love this ornament the design is great and the finishing is really nice.

Add me to the list.

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

Happy Blogaversary, Sharon! I would love the chance to win one of your lovely stitched pieces! It's so beautiful! Thank you for the chance. Blessings always in stitches...

Mel said...

The ornament is absolutely lovely. I'm not entering but wanted to say Happy Blogaversary and how I enjoyed reading your blog (just started following with my new blog)

Lee said...

What a nice way to celebrate your blogaversary! lovely lovely stitching :) I enjoy your blog and am a follower!

CJ said...

WooHoo!! One more year of blogging has passed. Thanks for all the fun with the ORT, I look forward to doing it again next year.


mamatkins said...

I follow you. Thanks, mamatkins@hotmail.com

SoCal Debbie said...

What a great idea to count all the comments for October! It's a lovely ornament! Count me in!

Eva said...

Happy Blogoversary to you!

I hope I am not too late to enter, thanks for the chance at a very sweet ornament!

Judy said...

Happy Blogoversary!!

I love your blog, have been reading it for a long time, but just now join as a follower. I usually don't comment but will start doing that.

Thank you for a chance to win a great prize, love that ornie and of course, who doesn't love fabric.


michele said...

What a lovely ornament - I am a follower and have enjoyed seeing your work! I do wish you would have your entire posts show in google reader though! I am afraid I miss a lot when I am having to quickly run through posts in reader.


Meari said...

Can you say C-U-T-E? What an adorable ornament!! Of course, I'd like to be included. I've followed your blog for a lonnnggg time. :)

Happy Blogversary!!

Susan in SC said...

Happy Blogaversary! This is suc a sweet ornament!

Jane said...

Puff, puff, pant, pant!!! I've just run all the way over from your recent post reminding us all of your lovely giveaway in celebration of your wonderful 4 year achievement.
Congratulations and yes please! I'd love to have a chance of winning xxx

Bonnie Brown said...

happy blogaversary!!