Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I had a little finish over the weekend. This was a quick and fun stitch. Snowmen and Cardinals? Two of my favorites and I know many of you love them as well.

Design ~ Friends #F47
Designer ~ Lizzie*Kate
Fabric ~ 28 count unknown/unlabeled Linen
Fiber ~ DMC

Of course, I have news of my best-est friend ~ Sheba! Her surgery went very well. The vet was able to remove the enlarged thyroid without a problem. She left the other, normal-sized and normal-looking, thyroid and this is good news! That means Sheba probably won't have to be on thyroid supplement medicine for the rest of her life. Results from the biopsy come in a week. The vet said her heart rate was already lower and I haven't seen her panting at all. It should take a week to ten days for her thyroid levels to come down to normal. She will need periodic blood tests to see where it's at.

Poor Sheba came home about five o-clock this evening. She took a ten-minute drink of water and laid down in a favorite spot in front of the door and hasn't moved. We coaxed her into eating some boiled chicken, rice and yogurt and she's had a pain pill. It really hurt to swallow. It breaks our hearts to see her in so much pain! I'm hoping she bounces back quickly. More news when it comes.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Pumpkin said...

Oh Sharon!!!! I'm SO happy to hear that all went well! I'm sure your little girl will be herself in no time ;o)

Sweet finish!

CalamityJr said...

So glad to hear the surgery went well. Now we'll pray she's up and running around in no time! (Love the Friends, by the way.)

Robin said...

Glad surgery went well. Here's hoping that she bounces back in a few days. Love the snowman and cardinal. Real cutie!

Loretta said...

Glad to hear the news is good for Sheba. Hope she is able to bounce bac quickly!

Mary said...

Poor baby...but I'm so glad all went well and hope that she is back to her old self real soon.

That's a darling finish!

Becky K in OK said...

Wonderful news regarding Sheba. Your little finish is too cute. Now how were you able to stitch during that Wow game? I had to put mine down for fear of making a big boo-boo.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy to hear the surgery is a success and that she is back home recovering. I'm sure there is no place she'd rather be than home with you.

gracie said...

Happy to read that Sheba is doing better. Zoe is sending sniffs....I am sending hugs!

Minnie said...

I'm glad yur Sheba's surgery went well. I'm sure the pain will go away soon and she will be up and around in no time.

Chris said...

I hope Sheba will be healed and feeling better soon.
Sweet finish!

Margaret said...

Love the stitching! I'm so glad the surgery went well for Sheba. Poor thing -- I think it's doubly hard when one's pets go through surgery and are in pain. How do you explain it to them that it was necessary or explain the pain? Hope she's feeling better soon.!

The Outgoing Introvert said...

Love the finish. So glad the surgery went well and I am sure she will be doing great in no time!!

Karen said...

So glad Sheba is back home! Cute finish...as always!

happy stitching...

P.J. said...

Great to here Sheba did well in surgery. She will start feeling better soon. If I can relate to an animal... I know how she feels, I had one of my thyroids remove a year ago this month.

Cute finish.

Birdie said...

So glad the surgery went well. I will continue to pray for Sheba.

Love your FRIENDS finish.


barbara said...

I'm glad the vet could, and did, leave the normal-appearing thyroid in place so she won't need meds for the rest of her life. I hope her recovery goes smoothly and quickly!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Sheba tolerated her surgery well. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

Your little snowguy is adorable.

Shelley said...

Yeah! I am so happy to hear Sheba's surgery was uneventful. Sending healing thoughts her way.

Myra said...

I've been waiting for your post and am so happy to hear that Sheba is doing well.

Cute stitch - two of my favorites too. :o)

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Sending well wishes for Sheba.. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Ruby Craft said...

So happy to hear Sheba's surgery was successful. I'm wishing her a speedy recovery. Your snowman and cardinal look like sweet friends!

Vicky said...

Love the finish and hugs to Sheba :)

Virpi said...

Cute finish. I'm glad to hear that surgery went great.

Blu Stitcher said...

Sounds like wonderful news. I will keep my fingers crossed till you get the biopsy results in. Hopefully Sheba will recover fast.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything went wel, hope she feels better soon.
Lovely cross stitch

Lesleyanne said...

So pleased the surgery went well. Love your Friends finish.

Kate said...

So pleased to hear that the surgery went well. Here"s to a speedy recovery.
Great finish.

Mouse said...

ooooo so glad to hear it all went well :) and I am sure she will bounce back quickly ... sending HUGE Cuddles :)
(love the cute design as well) love mouse xxxx

butterfly said...

Poor Sheba, hope she gets better soon.

Love your snowman.

Hazel said...

Had to hear the surgery went well for her. Big hugs from me. Xx

Marilyn said...

Your little Snowman is cute.
I'm glad to hear Sheba ia ok, hopefully she'll recover fast.

Aussie Stitcher said...

I am glad the surgery went well for Sheba, and that she has one thyroid that will work for her. I am sure that she will be back to her old self in no time.

cucki said...

i am so happy to hear that all went well..lovely stitching
big hugs xx

Bekca said...

Such a lovely finish, I am a definite fan of snowmen.
Thank you for updating us on Sheba, I hope she feels better in no time.
Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

ziet er heel mooi uit, prachtig.

ik volg je

Mvg saramsa87

Sue said...

So glad everything is turning out. She will be bouncing around again before you know it....Aided by all the love sent her way from around the world.

Sarah said...

Lovely wee finish! Glad to hear Shebas surgery went well, no doubt she'll be back to her normal self soon

miek said...

i`m glad that things are over for her and that she can recover for now.
Dogs are a strong in there pain level, and a big hug will allso helps (i mean food ofcourse, but hey i like to think that my dog rather have a hug from me than food. stupid me haahaa).

Carol said...

Whew! What a relief that sweet Sheba will be back to her old self very soon. I'm sure you're smiling ear-to-ear, Sharon!

Love your little snowman, too :)

Susan said...

Great news about Sheba! Hope she recovers quickly. Cute finish too.

Sally said...

I am so happy that Sheba's surgery went well and I hope she has a speedy recovery.

What a sweet finish!

Shirlee said...

So glad Sheba will be okay! Give her a pet & a "good dog" for me : ) Blessings, Shirlee

Lynn said...

You must all be so relieved that things have gone so well! Poor little pet... she must be so sore.
I'm sure it won't be long before she bounces back.

Cute little stitch!

Jackie said...

Hope your BFF will feel better in the coming days.
Your LK, Friend, turned out nice.

Katie said...

Your stitching finish is too cute. Congrats on the finish. Thanks for the update on Sheba. I really hope she is back up quickly. It's always hard to see our furbabies in pain.

Musicwoman said...

Hi Sharon, I pray for your daughter hoping that she will feel better and better.
Having psychical trouble with my daughter your little snowman with bird made my day- just by looking.
All the best Judith/Germany

Tricia said...

I love your stitching! In fact I just ordered that pattern the other day! :) Hope your furbaby recovers quickly!

Rachel S-H said...

Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery for her!

dixiesamplar said...

So happy to hear that Sheba is doing so well...and hope that she continues to improve!

Love the little finish...how adorable. Looking forward to seeing how you finish it up! I have a few of your lovely little freebies stitched up and plan to finish them into ornies this weekend...I'll be sure to share some snaps...thank you again for sending them all to me.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

I hope Sheba gets back to her usual self soon.

robindefender said...

I"m glad the surgery went well. Hope she's able to get into some mischief super fast!

Patty C. said...

Happy to hear Sheba is well !!!
Your little snowman finish is just darling

Mary Ann Tate said...

Fingers crossed that all goes well with any further testing and a big hug for Sheba:)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Glad Sheba came through her sergery with flying colours!

Great finish!

Sonda said...

It's wonderful that the surgery went well. Hope her recovery is swift!

Sun City Stitcher said...

Poor Sheba!!! Rest will do her good and I bet she is her old self real soon. She will get lots of love from you and give her a kiss from me.

Tell her we are twins, I only have half a thyroid too!

Love your snowman and cardinal too. Take care.

Julie said...

So peased to read all went well for Sheba.

I love the 12 Blessings

Joysze said...

Cute finish! That's awesome news about Sheba!! I hope the pain goes away quickly and she's up and about in no time.

Michelle said...

Lovely design and lovely to hear about Sheba xx

Mel said...

What a cute finish! :)

Glad Shebal's surgery went well. Poor thing in pain today though. :( But I'm sure she'll bounce back. Our fur babies are always so much stronger than we give them credit for.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad her operation went well.. heres to better days for her!

Kat said...

Happy to hear the good news about Sheba. Give her extra hugs and head pats for me.


Lisa Dunn said...

I'm so glad her surgery went well, and that they were able to leave one. I hope she starts feeling better soon!

Your snowman and cardinal is a cute piece. :o)

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

I'm glad your dog is alright!

Anonymous said...

Loving your blog- wishing Sheba a speedy recovery!

Anne said...

Great news that Sheba will be okay!! She is a most darling doggie. It's always so hard to see your pet in pain. Lots of doggie love to her and to you!!

Angela said...

I can't count how many times I've stitched this LK design, it's really cute!
I'm glad Sheba's op went well and I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Meari said...

Glad to hear Sheba came through with flying colors!