Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Monday, January 23, 2012

Double Whammy

I want to welcome everyone to the first official Totally Useless post of 2012! Welcome too all the new members of the Stitch-A-Long. Big thanks to those posting their ORT report and linking back to my blog!

Note: TUSALers leaving a comment with the link to their ORT report on this post will receive "extra credit" in the end of the year giveaway!

Here is my ORT report for January's New Moon. What an awesomely full ORT jar. I stitched my fingers to the bone from the looks of these ORTs! I will dump my jar into my big jar before I stitch any today. Don't worry if you are adding next month's on top of this month's ORTs or if you are dumping the contents of the jar in the trash...you do what YOU want to. Me, I'm psychotic about saving ORTs ~ I'd probably carry one back into the house if I found it in the car!

If you'd like to join in on this Totally Useless endeavor click here to sign up!

Since this was my first International Hermit and Stitch Weekend I took full advantage and started stitching the second I got home from work on Friday afternoon. Between loads of laundry and a little house-cleaning here and there I got so much done. Look ~ a bird!

The Finery of Nature is really growing fast! I was tickled to see a bit of blended thread in the design. Nothing like a Teresa Wentzler let's-blend-every-thread insanity ~ just enough to give a bit of bling. The bird section is close to being finished...backstitching saved until the end. I stitch in hand and I'd rather wait so the threads don't go fuzzy.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


dixiesamplar said...

What a beautiful piece...love the contrast of the thread colors on the black!

Anonymous said...

That is such a pretty piece. I love the rich colors on the dark background.

Diane (di) said...

Daffycat, I love Finery of Nature and the colors really pop on the black fabric. So pretty and great job hermitting this past week-end. :)


purple24 said...

Absolutely Beautiful!

sharine said...

Your wip looks lovely. Here is my tusal post http://www.charbellastitching.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-post.html

valerie said...

Wow, what beautiful colors and effects on the black fabric. It's looking gorgeous! Great orts!

Joysze said...

No kidding, you stitched to your heart's content! I love this piece. The colors make me smile and smile and smile. :D

That's a lot of ORTs too.

TUSAL post is here: http://joysze.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-ihsw-and-tusal.html I'm not called a brown noser for nothing. ROFL!!!

Chris McGuire said...

Just beautiful. What a wonderful design! You make me want to stitch on black.

sara said...

Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm really looking forward to filling my ORT jar every month.

Your stitching project is gorgeous, I've never stitched on black before, it must take some concentration.

Anonymous said...

Finery of nature is looking fabulous!

Just posted my Ort Report too -http://chewedaway.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal_24.html

Shebafudge said...

The colours are so rich. I'm going to love seeing this keep growing.

shazzump said...

what a lovely piece, I cant wait to see it as it progresses.

and of course here's my TUSAL for this month http://shazzump.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-and-little-stashin.html

I havent't found a big jar yet but I have hopes of finding one

SoCal Debbie said...

Your stitching is so beautiful on the black fabric! I put my ORTs in a pretty star-shaped glass dish, but I'm still looking for a cute jar for 2012.


Amanda "Stitcher Mom" said...

The design is looking gorgeous. I participated in my first IHSW this weekend too.



shazzump said...

It's such a lovely piece, cant wait to see more


and here's my TUSAL for january :)
haven't found a big jar yet

Suburban Stitcher said...

it's a lovely piece...and the black fabric makes the colors pop! amazing how black has that power ;)

Heather said...

Lovely stitching! I always love how things look on black.

I have (amazingly), got my TUSAL post up on time. http://lotuspond.silentblue.net/blog/2012/01/tusal-january-2012/

Also: Gung hay fat choy! Happy Chinese New Year!

lynda said...

That looks amazing on the black fabric...
here is my first TUSAL post of the year

Julie M said...

What a beautiful piece! The colors really pop on the black. I haven't heard about the Hermit and Stitch weekend. I will have to go check it out.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

What a beautiful piece, the stitching on black makes the design stand out to perfection.

Lija Broka said...

Wow it looks beautiful, love the colours on the background.

My post: http://stitchingincrossesandmore.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-tusal-jar-so-far.html

definitely not as much stitching as you though.

Mercedes said...

Precioso bordado, me encanta el pájaro, es realmente MUY BONITO!!!
Adjunto enlace de mi seguimiento TUSAL


Un abrazo.
Mercedes desde Málaga ESPAÑA.

Anne said...

Glad you enjoyed your first IHSW!!! It's fun to have the excuse to just stitch!! You sure did a lot and that ort jar is beautiful with all those bright colours!!


I by accident posted it two days ahead...got mixed up with the dates. That okay?

Cathy said...

Wow, nice WIP! Looks lovely stitched on black.
Happy TUSAL day!


Toffe said...

Here's my January's Tusal post ;))


I've never stitched on black before... it seems very difficult!!


katica said...

great progress, I'm loving how the colours pop on the black!

I've got my tusal posted as well! :O)


butterfly said...

Your stitching on black looks fab , beautiful chart.

Loretta said...

The Finery of Nature is coming along nicely. I love the colours.

You can find my TUSAL report here.


Nicola said...

Lovely!! Great WIP! Beautiful colours x

ricketyjo said...

Here's my TUSAL post for January:


The Finery of Nature is looking really lovely, the colours are so nice against the black. I have only stitched on black once, a bit harder work but with lovely results!

Have a great week! :)

Unknown said...

What beautiful colors, and the black fabby makes it really pop! Glad you had a fun and productive stitchy weekend!


TUSAL post


lesli said...

I am sooo loving that piece stitching on black! I've always been hesitant about it, but you make it look so beautiful!!

Here's a link to my update:

Lindsay said...

Mine's up http://purplepds.blogspot.com/2012/01/first-and-last.html

3D's Bits of Crafts said...

I got my jar posted today. you can find it here.

I can't believe I remembered! woo hoo to me! It's a dreary rainy day here in southern California. perfect to do some stitching. I love you bird on the black background. I will have to try a dark background on my next project.

Karen said...

Very pretty... the color certainly pops on that black!

happy stitching...and orting!

Carol said...

I just love things stitched on black, and this is absolutely stunning, Sharon!!

Unknown said...

I love this! I had to google it to see if it was still available, Beautiful! Oh and my ORTS are up at http://sandrasews.blogspot.com
~ Sandra

robindefender said...

I love how dramatic your stitching looks on that dark fabric.

I updated with my first TUSAL report: http://threadsofmemory.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-bap-challenge-and-birdcage.html

Hmmm, I'm not sure how to make that an actual link. Sorry, I guess it's copy and past if you want to take a peak. :(

Margaret said...

Here's my link to my TUSAL post.
Now for your stitching. That piece is gorgeous!!! Just wonderful! I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Minnie said...

I love the vivid colors on the black fabric but my eyesight is too poor for that now. My TUSAL is here:

Laurita Hall said...

OMG that little bird is beyond pretty!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful stitching, it really stands out on the black fabby.
I enjoyed IHSW also :)

My TUSAL post is here

Bonnie Brown said...

Great Orts!
Mine is up as well

Sara said...

Your piece is beautiful, it really pops on that black fabric.

My TUSAL is up...


Susan said...

Beautiful project. I love this one more every time I see it. I *have* brought ORTs back home from work, the car, etc. - doesn't everyone? 8-)

CalamityJr said...

What a beautiful piece. I can't wait to see what else you add to it!

Jan said...

The colors really pop on that fabric!

My report is on my blog.

Rebekah said...

I love your nature stitching. So pretty! I love stitching on black as it just makes everything pop so much.

Here's to another year of TUSAL! Hopefully I will have more orts than last year.


geeky Heather said...

Ooooo, pretty birdy! Here's my report!


Oh my--love that bird--and is that black cloth you are working it on??
I did the Crazy 15 challenge--actually I did 16 and have finished 2 of them--and now you can see how much stitching I did by my ORT jar--
plus if you look you will see my 2nd blog site on the upper left and that is where I mainly show all my counted cross stitch projects--
so happy stitching to all--
day or night!!!!
Hugs, Di

Barbara said...

I envy anyone who can stitch on black and that design is stunning!!
My TUSAL report:


Mary Ann Tate said...

Stitching on the black is beautiful. I must give it a try:)

Here's my report......


Raven/Missy said...

Ohh that piece looks fantastic on the black, the colors really pop! Great ORTS too!

Here is the link to my TUSAL http://raven-stitches.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal.html

Erica said...

Your WIP is coming along beautifully. The colours just pop on that dark fabric.

I got my first ORT report of 2012 up today. You can find it here:

(And thanks again for hosting this year!)

Meari said...

Your stitching is beautiful! I posted my TUSAL today: http://www.meari.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-1232012.html

Measi said...

I love it! Finery of Nature is looking to me like all of the intricate painting on those Russian lacquer boxes!

I'm typing up my TUSAL post right now... here's the link. http://measi.net/measiblog/2012/01/23/tusal-and-ihsw/

Katie said...

Here is my link http://dragonsluver.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-and-2nd-part-of-weekend.html

I just gotta say your piece is beautiful. Love your ORTs. I'm kinda weird about my ORTs too haha. So it's good to know we have that in common.

Peggy said...

That is beautiful!
I have posted about my ORTs for January. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Love your ORT jar, boy is that full!! Here's a link to my TUSAL post... http://itsdaffycat.blogspot.com/2011/11/totally-useless-stitch-long.html

Denise said...

Your stitching looks great!
This is my first year being signed up for the TUSAL. Here is my link showing my orts.
Happy Stitching

Kay said...

Stunning stitching! Just stunning.

And here is my TUSAL Post:
Kay's Random World

DJ said...

Oh...what a lovely bird, and on black too!! You've got a wonderful start! I posted my orts from the Ultimate Crazy January Challenge today, and I'm like you about collecting orts! What fun it will be to see how much we've collected at the end of the year. Here is a link to my ort report for January! http://tickledpinkinstitches.blogspot.com/2012/01/totally-useless.html *Hugs*

Nancy said...

Your stitching is beautiful!

Here's the link to my TUSAL post:

Annette said...

Beautiful bird...wow.

My TUSAL post is up :) http://www.annettesacre.com/?p=855

OctoberLace said...

Love the bird in your stitching! Here's my TUSAL blog link: http://octoberlace.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-tusal-report.html


Patty said...

And I thought my jar had a lot in it!


TxEm said...

That piece is just gorgeous. I love how it pops against that black background and I heeded your advice and bought an appropriate amount of stock in lint rollers. Thanks for the tip.

I even remembered my TUSAL post today. http://txem-firstday.blogspot.com/2012/01/totally-useless.html

Adrienne said...

I have way more ORTs than I thought I would considering I started January 1st with an empty jar. Such fun filling it up though!


Shannon Meyer said...

I really like that design!! I hate stitching on black though, but this is really pretty. Here is a link to my TUSAL...


Anonymous said...

those threads sure do pop on the black cloth!! lovely

Unknown said...

Beautiful ORTs! My Starbucks ORT "jar" is not too full yet, but I'm working on it :) http://handspunthread.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-january-2012.html

Keebles said...

I've always been terrified of black fabric, but you make it look so beautiful!

My Ort:

Christine said...

Wow, I love the little bird (sparrow?) on Finery of Nature, he's just gorgeous

Anonymous said...


Just found your blog.

Your Finery of Nature is beautiful.

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Wow your bird is sure coming along

Here's my ORT jar

Debbie xx

Hexe im Hollerbusch said...

That is a beautiful design! The colors look so vibrant on black.

My TUSAl picture: http://hexeimhollerbusch.blogspot.com/2012/01/1tusal-2012.html

Topcho said...

Here is my Tusal post for the month! http://topchochan.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-ihsw-and-tusal.html

Your wip is looking great, love that birdie <3

Julie said...

This piece is getting lovelier every time I see it.

Valentina said...

You had a very productive IHSW!!
Here's my post for the TUSAL


cucki said...

wwow your stitching is looking so sweet..
lovely orts xxx

Sarah said...

Beautiful bird, it really does pop on the black! Your can find my Jan ort report here: http://kiwigetscrafty.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-january-and-wedding-photos.html


Rike said...

What an amount of orts! Mine are just a few ( http://blog.handarbeitskorb.de/2012/01/23/tusal-2012-01-23/ )

And the bird is beautyful! It really pops out of the black background.

Have a nice day

Mouse said...

ooooo love that finch :) the colours on the piece are gorgeous :) have done my ort report
hopefully you will be able to see it here http://talesofastitchingmouse.blogspot.com/2012/01/ihsw-tusal-and-wee-bit-more-lol.html

love mouse xxxxx

CJ said...

Wow, your little jar is full. Love your Finery of Nature piece.
Haave a great day.


Julie said...

The colours just stand out.

Hope you enjoyed your first IHSW.

Shirlee said...

I recently saw The Finery of Nature finished on someone else's blog & it is gorgeous! I know your's will be too : )

My TUSAL is posted here ...



Joyce Clark Frank said...

Your nature piece is beautiful. Great stitching.
I have posted my TUSAL on the new moom, Jan. 23 on my blog and linked by to you at: http://joycesloveoflife.blogspot.com

Stitching Noni said...

Wow, doesn't the Finery of Nature looking gorgeous on the black fabric. Your ORT's are looking very healthy!

My ORT report is up but my jar is very sad....


Rachel said...

My ort report is up!!

Lisa Dunn said...

Wow! You have such a full jar! I'm very impressed. :o) Your WIP is beautiful.

I posted my TUSAL report last night.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Your piece is coming along beautifully!

I was surprised to see how many ORTs were in my jar once I emptied my traveling ORT bag and my nest's container into the jar! Here tis'


Lynn said...

Good morning Sharon! My ort report is up and you can find it here:


Finery of Nature looks wonderful! Those colours just pop on the black fabric.

Ziggyeor said...

Here's my ort report http://ziggyeor.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal.html

Your stitching is coming along very well.

SewAmy said...

Here is my post...

Kris said...

So pretty! Great progress

Karen said...

That's a very pretty bird!

Here's my TUSAL post: http://mystitchyramblings.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-first-tusal.html

Michelle said...

Oh I love it x

♥ Nia said...

Lovely stitching :)

missy-tannenbaum said...

Wow, that's so pretty! I really like the bright design on the black fabric, especially since you don't usually see nature things stitched that way.

Threeundertwo said...

You're braver than I am. I've given up stitching on black backgrounds - too hard! I love your progress. So pretty. Here's my TUSAL post; http://litandlaundry.blogspot.com/2012/01/totally-useless.html

Sue said...

It is looking beautiful. I love her designs and I agree completely with you about the number of colours she uses. lol I've posted my first TUSAL for the year. I'm so glad you said how manic you are about your ORTS. I'm the same! lol The Missus thought I was completely nuts when I told her I was joining the TUSAL.....Now she gets it! My TUSAL post is at.... http://craftthefinalfrontier.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-tusal.html

Meadows08 said...

So pretty! I love how the colours pop against the black fabric.

Linda said...

OMG! Your ORT jar is the fullest I've seen yet and it's only Jan!
You're my idol Sharon!!

Vicki said...

I love the look of stitching projects on black fabric, but man is it hard for me to see with my old eyes! haha

My TUSAL post is at:

Mindi said...

Love the piece you worked on this weekend, its really popping on the black fabric.

I'm a day late, but here's my TUSAL post!

Valerie said...

Ohhhhh, extra credit!! Here's the link to my post http://ladyval05.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-january-2012.html

Love the stitching on black! The colors really pop out.

Ann C. said...

You can find my TUSAL at http://colourfulcrossstitches.blogspot.com/p/tusal.html

The colours are beautiful on black.

Thanks for hosting again. I watched everyone last year having fun, and I just had to join.

Carla said...

great progress!!! the colors really stand out in black fabric!

here's the link to my post http://ccsstitchingdiary.blogspot.com/2012/01/post-ihsw-and-tusal.html

Tazura Seiple said...

That is such a lovely piece with the colors on that black fabric. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done.


Linda said...

Your stitching on black is gorgeous. Here is the link to my TUSAL post.


Genny Garcia said...

Mi TU SAL de Enero 2012 aquí http://gennyysusamigas.blogspot.com/ , un fuerte abrazo y mil felicitaciones por tu trabajo esta espectacular.

Jessica said...

Your current WIP is looking wonderful! So bold on the black.

Here is my ORT jar, it pails in comparison. LOL.

Melissa said...

Wow, that's a gorgeous piece!! My TUSAL post for January can be found here.

Angie said...

My first ORT report on my Tusal jar!

Thoeria said...

The contrast of the black with those vivid colours are just eye popping candy!
My orts can be found here :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a warm welcome to the SAL and here is my TUSAL jar and post for this new moon:

Dawn said...

Beautiful stitching!

I posted my TUSAL here:

Shelleen said...

Love the colors on the black fabric.

WelshHelen said...

I so love designs stitched on dark fabrics.

Here's my TUSAL post - late as usual! http://welshhelen.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-2012.html

Ashni said...

Wow! That is a lot of ORTs!

I love projects on black fabric--for some reason they seem "richer" to me.

Here's my TUSAL report:http://ashnimehal.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-and-wip-report.html

Anne said...

Wow! Lovely stitching!

My TUSAL report is at:

Pam said...

Look @ that full jar! You go girl! I posted on my blog @ http://oneslowstitcher.blogspot.net too. Take a look! =)

cerato said...

I´ve posted my TUSAL:

Unknown said...

nice update :D I've posted mine today! http://flossybobbin.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-ihsw-january-2012.html

cathymk said...

That is an impressively full jar of ORTs!! I've finally taken a photo of mine (much less impressive) and posted them here: http://cathymk.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/the-january2012-ort-report/

Love how the Finery of Nature is shaping up - the colours look amazing against that dark backdrop, it's going to be a stunning piece, just beautiful.

Patty said...

Here is my post:


Not a stitch. :-(

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

lovely stitching :D

Here's my TUSAL post


Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

lovely stitching :D

Here's my TUSAL post


Anonymous said...

I admire you for stitching on black, it looks amazing but it's more than my tired eyes can handle unfortunately. My TUSAL post is here


Sharon said...

What an amazing looking piece! Very pretty!

Sun City Stitcher said...

finery of nature is very prettey so far - I love the bird.
Here is my TUSAL post for January


Smily-Света said...

Late but not too much, hope :)

Alicia said...

Here you are :) I love that your piece on black - it just POPS - here is my TUSAL post for January 23rd - which was my birthday btw: http://dorkyyorkiesstitchingmama.blogspot.com/2012/01/okay-so-graduation-is-over-graduation.html

Having a blast so far this year.

Lyn said...

I love your WIP

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Here's my link:
Thanks for organising this event again this year.

Anonymous said...

Oooh your stitching is stunning! The colours are wonderful on the balck fabric.
I posted my ort report - here's the link

Heth said...

Love the colours, beautiful piece.

Here's my TUSAL post


Thanks for the fun!

Heth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sylvia said...

What a lovely ort jar you have. It is filling faast. i am glad you have a bigger one to port these to. My ort post is located at: http://nssaprof.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-totally-useless-sal-tusal.html.


Dani - tkdchick said...

Finery of nature is looking fatnastic! So vibrant!

Here's my ort report http://tkdchick.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-tusal.html

Pumpkin said...

Beautiful progress Sharon :o)

Mary Joan said...

You have been busy. I love the Finery of Nature, it's coming along beautifully. I also took full advantage of the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend. So a few more ORTs went into my box. I did put them first into a glass jar, but my photo was pathetic, so I put them in a box so they could be seen better. Here is the link http://maryjoanstitching.blogspot.com/p/tusal-2012.html

littledebbie said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ewa said...

I posted on time in my blog! But am late on the uptake here. Here's a link: http://darkandfluffy.blogspot.com/2012/01/ihsw-tusal.html

BronnyB said...

I'm right with you there on carrying Orts around until they are secure in the jar.
I did post my TUSAL amongst my stitching last week - I was a day ahead because I knew otherwise I'd miss the post
You can find it on my blog

jhm said...

I posted finally. Though the photo was taken at the proper time. see the post on January 29.


Anonymous said...

Posted my ORTs! Nowhere near as many as you.

diamondc said...

Here is my TUSAL for january 2012

diamondc said...

Daffycat I gave you the wrong blog address it is http://diamondc-diamondc.blogspot.com
so sorry. For my Jan. 2012 TUSAL.

Cleejoow said...

The Finery of Nature looks lovely :) here's my TUSAL report for this month

Terry said...

Stitching is lovely. I stitched on black aida about 20 years ago and remember I love the way it turned out. Don't remember if I liked stitching on it or not though. lol

Here is my TUSAL report for January. A little late but I finally got it up. lol


Ele said...

Oh, what a lovely and interesting embroidery on the black backround-
flowers and birds for a little spring.

Greetings from Germany

StitchyDon said...

I have just signed up for this. Here is my first TUSAL post:


Great Stitching!!!

Veronica said...

Love your WiP. The colors really pop on black. Here's my TUSAL update:



Carmen said...

oh,my!, i am so busy with my pHD i forgot the date...but here is my ORT.


the stitching bird look beautiful!.

Cole said...

Great TUSAL progress!! I love the colors of Finery, they really pop on the black.

Here's my TUSAL for January :)

Happy Stitching!!

Shaunterria said...

Finery is looking mighty fine :)

Here's a link to my TUSAL report for January: http://ca11i0pe.blogspot.com/2012/01/tusal-update.html

Yeah, it's empty because I just started, but hopefully it won't be that way for long!

littledebbie said...

Love your progress. I came back to repost since you said you had an accident with my comment. LOL

stitchesnscraps said...

What lovely progress you made this month! Thanks for sharing! I put up my TUSAL progress on my blog!


Jo said...

So I completely screwed up the first TUSAL date, and posted a whole 6 days early (oops... it was a full moon/half moon issue). Anyway, my first ORT report of 2012 is here:

AnaCristina said...

Hello, i did post my first tusal yesterday but with date of january 23 2012.
Because i want to post twelve tusals!



Pat Winter Gatherings said...

This is really gorgeous. Love the colors on black. Enjoy the ORT labels!

Denise said...

Here is my Jan TUSAL link

Anonymous said...

Last but not least here is January: http://www.stampwithjen.com/stamp_with_jen/2012/01/gift-exchange-and-january-tusal.html.

I've been meaning to post these all along to make it easier for you to not have to visit my blog to find them. Next year I will be more timely about posting the comments!