Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


ORT fail. Many apologies...your fearless TUSAL leader thought the New Moon was today! This is a little late but I'm here with some rather sparse ORTs to show. It looks like a nice full jar but really, compared to my last few months of ORT photos these are lousy!

Plus, this is a really craptastic snap but I wasn't too worried because I'm late enough as it is. Leave a comment on this post to let us know you have posted your ORT report for June...you will receive an extra entry in the TUSAL giveaways. Those of you who posted this month to last months report might want to post again here as well.

As many of you have noticed, I have been taking a little break from blogging. Thank you all for the emails and comments inquiring as to my whereabouts. I didn't mean to be gone so long! Life hasn't been the same these last few months. Losing Sheba was such a heartbreak, she was such a big part of our lives. How can one little soul leave such a giant hole? Dash and I have been trying to cope, sometimes not very well. I am hopeful the worst is over and sunnier days are ahead. 

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


sharine said...

Hi here is my update http://www.charbellastitching.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/tusal-6-and-some-other-bits-and-pieces.html

Karen said...

I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time. I've lost two cats in the last year. It'll get better.

My ort report:


Lana said...

You were late, but worth the wait! LOL, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! ::hugs:: Those little people in fur coats can leave some huge holes in our hearts, can't they! I still get a bit teary when I see pics of my old dalmation, and he died 13 years ago!! It truly is like losing a member of the family. Hang in there and come back when you can, we'll all be here waiting!

TexWisGirl said...

aww. i know the pain of losing a pet can go on a long time...

Vicki said...

Glad you're back and thanks for the email! My report is at http://becominggrammy.blogspot.com/2012/06/tusal-update.html

Sara said...

Sorry you're having a rough time.

My orts are posted too-

Rosemary said...

I understand your need to take a little break, but it's wonderful to have you here for a quick post. No, your photo is NOT craptastic! Thank you for a chuckle too!

Margaret said...

I forgot all about the TUSAL for this month. Busy times for me. I will post next Monday though -- made a reminder for myself. Sorry you are missing Sheba so much. I so totally understand. :(

Loretta said...

I've been MIA blogwise for the past couple of months and missed your post about Sheba. I'm sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful looking dog.

I realized this AM that I posted on your TUSAL report from last month and that you hadn't posted for awhile. I hope things get better for you.

I posted my report on Monday - http://lorettasstitchingblog.blogspot.ca/2012/06/june-ihsw-and-tusal.html

Take care!

Denise said...

I have posted my TUSAL
Happy Stitching

McKenna C. said...

I'm sorry about your loss. She'll live in your hearts forever. :)

Here's my TUSAL update: http://chiccrafting.blogspot.com/2012/06/june-ort-report.html


Keebles said...

Update posted! http://keeblesworld.blogspot.com/2012/06/june-tusal.html

Adrienne said...

My June ort report:


Annette said...

Time away is sometimes the best healer... take care :)


katica said...

I've posted my ort report...

Sending you lots of hugs, it's never easy to lose anyone we love, including our furbabies.

I know it's difficult but try to take some comfort in your wonderful memories of her and how much she means to you!

Lesleyanne said...

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I am going to post my ort report today.

Nicola said...

Hi, sorry you are having such a rough time. I know exactly how you are feeling having lost our beloved dog this year too. I posted an ORT report here http://stitch-nicola.blogspot.co.uk/

SueH said...

I’m not surprised that you’re still feeling the effects of losing Sheba. They become such a big part our lives and it’s like losing a family member. All I can say is, when you’re feeling down try and remember the fun times you spent together, it worked for me.

I was beginning to think that maybe you were on holiday when the Tusal didn’t appear on Tuesday. You must have been getting the New Moon mixed up with the Sumer Solstice and Longest Day.

Here’s my TUSAL
but I’ve had a complete disaster with my stitching this month.

Happy Stitching!

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Big Hugs those furrys really do fill a big spot in all our lives.

my TUSAL is here - http://paddingtondoo.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/its-tusal-day.html
Debbie xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely TUSAL.
Sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time. Pets are special little characters in our lives.

Smily-Света said...

Hope your times will be easier now!
My report:

Mouse said...

well better late than never ..lol and you've seen mine already heheh :)

and it will take time to heal ... as they are such a big part of our lives .....
*passes lots of tissues over and a cuppa :)... and I shall join you :)
still miss my furbaby even though we now have Master Bentley...
love mouse xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I don't think your photo, or your OTT jar, are "craptastic", more FANtastic! Here's mine:

Julie said...


Since you have lost Sheba we have lost our beloved Jake,so know how you are feeling.

JillMN said...

Sorry about your cat.

I love your new blog header!

Maud said...

Hi Daffy,
Here is my report: http://pointscroises.blogspot.ie/2012/06/tusal-ihsw-finish-and-new-haed-start.html

I hope you feel better soon

Thoeria said...

Oh Daffy...it's never easy getting over any kind of loss, and especially that of a furbaby!

I've posted my orts

Should I put the links for all the month's past here too?

Feel better soon x x

Sue said...

*gives you a hug* Our childerbeasts really do have a very special place in our hearts. I've posted this moon's TUSAL. The link is..... http://craftthefinalfrontier.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/june-tusal.html Now I'm off to blog hop other TUSALers!

cerato said...

Send you again my ORT report:



Parsley said...

It does get better but it takes a LONG time sometimes. You'll have good days and bad. Just give yourself permission to 'be'. I'm sorry for your loss of Sheba. HUGS

blueladie said...

Here's mine. :)

Rike said...

Here's my update:


Not much added but at least a few.

Happy stitching

Lynn said...

Hope the two of you are starting to feel better. It takes time when there's a loss such as this. Those furbabies really work their way into our lives.
Here's my latest TUSAL link:


Kathy A. said...

LOL - you missed the TUSAL. How funny that is.
Sorry to hear that you are still having trouble dealing with Sheba's passing. I hope your heart starts to heal soon. Sending ((((hugs))))
TUSAL posted.

stitchesnscraps said...

My dearest Sharon,

I am so sorry about your Sheba. They are part of the family. Will be thinking of you!

My June TUSAL update:


Melissa J.

ArchangelDecker said...

Sending gentle hugs and good thoughts to you.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

I totally understand losses like that. We lost our Haley four years ago on the 15th and I still get teary eyed when I think about that day. Take care and come back when you can. We'll be here!

Here's my ort report link:

Bea said...

Your ORT jar looks fine - lots of colours.

I'm so sorry you've lost a pet. They leave huge holes in our hearts.

Toffe said...

Here's my update. http://cucharillasymas.blogspot.com.es/2012/06/tusal-de-mayoy-una-orquidea.html

Sorry about Sheba :(
Time away is sometimes the best healer.
Big hugs.

Jen Bailey said...

My report will post tonight, here's a link: http://www.stampwithjen.com/stamp_with_jen/2012/06/grace-bridges-start-and-june-tusal.html.html.

So sorry to hear that you're having a tough time losing Miss Sheba, I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope that you start to feel more like yourself soon.

Lianne said...

Having lost my furbaby, Muffin, last August I can definately relate and know that their passing leaves a massive void. My thoughts are with you and I will hope for sunnier days for you.

Minnie said...

It takes a while but things will get better, hang in there. Here is my TUSAL for June.

Carla said...

Here is my TUSAL post :)


SoCal Debbie said...

I'm sorry you're missing Sheba so much. My two dogs passed at 16 years old in the same month. We waited a few months, then rescued 2 more dogs from 2 different animal shelters and have had them for 2 years now. Pets are wonderful!

My June TUSAL posting: http://debbiescrossstitch.blogspot.com/2012/06/tusal-6-and-another-finish.html

Michelle said...

Sending you a hug xx

Mary Ann Tate said...

I haven't been posting much lately either. I missed last month and actually remembered...2 days late...about TUSAL today:( Here is my link.....http://mytategallery.blogspot.ca/2012/06/june-tusal.html

p.s. I'm so sad about Sheba. She was lovely.

Pam said...

So sorry you've been having such a rough time lately. Hang in there! I've also posted my TUSAL report: http://oneslowstitcher.blogspot.com
Happy Stitching!

Lindsay said...

Mines up a day late but it's up :)


Jan said...

You're not the only late one!


It will get easier. I find I can talk about Squeaker now and laugh at some of the antics she used to get up to. Hang in there.

Rachel S-H said...

I am so sorry to hear about Sheba. Sending you hugs.

Faith... said...

You sound just like us now...better late than never! LOL I have posted my June Tusal here http://faithnchls.blogspot.com/2012/06/june-tusal-report.html


Brendon said...

Your jar is impressive!!! I love the colors that are in your jar.

Brendon said...

OOOOOOOOPS I forgot to add my ORT Report...


I forgot to add my link for last month as well but I did do it I promise!!

Brendon Jones

Jan Gartlan said...

I am sad for you losing Sheba and the gap it has left in your life. Hugs.

My ORT report is right here:

Fiona said...

I have missed reading you.... even though I don't comment much... the ORT jar shows that you are having time for at least a bit of gentle stitching during these tough days for you... take care...

Chris said...

I have been missing you and was wondering if the loss of dear Sheba was breaking your heart. Sheba sounds like she was so fabulous.
Wishing you peace.

Darla said...

I even have a list of this year's dates taped to my computer desk, and still I'm three days late this month!! But mine, pathetic though it is, is posted.

Catherine said...

Sending many hugs...
I am really late and haven't posted a TUSAL...then again, with my lack of stitching time, I don't think anyone would notice the few measly threads I have added!

Bonnie Brown said...

Sorry for your loss :(

My Tusal is up

robindefender said...

I'm even later with my update than you were! Here it is:

Our little furry ones just make life a little better, don't they? So sorry for your loss.

Rebekah said...

Here is my Ort Report.


Sending hugs and love your way and hoping you feel better soon. I know it's hard losing a pet as I have lost many over the years.

Lynn B said...

Just joined your blog, and I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Our animals are our children and when you lose one it is devasting. I hope you feel better soon. I can't wait to look around your blog. Hugs, Lynn

Anonymous said...

I managed to post my TUSAL!
We lost our dog over a year ago and still miss her terribly. They really are more than just pets, they are part of the family. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Ewa said...

Just checking in! Hope you have brighter days ahead - hugs!


Elena said...

I'm late with my update, too.

Here's my link

Anne said...

Oh my dear, my heart hurts for you :( It took us a long time to not cry over our little furbaby passing. I still think of her often and it has almost been a year.

Your ort jar looks lovely and not a crap snap!
Hugs from me and Titus


Lija Broka said...


Hope you will deal with the loss. And good luck!

Shelleen said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I still mourn 2 of my cats and it has been years.
My ort report is on my blog.

Blu said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I thought I had given you the link to my TUSAL update, but must have lost it in cyber-space somewhere. So here goes again... http://magpiesmumblings.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

My TUSAL update:


Very sorry to hear about your Sheba. Hope you are feeling more cheerful soon.

Julie said...

All pet lovers will fully understand how you are feeling, much love to you and the family. Xxxx

Ziggyeor said...

I finally got my TUSAL post in.

I feel for ya Daffy. This marks a year that I lost my FiL and my pet ferret Pratchett. I think it was harder on me to lose Pratchett as my husband and BiL had gone to FL for the funeral and arrangements and I had stayed here because of the new job.

Stitching Princess said...

Marybeth's Late (again) Post for June:

Veronica said...

Just posted my TUSAL update.


I'm so sorry about Sheba. {{{{{Hugs}}}}}


Erica said...

My ORT report is finally up. My May update seems to have disappeared somehow, so this month it's a two-for-one deal. Not sure what the heck I did with May's report. I remember writing it. *shrug*


Linda said...

My June ORT pic.



Katie said...


I'm a few days late. I was on vacation when I was supposed to post.

I'm so sorry about your loss. Don't feel bad grieving. Dogs are like children to a lot of us.

Deb said...

I posted my Ort report last week but forgot to leave my comment here, just another senior moment.
Sorry to hear about your Sheba, The loss of a pet is never easy. Take care


Sun City Stitcher said...

Hey Daffy! I have an ort report for June up on my blog someplace. I forgot to let you know - seems to be that kind of month!

Anonymous said...

Late on my repORT as normal.

Pumpkin said...

Oh Sharon, I'm SO sorry to read this sad news about Sheba :o( Being away from Blogging myself has put me behind too. I know the feeling of such a heartbreak. Sending lots of hugs your way ((((HUGS))))

D1-D2 said...

Hey Daffy

I didn't know I had to leave a comment for the ORT report. Here's my June TUSAL



Denise said...

Here is my TUSAL link for june

Anonymous said...

Here's my June report: http://www.stampwithjen.com/stamp_with_jen/2012/06/grace-bridges-start-and-june-tusal.html