Two down and ten to go. Plus that long, honkin' border! I really enjoyed this month's stitch. It seriously helped me unwind after work each day. Not that I have much time to stitch but even a few stitches relieves stress. I can't decide what I want to stitch for the rest of the week. Do I want to start another exchange project? Or maybe pull out a UFO? Decisions, decisions!

When I was kitting up this February stitch I found I was out of DMC 613. Is it kitted up elsewhere? Who knows! Easier just to go get a couple of skeins, right? So, on my day off work, I make a stop at Hobby Lobby and grab two skeins of 613. The cashier says, "That will be seventy-six cents." I was searching my purse for my money wallet. Nothing. Nada. It was in my work apron at home. I was so embarrassed to charge $.76 to my credit card. ***sigh***
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do
stitch on!
February is lovely. Love the .76c story.
At least you had your credit card with you! Sometimes I find I've forgotten the whole purse!! February glows is glowing.
I think we all have had the experience in which we realize we don't have the cash to pay for a small purchase. It's the world of plastic - credit and debit. I wonder when we'll get to the point that cash is a collectors item?
Nice finish!
Awww, perfect excuse to go back and buy something expensive!
LOL @ the 76 cent charge. Sounds just like something I would have to do. Love the heart in this block - will you wait until the end to do the border or do a bit all along?
Ack, don't you hate that!!! so frustrating :)
February looks great!
Ohhh Feb is pretty.
Hey when you got to have that skein, who cares where the money comes from!
Feb square looks good. :)
I've totally done the same on threads and on chocolate bars, charged to me card. Meh, what can you do.
Looking great Sharon...keep it up! Watch out for that pesky border. Grrr!! lol :)
Oh I love this project! You are on the homestretch now!
I find stitching to be such a great stress reliever too! Great stitching...I love having a monthly project to work on.
February Glows is beautiful!
It is great you can rewind after a busy day while you are stitching.
This heart is lovely. Can't you stitch a part of the border when you finished a block?
hihi... sorry need to laugh... I have that too, In a store without money.... Love the February Glows....
Great progress. I like these designs as they are small enough to keep up with it each month. x
It looks great! LOL about the miniscule charge on your credit card. My DH has done that once or twice!
The stitching looks lovely.
At least you had your credit card with you. And I'm sure you aren't the first to charge such a small amount. I had the same issue with 414 last week.. the snows had kept me from the craft store and I just had to make the trip for the one color!
Beautiful! Congratulations on finishing another month!
It will be fun to watch your progress on this! I love that heart, and the colors are very nice.
I have done that before and it is embarrassing! I am the worst and failing to carry cash with me.
Love your February finish!
Your story about not having money cracks me up. That happened to me at a knitting shop I used to practically live him. The owner was a real piece of work and I bought $1.06 worth of something. I only had a dollar - no change. She made me charge the amount. Needless to say I never went into that store again until she sold it.
Anyway, love your February part of your piece. It's very pretty!! Are you leaving the border to do all at the end?
It looks great! I think that is my favorite of their snappers.
I won't laugh about the 76 cents. I used to write checks for $2.
Love the Feb block!
I always feel so stupid when I have to pull out my debit card for stuff that's less than $5, but it happens, LOL!
Oh no --- how embarrassing!
I have a friend that charges EVERYTHING --even gum! on her credit card. So, I guess the cashiers are plenty used to it.
I LOVE the squares in the heart. So unexpected. :-)
February glows is gorgeous.
*stiffled giggle*...regarding the charge...I think we've all been there. One of those DUHO! moments :) Love the BC...coming along nicely :)
My money and credit cards are all in one wallet so I would have been SOL!
February looks great. Are you only stitching one block per month or can you get started on the next one?
I know what you mean about stitching relieving stress. I try and stitch during my lunch hour at work if possible. It helps.
I like this--especially the border with heart and flourish motif.
I love that block, there is something about the precise geometric shapes inside the wonky heart that is very appealing to me
Februarys block looks really pretty Sharon!
What to say? Gotta feed that addiction ! LOl
Love your progress ;-)
Such a cute design! I love these little designs and can't wait to see next month's.
Oh what will you stitch....
You do what you have to do to get what you need! Love the February square!
When a project must be finished the tiny charge will get charged. The stitching must go on! I love the February square.
Gotta have your priorities! Think how you'd have felt to leave that poor floss behind...Love the finish!
Your American storekeepers are kinder than the Aussies - most shops here have a limit on credit cards - a limit for the lowest amount, I mean! No credit card purchases under $10 or even $20 in some places. I figure it is a way of forcing you to buy other items to make up the minimum amount, and yes, I've done that more than once!
As for your question about whether you should start an exchange project or pull out a UFO...Join the 2010 club and pull out a UFO!
Looks awesome Sharon! I was going to ask you if you were using just DMC ;o) Ouch, how embarrassing! LOL!
Well,at least you had something to pay for the skeins. I was going to the doctor a few months back and, believe me, I really didn't feel like going out. I stopped on a shop to get some nail polish and when I was going to pay I discovered I left my purse at home.
The down side was the ugly face of the cashier and the pitty face on the customers (which now makes me laugh), but the upside is that I discovered it before getting to the subway and finding out I didn't even had my ticket.
Saw that as a sign and got back to stay home that afternoon lol
What a funny story, I think this all can happen. By the way what a cheap price for DMC, we pay double for one!
Your February stitching is very nice. Have a good weekend.
Regards from Holland
Such a cute block, Sharon! I've done the same thing with the tiny charge on the credit card--so embarrassing, but the sales clerk couldn't have been nicer about it.
I don't think that I put that amount on a credit card. That was some story!
February's block is gorgeous. Love the story of the floss. One day I went through the drive thru at McDonalds, ordered my $3.80 large cappucino, got to the window and pay and discovered that I had left my purse at home DOH!!! No caffeine fix for me that morning LOL.
Feb Glows looks so pretty. That 76 cent on the credit card would so happen to me too!
Pretty, pretty, pretty! It is lookin' good. Don't worry about $0.76 on your credit card. My husband remarked about a $1.55 charge for Hobby Lobby the other night and I just smiled at him - I needed the fabric and didn't have any cash. A girl has to do what a girl has to do. Have a great weekend!
You are better than me...I would have gone back in the store and found more stuff to buy to justify using the credit card!!
Your February Glows is so pretty. You are using all DMC? I have this pattern and was going to use the speciality threads, but now I am rethinking it after seeing yours!
Anotehr fantastic block! Can you tackle that border a little bit at a time?
Yes stitching really helps me unwind at the end of the day as well.
Looks very very nice, your February finish. I always stitch borders as I go and I do the same with backstitching. If not I'd never finsih anything with borders or backstitches, lol.
February looks lovely. Enjoying watching this develop. :0)
Superb block, pretty colours.
Your new glasses are nice too, a lovely gift you received.
What lovely work you create! I like so many things you do, especially the angel for your aunt with the words "Glory to God on the Highest." Could you tell me where I can find the pattern, the name of the designer, etc. Thanks so much! If you respond please write Daffycat in header so I know it's you!
This incident happened to me too. I was so embarrassed to found out that I run out of cash money (forget to take my credit card) after the market's cashier already packed all the groceries, I have no choice and rush to the nearest ATM machine to withdraw money!
Your February looks pretty! I love the heart motif design. Very nice!
February Glows is darling! hugs, Linda
Looks Great
I always have to smile when I visit your blog Sharon :)
$.76 on the credit card LOL.
Love your February piece - very pretty.
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