It has been too long since I have posted! Sorry about that, I'm still learning the new job and trying to become adjusted to working an extra ten hours a week. Plus, I've been exchange stitching so I can't share what I'm working on and I'm fresh out of ideas for stitchy blog posts!
Today was my day off work. I decided I had better finish the ornament for my exchange so it can be mailed off to Lisa V this week. I had a little panic attack, thinking I might not have "that perfect fabric" for finishing the ornament. Where would I buy Christmas fabric in March? Every store I've been to lately has it all put away until the season gets closer. Trembling, I pulled out my fabrics and to my relief I had "that perfect fabric" ~ whew! Lisa, dear, your ornament is finished and will be mailed soon...maybe even tomorrow!
I'm interested to see how you store your finishing/quilting fabrics. I am always looking for better ways to do stuff!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
I was wondering where you were. It really takes away from our time when we have to work full time. I miss the extra hours I used to have.
You have waaaayyyyyy more fabric than I have. Mine is in one plastic shopping bag LOL!
Ooh; I see lots of pretty fabrics! I keep my small stash (maybe 10 bits?) in an under-bed plastic box not unlike these. Along with all of my non-cross stitch craft stuff and my finishing supplies.
Love the fabrics - and it's always the same, isn't it? Too much stuff; not enough room to put it! LOL
LOL about needing more fabrics to fill up the box! Then another box to hold fabrics! Wow--an extra 10 hours a week. Cutting into your stitching time, I'd think!
I was looking for stash boxes today at HobbyCraft but couldn't see any, I just have mine in a side table. I think I have some of that green with candy canes :)
Hi Sharon! I store my fabrics in similar boxes and mine are being a bit overflowing now too! I have moved some of my extras to a larger box in another room and just keep out what I need for upcoming projects :)
So many yummy fabrics Sharon. Hope you settle in to your new hours soon.
What a lovely stash of fabric... I too put my fabrics in plastic boxes... Recently I'm buying a kinds of fabric to make little (gift) things, and a for finishing stitching pieces. So my boxes are to small now too. I would love to have a closet where I can sort the fabric, but that a dream for later!!!!
I love the orange owl Halloween print peeking out of the bottom of the stack. You have some great fabrics!
You'll get in the groove of the extra hours soon.
Nice fabric stash! I store mine the same way...Rubbermaid. :) I have seen some people store theirs on shelves, in cube shelving, in old pie safes... I think all of those options are so pretty and also functional. Unfortunately, I really don't have enough to justify that type of storage, but maybe someday...
Perfect example why stash is such a good thing....looks like you are in good shape. You have a wonderful selection, but more is always fun.
It takes awhile getting used to a new job...hope all is going well and your are enjoying the new position...hugs, Linda
Since I also sew and quilt, I have a lot more fabric than two boxes. But the only things I do differently is to never use boxes deeper than your shallow box. The bigger boxes are just too heavy to lift and hide all the fabric at the bottom. The translucent boxes are good for a quick look. Since I have so many boxes, I also put large labels on each end and side, so that no matter which way I store them on the shelves, I can always see a general category. I also have two sets of plastic see through drawers (one tiny for tiny cuts) for linens, organized by count and size.
I suspect you'll have the new boxes filled in no time. My shoebox of fat quarters is overflowing too!
If you looked through my stash, I'm pretty sure you could tell what holidays I like best too.
Love that stack of Halloween fabric. :::wink:::
Gorgeous fabric. I have about four pieces lol.
Pretty fabrics Sharon. Being a quilter (part time now that cross stitch has taken over my life), I have loads of fabric so it is stored in a large cabinet. If you get in a bind and need fabric, shoot me an email. I probably have something in my stash. :o)
Too organized for me. I'm one of those people who buys things twice because I have so much in so many places I forget what I have.
Wow you have some many fabrics. I don't have any. What I tell my mom is I will like to learn how to sewand glad to see you back.
Hi Sharon, I'm soo excited about my ornies this month!
My fabric is in a basket. I dont have alot yet so I fold them and line them up in a basket in colour groups. When my collection expands I will have to change ideas though.
You definitely don't need to see how I store my quilting fabrics. They're in about six of the largest Rubbermaid bins that they have! I have just too much and need to sort them out soon! Love seeing all your fabrics. They just bring a smile to one's face!
Good to hear from you! Hope you get adjusted to the new schedule all the fun fabby!!
Since you asked how we store our fabric you gave me an idea for a post for my blog. I was having a bloggy dry spell and you helped.
I hope you adjust ok to those extra 10 hours of work, but glad still find time to stitch.
You always seem to pick just the right fabric for finishing and now I can see why. Last time I saw that much fabric I was in a quilt shop ;D
Hi Sharon, beautiful fabrics collection! I stored my fabric in a box just like you. Happy fabric shopping, Sharon! :) Have a nice day!
That amount of fabric, are all beautiful! I have them hanging on racks to see them better.
Lovely fabric, I have mine in a shopping bag!
I am so sorry I forgot your Birthday Sharon, So belated Birthday wishes for the 2nd!!
Hope you get used to the new routine soon. Lots of lovely fabric there. I store mine in one of those 4-drawer plastic units - will take a pic when I move them into my Craft Room & post it on my blog. :0)
I store mine in the shoe size Really useful boxes and each one is labelled even though the boxes are clear
I usually store fabrics on cardboard rolls, so that there are less folding marks... ;))
Lots of pretty fabrics, its nice to fondle stash and fabric sometimes, and to have a good sort out!
Empty spaces in big boxes are very dangerous. They make you feel that you are short of something and that you have to fill up the empty spaces, lol.
Ooooh,lots of pretty fabrics! Up until now mine have been stored helter skelter all over the place. Now that I'm getting my stash organized I'm freeing up some boxes for storage.
We don't have half as many nice fabrics around here though.
Ohhhh, look at all that yummy fabric :o) Makes me want to dig out mine!
wow! great stash of fabbies, i wish i had a fabric stash half of that amount or even a quarter lol
Pretty fabrics!
I store mine in platic bins pretty much like yours only mine are not nearly so orderly!
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