Oh dear. Epic failure. Today is the last day of April and I have not completed my Snapper Year April block. No! No! Not the wet noodle!
What on Earth could have kept me from stitching? Yard work. Lots of yard work! Rick was out of town last weekend and I surprised him upon his return by having all the flower beds cleaned and planted. Boy, was he surprised. Or shocked, more like! Last Summer, nothing was done in the yard because of construction...new roof, siding and guttering. By the time all that was finished it was too hot for new plants and besides, who wants to work in the yard when it is hot outside? Not me! So...since last Friday I have worked my rear end off and just look at the results...
And I can't hold the camera straight.
Another view of the front bed.
My Lantana bed. Butterflies love these and they flourish in the heat.
The bed at the front porch is hard to plant as it's half shaded by the house. I planted Impatiens along the back and Rose Moss in the front.
I should have cleaned up before taking photos!
The back bed along the garage wall. Lavender, Rose Moss, Dianthus and the Clematis. The Clematis has flower buds all over and should be covered in purple flowers soon. That screen shades the air conditioner in the Summer.
While I was out, I happened to snap this hilarious photo of Sheba right as she was starting to chase a bird. I just crack up at the look on her face.
I hope to finish up that Snapper block this weekend.
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Great job on the yard. You can be forgiven for neglecting your stitching. ;-)
Have a great weekend enjoying the fruits of your labor and maybe doing a bit of stitching.
Beautiful plantings, house looks so nice, love your bird baths! Hope you left yourself some rear~so you can sit, rest and stitch this weekend:)
Wow, You have a green thumb! You have a beautiful yard. I wish I could plant all that and keep up with it. I only have a few things planted that I keep up with. Great job! Sheba is on a mission. Cute picture.
Looks good!!! I guess we can forgive you this one time....better get to stitching.
I bet you enjoy planting your flowers and how funny Sheba chasing the bird.
Oh my, your garden beds are so pretty. I enjoyed seeing Sheba. My May sampler isn't going to be ready on time either. Oh well, we are allowed one (or two) slip ups!
Sheba says: pppppbbbbbtttttt! :)
You have a lovely home.
You gave me a great idea for under my dining room window. We have a ligustrum topiary there that needs a little color underneath. I think I'll add some hostas.
Sheba --- she's so silly! What a cute dog.
Looks like you've been having lots of fun in your yard! It looks very pretty. Sheba is just beautiful!
I was thinking about you today, wondering what was keeping you so quiet. I got my answer! Everything looks so wonderful. We are still about 3-4 weeks away from planting where I live, but we're going to try to prep the beds this weekend.
Sheba looks very determined! LOL
Lovely pictures of your garden. It looks great. Smashing picture of Sheba too - definately on a mission.
Your flower beds look great!
Relax this weekend and enjoy them whilst doing some stitching!
Wow what a big end lovely house you have.. And I love your garden such a lovely flowers.
I love gardens. We bought this house 3 years ago, and now the garden is beginng to get beautifull, but more need too be done.
You have a beautiful garden and a very cosy house. Now all the work is done I hope you can do a lot of stitching in the garden and watch the plants grow.
Wow, you've been busy, Sharon--everything looks wonderful. Would you believe I haven't even bought my flowers here yet! We're looking at a new roof this summer, too, and I'm just dreading the whole mess that comes along with that...
Good luck on finishing up that April block :)
Your yard looks so good! Can't wait to see that clematis in bloom.I haven't been able to get anything done in ours since my surgery. DH is not a gardner! Our front garden is full of weeds already. I'm hoping I'll feel good enough in a week or so to tackle a few things. Your new siding looks great. You have a beautiful home!
Your garden is just lovely Sharon. Great picture of Sheba!
You certainly deserve to get your feet up now and relax with some stitching.
If you get a mo check out my giveaway.
Your flower beds look wonderful...the house and the yard is amazing. Now, with the work done, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor while stitching outdoors in the beauty.
Take care.
Ok, no wet noodle for you! The yard looks so beautiful. I think I could spend a quality amount of time just sitting and looking at all of your plants and flowers (that is if I didn't have my own to look at! LOL)!
You have do a lot of work! Luckely my husband do the garden so I have more time to stitch :-)
You have a beautiful home.
Next week maybe some stitching.
Regards Riet
It all looks wonderful!
you have been busy! The planting looks great!
What a sweetie you are to surprise him! The flower beds look wonderful and I know he must be thrilled that it's all done. My husband is working out in our yard now and will be tomorrow. It's already quite hot here. We have some lantana is our yard too. It dies back in the winter but for us it comes back each year.
Beautiful, beautiful garden!
No wonder you didn't have time to stitch.
Oh I think you are forgiven Sharon, I love your House and flower beds.
Thank you for the threads, I managed to finish the design I was working on!!
Great job Sharon! That was a lot of work you did :o) This weekend DH and I went to a nursery to get ideas and they have a new pink Hydrangea (part of the proceeds going to breast cancer). It's going to be lovely!
Wow, your property is as neat as a pin! Beautiful gardens, Sharon! Makes me feel rather guilty right about now as I've been neglecting mine to do um, other stuff (insert stitching here), lol.
Oh I spied Hostas....I love Hostas! Mine are still little pips at this point.
Your garden is so pretty! I am so jealous . . . mine is a dump! Want to come over and sort mine out for me :o) pretty pleeeease???? LOL
Thanks for the visit: I really enjoyed visiting virtually your garden ;-)
Have you tried gazania for your lanterna beds? They love sun and they give lots of flowers. I love mine last year. I'm going to buy more this year.
some friendship seeds.
Happy May!
Gosh I just love your garden Daffycat, its wonderful!
All that hard work has paid off - you have a beautiful home & garden. :0)
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