About the last crazy week? Poor Sheba got really sick with an infection and had a 105 temperature with diarrhea to boot. She had a trip to the vet's office and had her arm shaved to draw blood and got lots of fluids put under her skin to help cool her off and for dehydration. She then got a paste for the diarrhea, antibiotics for the infection and a fever reducer. She thinks it's one big dog party because she gets to eat ground beef and brown rice for her icky tummy. But she is all back to her waggy, tennis ball crazy Border Collie self now.
Me? After having a sick dog, I spent all weekend cleaning carpets and floors. Oh joy! Then, we cleaned out Jessie's old room. Rick was all gung-ho about painting it. "Between the two of us, we can have it painted in just a few hours!" he said. What he meant was, Sharon can paint it by herself in two days! Thank goodness I was able to take today off work! Sadly, I haven't had time for much stitching the past few days. Surely the coming week will be an easy one.
But I'm not going to hold my breath.
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