Here is how far I've gotten with Snapper Year. There would be more...but I keep being tempted with your blog posts. They are so interesting! I love seeing what everyone is stitching and hearing your news and celebrating your finishes!

My sister, Carol called me on Friday. From left field, she has decided to cross stitch this Winter! Carol hasn't stitched in years so she wanted a little help deciding what fabric and such. She chose
Wayward Garden by The Drawn Thread. Very pretty! I helped her order the chart & fabric from 123Stitch and she got notice it was shipped today. I'm hoping we get it in time to do a little thread shopping on Friday (
after the crowds thin out lol) and pick up anything else she may need.
Oh, hey! Anyone have the DMC list for this design? That would be handy. Evenweave fabric will be new to Carol but I have no doubt she will pick it up easily. We are both quite excited about the new project! Mmmmm, I see lots of Stitchy Saturday get-togethers in the future!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Way to go! Now you need to get her to blog!
Some progress is better than none. You still have a week or so to finish this.
Smiles - Denise
Great progress on your snappers! Your colors look so vibrant. How fun that your sister wants to start stitching again!
I may be able to help with the NP silk to DMC:
694=3045 642=522 646= no match
715=3802 713=3726 711A=3727
325=924 321=926 184=839
696=3829 471=744 982=642
These of course are only approx. matches...and they vary. I hope this helps
Well your stitching is looking good, even with all the distractions!! I looked on for the dmc list for the pattern your sister has chosen (nice to har she's getting back into stitching after all this time) but it appears the design is stitched with Needlepoint Inc. Silk Floss. Here is the link to the material list Hope this helps :)
I bet is so much fun spending time for the flosses with your sister!!! When ever I go to Hobby Lobby I ask my sister to help me pick out flosses too!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving enjoy it!!!!
Wow, I checked the link you provided. What a challenge to start with after years of not stitching. And how fun to have a sister that stitches and lives close enough to get together with....can't wait til you post her progress.
I'd love to be able to share stitching (or knitting or quilting) with family members. They're not interested at all even though they appreciate what I give them. I can tell you're excited about your sister stitching again!
Okay --- now I'm jealous. Wish my sister lived close enough for us to do that.
Have fun with your sister. Sounds like she picked a very nice project.
I love the autumn colors on your snapper.
How fun for your sister!!
Love the colors in your stitching!
I love the blowing leaves! So cute!
You're cutting it close again Missy! ;o)
That's fantastic! It's always fun when we can recruit another sap into this crazy hobby. ROFL!
That is an impressive and beautiful pattern your sister chose. Sounds like you both will be enjoying your Saturdays.
That's great about your sister! I wish I had someone in my family or even a local friend to share stitching with. No one I know around here does it! :(
It's ok though - I live vicariously through all these great blogs. :)
Lovely progress on Snapper. I'd love a family member to cross stitch too - you will have a lot of fun saturdays with your sister.
Snapper is coming along - not much more! And how exciting to have your sister want to XS again!
Not far to go on the snappers now.
What fun to have your sister stitching too
Beautifull progress on you November Snapper!!! Love the colors of the leaves..
How great is that, that you can stitch together with your sister, all winter!!! You will be having a lot of fun I think.. Good luck with the shopping!!!
How very wonderful for you to have your sister start stitching again. Tell her we are all cheering her on! The pattern she picked is very pretty.
The Snapper piece is coming along fine. It's still November!
And how nice to hear about a new stitcher. We want this craft to survive!
You're so lucky to have a sister who stitches, Sharon (and I love her name!!!)...
Your Snapper is looking great--almost done for the year! Where has 2010 gone?!
Gorgeous colors - snapper is looking great :) How cool is that, that you have a sister to stitch with.
Snappers are almost complete for this year
Hope your sis is going to get a blog too so we can follow her progress LOL
Your progress is great! Happy Thanksgiving!
Nice progress! You are almost there - keep going!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Your November Sanpper looks great. How much fun to have a sister who stitches. Have a great Thanksgiving.
November is looking great! And how wonderful to be able to share stitching with your sister. Neither of mine stitch and it would be so much fun if they did!
NOvember is looking great Sharon :) My gosh you are almost done, Go Sharon Go! LOL.
Snapper is coming along really nicely. Me and my sister have stitching sessions too, it was me who helped pick out her first kit :) I hope you have a great time helping out your sister!
Great progress - love the colours. WTG on getting a stitching partner... enjoy those stitchy sessions... & helping her to buy stash. LOL :0)
I love the fall colours of your project!
November will get done in time I just know it.
Nice to have a sister you can stitch with and spend time with. Enjoy the moments.
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