Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Monday, November 1, 2010


It's my 3rd blogoversary!
Join me in celebrating with a Tootsie Pop!

Photo created using the photo captioner at Lolcats.
Those of you that are too young or from outside the States can click here to understand my use of an owl and the number three. Or you can just click there to see the fun commercial!

To have an even bigger celebration, leave a comment on this post to enter my blogoversary giveaway. I'm going to stitch a special gift for the winner and maybe add in a goody or two or thrrrrree. I'll draw a winner on Sunday, November 14th. I won't stitch the prize until I know who wins so don't expect an immediate picture!
Entries for the giveaway drawing are now closed.
The winner will be announced soon!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Jennifer said...

Congrats on three years!

Please count me in your giveaway. (Too bad for me though, the first post never wins. LOL!)

Jo said...

Happy Blogoversary Sharon!!!

Ulla said...

Happy 3rd blogoversary! Please enter my name in the drawing.

Unknown said...

Congrats, and I look forward to reading many more years! I would love to be part of your giveaway :)

katiem said...

I hope you have a happy blogiversary! Drop my name in the hat, will you?

maurer dot katie at gmail dot com

Christie said...

That is so funny. Everytime I eat a Tootsie Pop (yes I had a chocolate one today) I think the same thing..."how many licks..." . I don't think I made it past three :-) Christie

Cath said...

Happy Blogoversary . I'd like ot be entered , please .
thanks . X

Cole said...

Happy Blogoversary!! And to many more to come too :)

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

I love that commercial and always have since I was little.

Please include me in your drawing.

Thank you for this opportunity to join in on the fun.

Billie said...

Way to goooooo!!!! Enjoy the next year. I really enjoy reading your blog ;-)

shutterbug (Elaine) said...

Happy 3rd Blogoversary! And I do remember the commercials very well! (showing my age here) I love owls so I love the pic you chose for your blog. :) About that list of blogs...mine isn't there. :( Maybe because I seldom update lately. I'm trying to change that! :)
Hugs, Elaine

BubzRugz said...

Of course I had to look at the advert for Tootsie Pop..... happy 3rd blogaversary....

CalamityJr said...

Congratulations on number 3! I've been reading your blog since I discovered stitching blogs (using bookmarks to check back in), before I even knew how to follow! and have always loved seeing your stitching and finishes, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to win your surprise! Thanks for the chance!

MashuStick said...

Happy Blogoversary . I'd like tоо )))

Friendship Crossing said...

Congrats on the big THREE!! (i'm coming up on my first real soon) :))

Please include me in. Thanks!

Loved the old commercial!


Lonneke said...

Wo hoo! Three years! Congratulations with your blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary! I wish you many, many more!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Congrats on 3 years !!! Please enter me!! and I had Toosie Roll Pops left over from Halloween !!!

Lesleyanne said...

Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging. Please enter me in your draw.

Jan said...

Wow! Three years! Congratulations! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

Kat said...

I loved that commercial! Congratulations, and please enter me. Thanks!


Faye said...

WE are studing owls in first grade right now!!! So hhhoooooottttt and congrats on a successful and interesting blog!!! Count me in on the fun...~~ Faye

Missy Ann said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Here's hoping all my good giveaway karma comes back at me quickly!

Pumpkin said...


Happy Blogaversary Sharon! I would LOVE to celebrate with you :o) You know I'm one of your biggest fans. LOL!

valerie said...

Congrats on your three year blog anniversary! Please include me...love surprises!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Thrrreeee! I'd love to be entered!

P.S. I wasn't too young, darn!

Lynn said...

Happy Blogaversary!! I'd forgotten all about that commercial and it was great seeing it again.
Please enter me into your draw so I can celebrate right along with you! Congrats!!

Annette said...

Congratz Sharon... wow Three years, great job.
You have such a lovely blog and love to see each time what you have made.
Keep on making such beautifull things.
I lov eto enter in teh draw!!!!

Hillery said...

I would love a chance to win. And please stop by my blog for a giveaway.
Thanks so much.

Lainey said...

Happy Blogoversary Sharon!!!
Please enter me in your draw I would love to win a stitched piece by you. Hugs!

Missy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I guess I'm just far too young to understand the Owl reference.......la da da...How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?....oh drats I do remember not to mention I'm probably a wee bit older than you. But I had to try and deny it. lol



Myra said...

Congratulations Sharon! I alway enjoying reading what you have to say. Here's to many more wonderful blogging years.

Berit said...

What an awesome owl pic--congrats on 3 years! :D

Chris said...

Congratulations on 3 years & here's to many more!!!

Anonymous said...

happy 3rd!
Please count me in..I love your blog.

Pauline said...

Congrats on number 3!

Owl be waiting to see if you pick me! (I know, not *that* funny, but I couldn't help myself lol)

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd blogoversary! Time sure does fly. I remember the tootsie roll commercial. Believe it or not, I saw it on TV a week or so ago. It makes me smile every time I see it, in addition to making me feel old.

Your blog is still a wonderful place to visit. Congrats! Take care.


stormybrew57 said...

Thanks for the fun! I remember that commercial so well. Please enter me in your giveaway! Thank You, Beth N. (stormybrew57@aol.com)

Lisa V said...

Way to go with 3 years! YAY!
I would love to be entered in the draw for your giveaway. Thanks &

Barbi said...

3 years!!! That's wonderful!
Congratulations on year threeeeee!
Stitch me something...quick!! LOL
Or just design the third reindeer for me. I don't ask for much.

Theresa said...

Happy blogoversary!!!!!! I enjoy reading your blog very much!!!!!

Kathy said...

Happy Blogoversary! And wishes for many more.
Please enter me in your giveaway.

katkiley @ aol.com

Deborah said...

Happy Blogoversary!! 3 years-- how awesome. Thanks for letting me enter.

Erica said...

Happy Blogoversary! Someday I should figure out when mine is - I've never checked. Isn't that silly?

Please add me to your giveaway. I so enjoy your blog - please keep it up (even if I'm more of a lurker than a commenter)!

Thanks so much!

Parsley said...

Congrats! Enter me please and if I get lucky and win, I'll be able to see one of your finishing techniques. LOL

Patty C. said...

What a whoot
Count me in for the giveaway even though those owl eye won't stop looking at me - lol
Anything "stitchy" from you would be a delight ;)
Take Care

Robin said...

Congrats! and count me in. Many happy returns of the day....and here's to three more!

Heather said...

Congratulations on three years of posting on your blog! And here's to many, many more years!

lynda said...

Congratulations! I would love to be included in your giveaway. Thanks!

Christine said...

Love your blog! Draw away!

Sun City Stitcher said...

HAPPY aniveresary. How time does fly. Keep up the good work!

~*Sharee*~ said...

Congrats on your anniversary hun; please enter me in your giveaway; I'd love to have something you stitched in our home. :) How many licks does it take to get to the middle of a tootsie roll??? LOL

Hugs, Shar

imnverted said...

Love the pic! Congrats on three years!

Karen said...

Congratulations on this milestone...how many years is this in a dog's life???? I love reading your blog and look forward to many more!

Melanie said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!!! :)

P. G. said...

Yeah for three!! I love your blog, please put me in your giveaway!

pamgrouette at gmail dot com

Joanna said...

You have a charming blog. It's very inspiring. I found it when I did a search for cross stitch blogs, and I loved the name and header. Congrats on your three year anniversary!

Kathy said...

Happy Third Blogaversary! I love reading your blog. Please enter me for your giveaway.

Pike said...

Happy blogoversary! Please enter me in the giveaway!

Pirjo from Finland

Veronica said...

Happy Blogoversary! Please count me in for your Giveaway. Thank you!

Christine said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Thanks for the helpful explanation to the cultural reference ;)
Sadly it leaves me with yet another question, one that has puzzled me for some time. What exactly IS a Tootsy Roll?

Bonnie said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Please enter my name in your giveaway.

Poppypatchwork said...

Congratulations on 3 years, love keeping up with you, and yes please add me to your giveaway.

Barb said...

Hey three years well done on your anniversary. Please may I enter your giveaway and now I am going to look at the commercial !!!!!

Carol said...

Congratulations on three fun years, Sharon!! Count me in on the drawing :) And thanks for the chance...

Jodie said...

Happy Blogoversary!! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Julie said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogoversary, i'd love to be added to your draw, thank you.

A fun commercial!

Sew Wilde said...

Happy 3rd Blogoversary!! Thanks for all the cute charts and needle minder tut.


Laura said...

Happy blogoversary! Your picture made me laugh out loud because my goofy daughter actually does the entire commercial every time she eats a tootsie pop. Ah one, ah twohoo, ah threehee!

Kttycat said...

Lol those commercials always give me a hoot. Happy 3rd Blogoversary!

Peonies & Magnolias said...

What a great way to celebrate your blogoversary. Congrats.


ArchangelDecker said...

Happy blogoversary! :D

Scully said...

I've just found your blog and became a follower. I'd love to have you stitch for me! Congrats on three years. I've just started my own, and three years sounds like a long time...


Paisley said...

I remember the Tootsie Pop owl!

Happy Blogoversary!!

Mel said...

woohoo 3 years! Congrats. :)

Kd Brown said...

Happy blogoversary, Sharon! What a great celebration. Three years--can you believe it? I'd love to be in the drawing for your special gift. Thank you!
brown.k (at) centurytel.net

Karyn said...

Happy Blogoversary Daf! Woot-woot and hugs :)

Marjorie said...

Congrats on three years! Love that commercial by the way. Please include me in your drawing.

LisaG said...

Happy blogoversary, heres to another year :-)

Ellen said...

Happy Blogoversary! Love to enter your giveaway, thank you.


BeachQuilter said...

Happy Blogoversary! I look forward to another enjoyable year!

Blu said...

Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more.

Please toss my name in the hat~

mbroider said...

Congratulations on completing 3 bloggy years. Wishing you many more.

Pls add me to your giveaway, thank you:)

Teresa S. said...

Please throw my name in for your giveaway!

LoriU said...

Congratulations and thanks for offering a giveaway!


Karan said...

Happy Third Blogoversary Sharon. :0)

Anne R said...

Happy blogoversary! Wow - 3 years... Makes you think how fast time flies, doesn't it? Glad to have been here for some of that time though - you've made some wonderful stuff in that time!

It also makes me think I haven't updated my blog in over a month - studying is hard work! :) Bad me, must update tomorrow!

Shelleen said...

I loved that commercial for the tootsie pop. Please add me in your giveaway.

Carmen said...

Happy 3rd blogoversary!!!. Please enter my name in the drawing. greetings! ;D

Terri said...

Happy blogoversary! Please enter me into your drawing.

Michele said...

Happy Blogivesary! I'd love to be entered in your drawing :)

Chiloe said...

Happy 3 rd blogoversary Sharon ♥ Please entre me in your giveaway ;-)

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading your blog Happy blogoversary!!! I hope to be enter in your giveaway thanks

♥ Nia said...

Congratulations on your blogversary!
Please, count me in for the giveaway :)

Carolyn NC said...

Congrats on the blogaversary! Pls. add me in - :)

Bekca said...

Congratulations on three lovely years of blogging! Please enter my name in the giveaway :)

Micki said...

Happy Blog Anniversary and thanks for a chance to win!

tkdquintmom said...

I've been SUCH a horrible blogger lately and who's do I stop by first? Yup...yours and I'm just rolling on the floor at that owl! and yes, I remember that commerical...oh too well! Happy Bloggy!

Lindsay said...

Happy Blogoversary Sharon

Jessica said...

Have you seen the itty bitty tootsie pops? They are like the size of dum dums. The kids get them from trick or treating.

Happy blogaversary to you!

Sharlotte said...

Congrats to 3 yers Sharon! Here's to many more! Please add my name in. I'll love to have something from you! :)

Miokka said...

Happy blogoversary!!!! Hope I am still reading your in another 30 years!

Anonymous said...

wow!!! 3 yrs...that's great! Please include me also.


gracie said...

I found you! And I do remember the Tootsie Pop commercials.....please count me in for the drawing....

Ranae said...

Congrats! for 3 years, keep up the great posts.
Please enter me!

TinaTx said...

Happy blogoversary!
Here's to many more!!!

Carol R said...

Congratulations Sharon on your 3rd blogoversary! Please enter me into your draw.

Meari said...

I know the commercial. LOL!

Count me in.. and happy blogversary!

JOLENE said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Blogoversary!!!!! I would love to enter your giveaway. Sounds fun! Smiles...

Bonnie Brown said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Please enter me!!

Hazel said...

Congrats on three years! Woohoo! I'd love to enter your giveaway. Thank you. xx

omashee aka Barb said...

WooWooWoo! Congrats Sharon on your 3rd Blogoversary!
How many licks in a Tootsie Roll Pop? Never the same for me!
Crossing my fingers & toes that I'll be your lucky winner.
Hugs, Barb