Big thank-yous all around. I had 114 entries on my Blogoversary post! Wow ~ I am truly overwhelmed. It is just flabbergasting to have this many people actually interested in my blog. Thank you all so much for your support over the past three years. I drew the winners for my Blogoversary giveaway. That's right, you heard me correctly. Winners. I had so many entries I decided to draw two winners! Surprise!
The first winner is Lizy of
LizyMorales. Lizy is a young but dedicated stitcher who's finishes are amazing. If you haven't seen her blog before I encourage you to check it out!
The next name drawn was Ma Teakettle of
The Teakettle Corner. Ma's blog is full of darling stitching and she is so much fun ~ she is sure to keep you laughing. Another blog to add to your must-read list.
Congratulations, girls! I will start stitching you each something special very soon. Be patient, though...I am a really SLOW stitcher!
Since this post is all about thank-you's, how appropriate was this gift I received yesterday? The winner of my recent hidden giveaway was Bekca of
The Stitching Lion. Well, Bekca decided she must make me a thank you gift in return and here is what she created...

Bekca made me a darling Halloween treat bag, sent three lovely threads and stitched a Margaret Sherry kitty (which she must know I adore Margaret Sherry kitties above all else) and created a greeting card out of it.

Isn't that the CUTEST kitty
ever? I might need to carefully take apart the card and sew this kitty into a Halloween ornament. What do you think? Thank you
so much Bekca. I love everything you sent!
I am behind on my blog reading ~ again. I still haven't finished my exchange project. Still haven't started my November Snapper block. *sigh* It's been one of those weeks, I guess. Here's to catching up!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!